
395 Decks, 3,488 Comments, 884 Reputation

Very fascinating deck. I love fast cheap combos like this. Always a treat to find fun budget gems. Excellent build. I saw above someone mention a Near Death Experience deck (I think) and had a thought on that. If you are worried about getting shocked or lightning bolted... Add in grand abolisher. Opponents can't cast spells, or activate non mana abilities.

Posted 11 August 2013 at 21:11 as a comment on Mono Black: Turn 1or3 Win $13


both are very interesting suggestions. I will certainly take them into consideration. thanks. :)

Posted 08 August 2013 at 02:56 in reply to #387161 on raining goblins


short answer yes, but they aren't as good as arid mesa or marsh flats. I still use evolving and terramorphic in several decks anyways. :)

Posted 08 August 2013 at 02:53 in reply to #386717 on FIrst Deck


ok... soul warden is almost s good. although I am petty sure that attendant ha been out of standard for a good chunk of time now... as for the Serra ascendant, that's true, they are a bit pricey. I was just giving suggestions on how I think the deck could perform better is all.

Posted 07 August 2013 at 09:23 in reply to #386802 on FIrst Deck


also, I would swap out your Concordia Pegasus for more soul attendants and more Serra ascendants. just my thoughts though. :)

Posted 06 August 2013 at 23:20 as a comment on FIrst Deck


the land searching is for deck thinning later on. not really because you need land you don't have. Think about it like this. when you play an Arid Mesa it gets a card from your hand, and it also gets a card from your library, reducing the chances of you drawing another land later on in the game when you already have plenty of lands, which means that you are more likely to draw a useful card. heck, you could even use evolving wilds or terramorphic expanse, even though they are "slow" land searching cards because the lands come in tapped.

as for the journey to nowhere... it is a really cheap card.

Posted 06 August 2013 at 20:33 in reply to #386717 on FIrst Deck


I would say that pacifism is great, but Journey to nowhere is better. :) same mana cost, but it exiles the creature instead. the other thing that I would do is add some land searching lands. for deck thinning. that way you will be drawing less lands later in the game.
Examples: arid mesa, Marsh flats, or something like that.

Posted 06 August 2013 at 19:14 as a comment on FIrst Deck


spirit mantle is great as well, but I like the flying that ghostly possession gives. :)

Posted 02 August 2013 at 20:27 in reply to #385082 on Hurry up and wait.


not saying that there is anything wrong with this deck. :) the thing about the non-syn cards is that (in my opinion) they actually do detract from the speed of the combo. the more low cmc cards you have that work with quillspike, the greater your chances of pulling the combo off quickly are. Before I looked at this deck I didn't even know what devoted druid was, so I learned about something new and useful. that is the great thing about this site. we can see other people's work, and learn from it. :)

Posted 05 July 2013 at 23:12 in reply to #367558 on 123 Quillspike


I did in fact have sprouting phytohydra in here at one point, but it was a tad too expensive for me at 5 mana. also, it is still fairly easy to kill being a 0/2. if it was a 0/3 or a 0/4 instead, I would look at it again, but it is just too small to really be useful by itself. sure it keeps coming back I guess, but to get the most out of it I need it to replicate, and not just replace itself when it dies. However I have found that it is a really cool card for life gain. if you have anything like a soul warden, then it can gain you a TON of life. :) sadly soul warden doesn't fit with this deck, so I can't put it in here to get that benefit.

Anyways, thanks for the comment and keep checking out my decks. :)

Posted 23 June 2013 at 22:32 in reply to #295495 on defender deck


You know what would be fun in here? Aura thief and enchanted evening. ??

Posted 22 June 2013 at 03:26 as a comment on All enchantments!!


yeah, I get that. but my deal is that you have only 1 creature that actually works with the quilspike: devoted druid. which is fine I guess, but personally I would add in some other cards that would make use of quillspike's ability.

I also have a deck based on quillspike, because I think it is an amazingly undervalued card. The ability to remove -1/-1 counters from your creatures is very powerful. :)

Posted 19 June 2013 at 21:23 in reply to #367558 on 123 Quillspike


so... what does it actually do?

Posted 18 June 2013 at 07:44 as a comment on 123 Quillspike


that is a great question actually, (since I tore it apart and rebuilt it almost right away, not know how to actually play it.) but that is the way that the deck came, and the guy that I got it from said that was the most that should really go in here based on the testing that he had done. you just mulligan until you get a single land. although I have to admit that I could sub in a few more for consistency.

thanks for the comment. :)

Posted 11 June 2013 at 01:10 in reply to #364535 on March of the Unbalanced


joraga treespeaker, and perhaps copperhorn scout would make good additions to this deck.

Posted 25 April 2013 at 04:22 as a comment on Elf wave


Personally I would swap the soul wardens for souls attendants. They are the same except the attendants let you choose if you gain the life or not. I like having the choice. :)
Also, some other good clerics: transcendent master, and mikeaus the lunarch. Those would go well in here I think. And ic you want something to beef up your creatures, adaptive automaton is great for creature types that dont have "Lord" cards... Such as clerics. :)

Posted 02 March 2013 at 10:59 as a comment on Clerical Error...


Ok, commented on the new deck. :)

Posted 01 March 2013 at 00:08 in reply to #327082 on Type 2 Enchantress


Ok round 2, not half asleep. :)
first off I love Sphere of safety, oblivion ring, and detention sphere. Great control. On a side note though cards like detention sphere and homing lightning will ruin this deck, because your tokens all have the same name, they all get hit at once by both of those cards. Another card that will give you some grief is Legion Loyalist, with its battalion giving creatures first strike, trample and cannot be blocked by tokens.
My suggestion would be to have some counter spells or nevermores in here somewhere. Side or main doesn't matter.

Now, on to the good. :)
This is certainly a creative deck. Not something I have seen much similar too recently. I like the outside the box approach. And I think this looks really fun to play with.
Most people run some kind of spit removal, which is weak against this because of the amount of tokens you can put out, and that is a plus.

Posted 28 February 2013 at 23:30 as a comment on Enchatments t2 v2


Since you have white here, why not throw in Orim's Chant to be the ultimate irritant? AKA: Ha-Ha! You can't play anything... And you can't attack!

Posted 28 February 2013 at 11:32 as a comment on A-hole Scepter


ok, so you asked me to check out this version of the deck. a couple of things stood out to me. :)
1. you really don't have a win con here, other than assemble the legions. No offense, but you are gonna need some bigger hitters than that to win. Going with the enchantment theme I would say add in 4 intangible virtues, and perhaps a collective blessing as well.

The other thing that stood out was the increasing ambition. It is very out of place, and way too high cmc to be truly competitive in anything other than casual. You could swap it for diabolic tutor, or for some alternate win cons, in case you dont draw Assemble the Legion.

Those are my initial thoughts on this deck, and I will probably have more to comment on when I am not half asleep... So, yeah...

Posted 28 February 2013 at 07:47 as a comment on Enchatments t2 v2


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