
395 Decks, 3,488 Comments, 884 Reputation

If you are worried about removal, you might sideboard some counters or Nevermore since merciless eviction and parasalene are some real threats to you. also, random thought... if you wanted to be gutsy you could actually run parasalene yourself, and combo it with faith's reward. bomb yourself, and get everything back... and gain a TON of life. :) for 7 mana, and a confused opponent. last thought that I had was that you could throw in azor's elecutors and you could have a decent win con with it with the sphere of safetys and most of the deck being enchanments.

Posted 27 February 2013 at 19:32 in reply to #327082 on Type 2 Enchantress


perhaps you misunderstand me. when you say "enchantress deck" I think of cards like Argothian Enchantress, mesa enchantress, verduran enchantress, etc... which all have you draw a card when you cast an enchantment. if you have more than a single enchantress out at a time that is at least a 2 for 1 draw every time you play a spell, plus your actual draw... so that means that you are drawing at least 3 cards per turn. are you gonna be playing 3 cards per turn?

admittedly though I got my formats mixed up, and forgot that t2 is standard, not t1. my bad. :)
so... perhaps not an enchantress deck, but an enchant deck. if this was t1 or 1.5 then there are so many ways to make the deck more interesting. although wandering wolf would be great in here I think, particularly with the ethereal armor. :)

Posted 27 February 2013 at 15:28 in reply to #327082 on Type 2 Enchantress


for an enchantress deck, this is kinda... devoid of enchantresses... O.o? if you want a t2 enchantress deck you want to keep this to white and green, and maybe blue for some control. you will have tons of draw though, so having a way to keep from discarding would be good, perhaps a "no max hand" card, or something to cheat lots of cards in quickly?

Posted 27 February 2013 at 10:37 as a comment on Type 2 Enchantress


I love decks like this. Enchanted evening is an insane card. Another good complimentary card to this deck would be parasalene. Destroy all enchantments, gain 2 life for each enchantment destroyed. Still only 1WW to play.

Posted 20 February 2013 at 04:51 as a comment on Snatch yo kids, Snatch yo wife


I would say to find room for parallel lives, since it doubles your token production, and since you want tokens throw in some intangible virtues as well. amazing token card.

Posted 12 February 2013 at 00:29 as a comment on Bugs lands and tokens ramp


I understand that. But what area are you wanting to improve? Offense, defense, battallion, etc...

Is this for fnm, more competitive, or less?
If fnm or more, then what is your meta like? What kind of decks are people in your area running?

If you can answer those, then I can help you out. :)

Posted 09 February 2013 at 22:26 in reply to #322228 on Boros Human Aggro deck


What do you need help with?

Posted 08 February 2013 at 04:28 as a comment on Boros Human Aggro deck


If you are worried about flyers then you could add in either gravity well (they lose flying when they attack), raking canopy (deals 4 damage to them when they attack), or spidersilk armor (gives +0/+1 and reach to all your creatures). All 3cmc enchantments that I gave found to be fairly useful against flying. :)

Posted 30 January 2013 at 21:17 as a comment on Need some opinions(mana ramp)


Lol... Sorry if I came across rudely, my comment wasn't intended that way. Anyways, I like tokens a lot. This looks pretty fun to play.

Posted 30 January 2013 at 21:11 as a comment on Tokens/Cracked up creatures


Yeah... I have a couple of decks like that, but when I sit down and actually design a deck it is at least semi- coherant in what it tries to accomplish.

Posted 30 January 2013 at 07:40 in reply to #319820 on E.M.P.


So then does the second half of the dovescape's ability trigger?

Posted 30 January 2013 at 07:13 in reply to #319839 on Dovescape Challenge


um... one note: the mayor isn't a 1 drop... although this does look interesting. :)

Posted 30 January 2013 at 03:04 as a comment on BALLER 1 DROPZ


Interesting. I hadn't thought about using it that way. Although does it actually work, seeing as how the spells dont actually get countered because of guile? It exiles it instead, right?

Posted 30 January 2013 at 00:34 as a comment on Dovescape Challenge


I don't get it... Too many multiples and cards in general for EDH, and far too few for a battle of wits deck. I am confused...

Posted 29 January 2013 at 23:13 as a comment on E.M.P.


Ok, that sounds about right. This WOULD be an interesting game.

Posted 29 January 2013 at 22:51 in reply to #319672 on Elfdrazi!


Ok, semi-random question... How is this deck for speed? What turn do you normally get out the big hitters?

Posted 29 January 2013 at 08:14 as a comment on Elfdrazi!


Interesting. So fast compared to most standard decks. I can build fun decks, but nothing close to eternal formats level of speed. I wish I knew how... :(

Posted 29 January 2013 at 08:06 in reply to #319093 on Black Sacrifice


Yeah there is. A program called cockatrice. But I haven't ever used it, so I am not sure how it works.

Posted 29 January 2013 at 07:36 in reply to #319659 on Elfdrazi!


leeched lockdown. :) I am currently trying to get everything for it. but some cards are harder to find offline.

Posted 29 January 2013 at 07:20 in reply to #319659 on Elfdrazi!


Interesting. I have never been a fan of eldrazi, but this looks rather fun to play. I would love to try my lock-down deck against this.

Posted 29 January 2013 at 06:45 as a comment on Elfdrazi!


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