
395 Decks, 3,488 Comments, 884 Reputation

You should throw fist of suns in here. :). It would help get progenitus out much faster. :)potentially turn 6 it so if you have chromatic lantern on the field, or faster if you have some other mana acceleration. Overall though, this is a good deck. :)

Posted 23 January 2013 at 09:20 as a comment on Ultimatum


Such an awesome deck. Lol...

Posted 23 January 2013 at 06:37 as a comment on • Hack •


A couple of other cards that would work are heartmender, which allows you to take a -1/-1 counter from a creature you control each turn, and quilspike, which allows you to do it for B/G per counter.

Posted 22 January 2013 at 04:53 in reply to #317249 on The deck of Knowing


You think this one is good then you should check out the other decks that I have posted here. :)

Posted 22 January 2013 at 04:22 in reply to #317953 on golgari


I can help you with that. There are many ways to win with all defenders. I will take a look at it. :)

Posted 21 January 2013 at 23:37 in reply to #248053 on World's Worst Deck


So once a single split second card has been played not even you can play another spell until it has resolved. So it had better be a game changing spell.

Posted 21 January 2013 at 22:59 in reply to #316056 on TheDeckOfStackManipulation


ok, the problem with that is that the gigantomancr only modifies the base power and toughness of the creature, and not the bonuses given by any counters. so the creature becomes a base 7/7, but still has the -1/-1 counters on it, and they still have the effect of making it a smaller creature. if you really want to keep the hyldra alive really easily, then throw in mellira, sylvlok outcast. she says that creatures you control CANNOT have -1/-1 counters placed on them. so it never gets any smaller in the first place. :)

also, wandering wolf is the creature I meant, not young wolf. my bad. :) anyways... happy deck building. :)

Posted 21 January 2013 at 22:42 in reply to #317249 on The deck of Knowing


Ok. so a deck that gets out big creatures, Right? You have some draw to get more lands, so you can play your more expensive cards earlier on, and some decent cheap stuff to hold the opponent at bay until then. I do have a question though, how does gigantomancer keep Phyrexian hydra alive? It does work really well with young wolf though, seeing as how only creatures with power equal to or greater than its own can block it. As for good mythics... Um khalni hydra wouldn't be bad. 8/8 for GGGGGGGG, but costs G less for each green creature you control. Also, some land bouncing cards would be good too, for your woodcrasher. Or maybe Or something like ghostly flicker.

Posted 18 January 2013 at 20:26 as a comment on The deck of Knowing


Ooh, another card that I just thought of: telepathy. U to play, and your opponents play with hands revealed. Annoying as heck. :)

Posted 15 January 2013 at 21:57 as a comment on 100 cards 5 colors 1 mana each


True, but you can play 2 of them on that turn 4. It was just a suggestion. :)

Posted 15 January 2013 at 01:11 in reply to #316178 on And flights of Angels


It is bant colors, and nothing more. As for deck structure, yes I know there isn't any. This deck was built from spare cards that I had laying around, to introduce my brother to the game. wasn't ever meant to be a competitive deck, or really even a serious casual one. But when you are playing against decks of a similar nature, it can be pretty fun.

Posted 14 January 2013 at 13:50 in reply to #316350 on bant deck


well, I would swap archangel for twilight shepard. less mana same power and toughness and vigilance, and persist. also maybe some serra avengers as well. 3/3 flying vigilance, for WW.

Posted 13 January 2013 at 12:03 as a comment on And flights of Angels


Yes, I understand split second and how it works, but I don't understand how THIS deck works. And actually spells can still be played that turn, the stack just has to clear first.

Posted 12 January 2013 at 22:22 in reply to #316056 on TheDeckOfStackManipulation


but that doesn't make sense. if you copy something, you have interacted with it, and then the copy counters the origianl which means that the original had to exist. but if it gets countered then it doesn't get to exist, therefore it couldn't have been copied.

Posted 11 January 2013 at 09:28 in reply to #315726 on Go Kill Yourself


how does curse of echos stop counter spells?

Posted 11 January 2013 at 09:01 as a comment on Go Kill Yourself


I looked at the graffdigger's cage, and it would still stop you, because it says that creature cards cannot enter the battlefield from lgraveyards or libraries.
and players can't cast cards in graveyards or libraries

so it would stop you from getting the big uglies out.

Posted 11 January 2013 at 03:37 in reply to #254347 on old school bant


Ok, so I see that you have the crawler in here, which is great. But you could also add in underworld dreams too, to put the howling mine to good use. Trade secrets wouldn't be bad here either.

Posted 10 January 2013 at 22:20 as a comment on Invisible Deck


so... they are still dead draws though, so they don't help you other than being somethimg to discard. and if you wanted one of each, then why not put each different card in? jace, chandra, and garruk each have at least 3. why not have them?

sorry about the multi post. crappy connection here.

Posted 10 January 2013 at 02:09 in reply to #315111 on Rise of the Planeswalkers


ok, I understand the concept, but not the execution. how is this supposed to work?

Posted 10 January 2013 at 00:53 as a comment on TheDeckOfStackManipulation


so what kind of input are you looking for on this deck? I know you said sideboard, but the real question is what kind of threats does this deck have to deal with that mainboard cards cant?

Posted 10 January 2013 at 00:38 as a comment on My Machine-Head


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