
395 Decks, 3,488 Comments, 884 Reputation

interesting. although really this deck is designed to lockout any deck that isn't white, or red if they are playing white. the brass city is really for the alabaster leech so that I can play it turn 1 and still have the right lands to play my double black spells quickly. yes there is a bonus of being able to use it with the fiend, but that is secondary to the leech.

you are looking at this within the normal context of how the leech is annoying against it's own color, but not game changing for the other 4 colors. with the painter's servant out, it makes all cards in the game the color that I choose, even before they are played. and if they have no lands that can add white, (or red if I use ruby leech)... then they cannot play any spells because everything they have costs at least 1 of a color that they can't produce. the memoricide is in the sideboard because the first game that I play in a set, I am generally not going to know if they have any problem cards, so it is really a dead draw for me. but game 2 I can swap out a playset of leeches for it, because then I know whether both are needed or not.

anyways, thank you for the comment. :) and feel free to comment on any of my other decks too. I would love the input. :)

Posted 10 January 2013 at 00:23 in reply to #315407 on leeched lockdown


another card that would be good here is conjurors closet.

Posted 09 January 2013 at 05:31 as a comment on Ally self pop/creaturepump


Another good switch for cancel would be dissipate, same mana cost and it also exiles instead of graveyard.

All in all though this deck looks fairly solid. Your mana curve is maybe a tad bit high, but it could be a ton worse. Maybe look into some 1 drops, for early game. That is really all that I can think of.

Posted 09 January 2013 at 04:00 in reply to #315175 on Rate My Deck


actually I think that the evolving wilds is fine here. it helps thin out the deck, which means that you don't draw lands when you need to draw usable cards.

Posted 09 January 2013 at 02:48 as a comment on Rate My Deck


you could also throw in burning vengeance too, to deal some extra damage every time you flashback.

Posted 09 January 2013 at 02:31 as a comment on Tibalt


Also, you a couple of planeswalkers in here that are not going to benefit you because you have no card support for them. Such as nissa and tezzeret. No elves and no artifacts means they are both useless to you. So I think that you should either add in some, or take those cards out because are just dead draws for you.

Posted 08 January 2013 at 21:50 as a comment on Rise of the Planeswalkers


got some good cards in here. I have a similar deck. although mine has aura gnarlids in it. they get bigger with each aura on the field, and they can only be blocked by creatures with power at least equal to it. :)

Posted 07 January 2013 at 09:50 as a comment on Green/Blue Aura


you should put intruder alarm in here, for an infinite amount of godsire tokens. :) the only other thing that I would change here is the lands. take 1 of each out, and put in 3 evolving wilds or something similar. for deck thinning and mana fixing. other than that this looks fantastic. :)

Posted 04 January 2013 at 09:22 as a comment on Godsire swarm


it would be kind of redundant, since everything has exalted anyway... knotvine is great with exalted, and particularly with rafiq of the many. something else that would be good if you have any is kithkin armor, because then you can throw a HUGE double striking creature at the opponant, and they are gonna have a hard time blocking it too. :)

Posted 04 January 2013 at 06:46 in reply to #313870 on Knotvine Paladin Exalted


That would work, even if it breaks the mana a little. :)

Posted 04 January 2013 at 04:24 in reply to #313776 on Arcanum what?


@Gaspartacus. I thought about the noble. Good sideboard card for human decks. Thanks. :)

@AlleywayJack. Didn't even think about landfall, and although I dont like it very much it could be pretty decent. I will look into other cheap landfall cards as well.

Thanks for the comments and compliments all. :)

Posted 03 January 2013 at 22:17 as a comment on there can be only 1 (CMC that is.)


I like the stalker. Maybe swap him for phantom warrior. I like the soul because it is a 1 drop, and that means I can use the aura swap on turn 3, hopefully having gotten the wings and the conscription in my opening hand.

The biggest thing that I have an issue with is being able to pull of the infinite combo in here: infinite combat phases. I need something cheap that gives haste to all of my creatures. Got any good ideas?

Posted 03 January 2013 at 21:58 as a comment on Arcanum what?


Good call. I hadn't even thought about cathars crusade or the closet for late game. Those are way good suggestions. I will have to try and find a way to fit them in. :)

Posted 03 January 2013 at 21:52 in reply to #313381 on allies of hatred



my bad

Posted 03 January 2013 at 05:31 in reply to #313465 on black death


I like this one!!! :) good ramp with the dark realms, and effective with your direct damage spells. the only thing that I would ass in here is pack rat, or typhoid rats for death-touch.
overall though, this is solid and looks fun to play.

Posted 02 January 2013 at 08:56 as a comment on black death


Ilike the gravity well, but I like raking canopy better. deals 4 damage to a flyer when it attacks. also maybe sundering growth instead of naturalize, if you happen to have some 3/3 beast tokens out it might be a nice bonus. all in all the best looking deck that I have seen on here since the update. :)

Posted 02 January 2013 at 08:33 as a comment on Miracle grow


so... what does it do? I see lots of really high cmc cards... but no win condition. what is it supposed to do?
I do see a lot of mill, and anti-mill but... nothing really coherant at all.

I really, REALLY want to like your decks. they seem to be unique, and you seem to really have a passion and a desire to be a good deck builder, and wan to have fun with the game. but you aren't thinking about how effective a deck is going to be, other than "these cards look like they could do something together." I would be happy to help you refine your deck building skills, or... if you want to tell me to go shove it where the sun don't shine (cause I have commented negatively on multiple decks of yours now), I can understand that too. great person to ask for advice: Surewhynot. one of, if not THE, best deck builders on this site... in addition to being a modorator for it.

ok... enough ranting. if you are still reading... then... :)
from what I can tell, and please correct me if I am wrong, you are wanting to be very defensive and have a deck that really well... plays itself. you don't want to have to worry about attacking or blocking. hence the platinum creatures on defense, and the crawler for offense. the first thing that I want to point out is that generally 7 mana for the angel, and mana for the golem, is very hard to get out unless you have a fairly long game or you have landsearching... which you don't. so that would be my firs suggestion: either find a way to consistantly get lands out faster, or drop the big ugly nasty cmc cards. anything above 4 mana should win you the game in 4 turns or less, without having another 5+ cmc card that you have to put out.

next: if mill is what you are aiming at, there are a few cheap cards that can improve your deck drastically. chronic flooding is a good one, as is hedron crab. if draw is what you want then, as has been suggested, howling mine would be good and underworld dreams.

I hope that my comments have been helpful, if a bit blunt. I really am not a jerk... :) happy deckbuilding.

Posted 02 January 2013 at 06:17 as a comment on Invisible Deck


in all seriousness though, Odric is such an insane card. it basicaly says: When Odric, Master Tacticion attacks with at least 3 other creatures, creatures defending player controls can't block this turn. why is that not a mythic rare?

Gasparicus, you should check out ome of my new decks. I would apreciate some feedback on them.

Posted 02 January 2013 at 03:38 as a comment on Selesnymeh


that looks much better. Do you actually have this deck, or is it just a design that you thought up?
although by the way I really like the doubles that you have, and they make the magus worth using, particularly if you use it to untap another land, cause you get both untapped. so as much as you like the life gain, you might want to think about swapping some of those refuges instead. also, you can also get more uses out them when you put out the doubles because you have to bounce a land. also, if you are worried about life gain you could put in trained caracal. 1/1 life-link for W. or put in the life-link enchant aura. again, only W to play. :) oh, random thought... since you have a decen number of enchantments in here is ethereal armor. enchanted creature gets +1/+1 for each enchantment that you control, and has first strike.

well, those are my thoughts on the matter. hope they help. :)

Posted 02 January 2013 at 00:48 in reply to #313169 on 100 cards 5 colors 1 mana each


My yellow camel deck would destroy both of you at the same time!!!

Posted 01 January 2013 at 07:34 in reply to #313172 on Selesnymeh


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