
395 Decks, 3,488 Comments, 884 Reputation

you are right about the amulet. Can't believe I missed that, Lol... :)

The only problem that I see with the magus is that you have to pay 1 mana per land.untapped, so you aren't really getting anymore mana than you already had access to unless you have some of your double mana producing lands.

Posted 01 January 2013 at 04:39 in reply to #313169 on 100 cards 5 colors 1 mana each


Great mana curve, looks pretty solid for the price. Love intangible virtue as well. Great token card. The one card in here that I don't care for as much: the guildmage. They looked good at first, but when I tried to use them, the expensive ability made it hard.
Other than that this looks like a pretty solid build.

Posted 01 January 2013 at 01:02 as a comment on Selesnymeh


Yeah, that's kinda what I thought, but it just popped into my head as something that MIGHT work. But yeah life loss too inconsistent to be very useful. and yes, break of day is the one!!! A couple of other cards that cone to mind are dead reackoning, and faiths shield. Cheap protection, and powerful removal if you lose your shadow.

Posted 31 December 2012 at 21:12 in reply to #313032 on modern death's shadow


Gosh. The lands are rather a hindrance as such, but... You could put in amulet of vigor, and that would solve half of your land problem. The other half comes when an opponent decides to play blood moon: All non-basic lands now produce only red mana. You need some basic lands, and land searching cards like evolving wilds etc...

On a small note mikaeus will for if you play him for 1 mana. Just a thought. Overall an interesting deck. :). Will have more ideas later. :)

Posted 31 December 2012 at 19:45 in reply to #313079 on 100 cards 5 colors 1 mana each


Thanks for the comment. :) I will look at your EDH deck.
I thought about Path, and I think I actually had it in here to begin with. But I realized that this deck would fare better against someone with as few lands out as possible. Life points can be dealt with, but giving them land to play bigger and more powerful spells could potentially ruin me. Personally I like Path better than Swords, but it doesn't fit as well here.

As for some of the other cards you suggested, I don't know what a few of them are so I am gonna go look them up. :)

Posted 31 December 2012 at 19:34 in reply to #313070 on there can be only 1 (CMC that is.)


Not bad. Although personally I have found that coursers' accord is really expensive for what it does. I agree that parallel lives should go in here, and also maybe some cheap stuff. Doomed traveler could be good. Cheap, and puts out a nice flyer when he dies.also, horncaller is a really high cmc, is it effective?

My only concern here is that I see some cards that neither put out tokens, nor populate them, or are just really expensive for what they do.
If you added in some cheaper token producers, and cut out the... Non-theme cards(?) it might run faster and better.

all in all though I like populate, so this deck gets a like from me. Well done. :)

Posted 31 December 2012 at 09:54 as a comment on Populate


And since you might be down near 5 life anyways, you could maybe sideboard some fateful hour cards, like the one that makes all your creatures indestructible. ( can't remember the name right now.) Or you could throw in near death experience, cause that would be funny. :)

The other card that cones to mind is dark confidant. It does cause some sketchy seeming life loss, but that is kinda the point here isn't it?

Posted 31 December 2012 at 09:19 as a comment on modern death's shadow


I can understand that. My take on Gideon's ult is this: he becomes a creTire, and creatures are easier to get rid of them planeswalkers. Sure, he can't be doom bladed, or dreadbored, but he can be exiled, or tragic slipped, or any number of things. If he staid a creature for longer than your turn, I would like him better, because then you gain an indestructable blocker as well, but he doesn't. Or if you could use his ult in tandem with his +2 then it would be amazing. He has so much potential but the rules that govern how planeswalker cards work hold him back from being the most amazing planeswalker card ever. that is what I don't like about him... :(

Also, until fairly recently have wss a 45$ card, and now is 15$ or so. (why could I not have drawn him before mow?)

Posted 28 December 2012 at 07:22 in reply to #311494 on Lady Luck


Personally I like murder better than both. Because it doesn't limit the type of creature you can kill with it. Although it is one more black mana to play...

Posted 27 December 2012 at 21:38 in reply to #312180 on Rakdos Aggro


True, but the real question is should I drop the crusaders for the temples, or the geist honored monks instead? Is the 2 extra mana worth the tokens and vigilance? or would I benefit from tapering down the mana curve more?

Posted 27 December 2012 at 11:32 in reply to #311933 on RTR Selesnya populate deck


Yes, I know that the new jace was played a TON in the past few months, making him a popular pro circuit card. what I don't know... Is WHY? His +1 does nothing, his -2 is sketchy at best. His ult is the only thing that seems worth doing at all, and only if you are playing with lots or people. And it is 8 loyalty counters to use, when he can only go up one at a time. I really don't understand don't he is good card.

Tibalt is cheap to put out, at RR, and sure his + ability seems counter productive maybe, but for graveyard based decks it is awesome. and against draw decks his -4 works well. And in a multiplayer game... His -6 can be devastating. Imagine playing with 5 other people, and using it? That's six players creatures that you get, and no blockers to have standing in your way.
Gideon... I dislike him enough to rant for a really long time, so I am gonna cut myself shirt before I do.

Personally I don't know any MTG players who understand why the new Jace was as popular in pro circuit as it was, nir why it was a $45 card for so long.

Posted 27 December 2012 at 10:59 in reply to #311494 on Lady Luck


Those are some good suggestions, thanks. I will try them out and see how the deck runs. when I can get the cards that is. :). Again, thanks. Oh, and yes I do have fun with this deck.

Posted 23 December 2012 at 21:25 in reply to #311736 on RTR Selesnya populate deck


In all honesty, I don't know what I am gonna add or take out yet. But I am most certainly looking for advice and suggestions. As for the centaurs, I do have 4 heralds, 1 call of the conclave, and 1 coursers' accord.
I would love so.e armada wurms, and a few more groves. I will certainly look for more of them.
As is, this is what I have and I haven't been able to buy specific cards for the deck. (very little money).

Thanks for the reply, and any other suggestions would be welcome. Oh, and I would like to keep this standard.

Posted 23 December 2012 at 05:36 in reply to #311736 on RTR Selesnya populate deck



So... What does that have to do with coin flipping? And tibalt isn't unplayable, he just isn't as "useful" as most other planeswalkers. Personally I think he is way easier to use than say... Gideon, sarkon the mad, or the new Jace. Within standard... Sure he isn't great. But put him with the Chandra that allows you to play all red instants and sorceries from your graveyard for free... And he becomes VERY useful. And when you do get his loyalty up... You gain all creatures on the field for a turn. As if Chandra's ultimate ability wasnt enough to kill them at that point.

Anyways... like I said before, Tibalt has nothing to do with coin flip, so you didnt even read the description or any of the cards, did you?

Posted 23 December 2012 at 05:26 in reply to #311494 on Lady Luck


How does clone help you with hexproof creatures? They cannot be targeted by it, and therefore can't be cloned...

Posted 22 December 2012 at 17:39 in reply to #310095 on Azorius Flash


Yeah. Personally I like caress a little better, but the fact that you can transmute for megrim makes a huge difference if you start out slow.

Posted 21 December 2012 at 00:55 in reply to #310937 on Megrim Dreams


That's awesome. I wish someone would do that for me when I trade... Lol. I want to build some kind of "fun" deck like this, but they always end up being lame instead.

Posted 21 December 2012 at 00:50 in reply to #311358 on Lady Luck


You are kidding right? Once it is out it is practically a free board wipe when it attacks or blocks.

Posted 20 December 2012 at 23:58 in reply to #311211 on Lady Luck


So... what was the inspiration for this deck? Any 1 single card, or did it kinda all just fall into place at once?

Posted 20 December 2012 at 23:40 as a comment on Lady Luck


Really the only suggestion that I have is creepy doll. Great defensive card, if a bit expensive to put out. Flip a coin, destroy a creature dealt damage by creepy doll this turn. In essence.

Posted 20 December 2012 at 20:56 as a comment on Lady Luck


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