
395 Decks, 3,488 Comments, 884 Reputation

Something that I like with spikeshot elder is claws of valakut. But that was mentioned above. Thought I would second that. I have that combo in a deck, and it is devastating.

Posted 25 September 2012 at 22:34 as a comment on Goblins Are Magnificent


Only thing that I can think of would be to add elixir of immortality. For more pain. :). In case your disciple of the vault gets killed, or your opponents have an insane amount of life-gain. all in all thus looks very fun to play. Well built deck. :)

Posted 25 September 2012 at 22:10 as a comment on • Egg Roll •


Sanguine bond would be great in here. With the vampiric link and sleeper agent combo. They CANT attack or even block with it unless they want to lose life. :). Other than that, this is a good solid deck. :)

Posted 25 September 2012 at 19:35 as a comment on The Time Has Come™


Well. First off, I love force of savagery. So huge, for so cheap. :). You might add in spidersilk armor for an easier way to keep it alive. Along with the new ring, Ring of kalonia.
Ring of kalonia would be very useful to force of nature, since it puts a +1/+1 counter on it each turn.

I like this. It is very interesting. :)

Posted 25 September 2012 at 19:04 as a comment on • Primal Carnage •


Also, since you seem to like my interesting deck concepts, here is another favorite of mine. :)
it is a red and black discard deck. Again, it is still in design stage but I have a few of the cards I need.

Posted 25 September 2012 at 00:23 as a comment on there can be only 1 (CMC that is.)


You can have multiple legendaries out, they just can't be the same card.

Posted 25 September 2012 at 00:15 in reply to #290824 on Enchanting Enchantments


Dang... The mask makes this uber powerful.

Posted 24 September 2012 at 23:00 in reply to #291847 on • Hesitation •


Ok, so I made a few changes, and hopefully you like them. I sideboarded the champion, instead of goblin guide, to see how it plays, and I took out 2 dragonmaster outcasts, and all 4 righteousnesses. Added in 2 slumbering dragons, and 4 faith's shields. Mostly for its dateful hour ability.

Posted 24 September 2012 at 22:18 in reply to #291481 on there can be only 1 (CMC that is.)


My beef with planeswalkers is thus: according to MTG more, each player IS a planeswalker. So to SUMMON another planeswalker would put you in a different category. And if not, it seems strange to me that they have different rules than a player does. For example: they have 3-4 abilities, and can use them as many times as you want. But players are limited to what they have in hand. balance-wise it makes sense, but not lore-wise. It doesn't fit with the basic concept of what the player is in the game. Sorry if that was kinda a rant...

Posted 24 September 2012 at 10:43 in reply to #289811 on defender deck


oo!!! I didn't even know that kirtar's desire existed. thanks. and THAT is why I like legacy players to give me suggestions. :) you guys know cards that I don't. :) will definately swap that out.
I thought about black, but I noticed that there were not a whole lot of cards that I liked for the 1 mana requirement. Not saying black is bad... (favorite color) but it didn't seem to fit where I wanted to go with this. :)
I could swap raging goblin for goblin guide, or perhaps the lavamancer of mother of runes would suit me better. Rebuff the wicked will get sideboarded, and I think mother of runes will replace raging goblin, and swap 2 lands for the lavamancers.

again, thanks a ton for looking at this. I have wanted to build a deck like this for a while, and I just now am gonna be able to actually start gathering the cards for it. How do you think a deck like this would actually fare? obviously it wouldn't stand much of a chance against most good legacy decks, but I think it could be good casual. :)

oh, and I will take a look at the decks you posted, and see if I can give some suggestions. :)

and yeah, I could probably run on 19. or maybe even 18. probably will do that.

Posted 24 September 2012 at 01:17 in reply to #291481 on there can be only 1 (CMC that is.)


never said that this deck couldn't be beat, and plus... this wasn't ever meant as a serious legacy deck. just a fun casual one....

Posted 23 September 2012 at 06:33 in reply to #290372 on Dark Emrakul


shrine of burning rage: at the beginning of your upkeep, or when ever you play a red spell, put a charge counter on Shrine of Burning Rage. tap 3, sacrifice Shrine of Burning Rage: Shrine of Burning rage deals damage to target creature or player.

that could be it, or you could be thinking of sphinx bone wand.
when you cast an instant or sorcery, you may put a charge counter on Sphinx Bone Wand. When you put a charge counter on sphinx bone wand, it deals damage to targer creature or player equal to the number of charge counters on Sphinx Bone Wand.

I like both, but not in this deck. I don't have enough red spells, or instants and sorceries to really make either good in here. :) Thanks for th comment though. :)

Posted 23 September 2012 at 06:22 in reply to #291285 on defender deck


I have a lockdown deck designed with leeches. I haven't tested it yet, but it can prevent a player from playing any spells for the rest of the game by turn 3.

Posted 23 September 2012 at 06:11 in reply to #291305 on The worst cards ever printed!


um... and metalcraft. :)

Posted 23 September 2012 at 06:08 in reply to #291306 on The worst cards ever printed!


I have never heard of ancient ziggurat before. Good card. I might swap rupture spire for it, because it doesn't come into play tapped, and I have very few non-creature spells. As for looking at your decks, sure. Post a link to what you want me to check out. :)

Posted 21 September 2012 at 22:25 in reply to #290932 on defender deck


Thanks. I cant wait to get ahold of the cards to actually build this deck. It has come a long way from when I came up with the idea, to what it is now. :) I actually thought about it before scars came out. just have never had the time or money (sadly) to put it together. but.... I should be able to slowly now.

anyways... thanks for all the comments and suggestions Mashitta. They have been a ton of help. :)
I was wondering if you could help me out with another deck that I am designing. I have the link posted below somewhere. The concept is that everything is 1 CMC. I think what I have layed out is pretty solid, but having more than one perspective on things would be great.

here is the link: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=386636

Posted 21 September 2012 at 20:37 in reply to #289782 on defender deck


I used to have the phytohydra in here, but it is just to expensive slow... it is a GOOD card, but not a great one in this deck... :)

Pyrohemia is a decent card, but I would prefer to not hurt myself in addition to everything else. now, it DOES make good use of axebane gaurdian's mana producing ability, but so do my burn spells. maybe not exactly AS good as pyrohemia, but I don't like burning myself if at all posible.

oh, and yes most of the leyline cards are pretty dang good. Personal favorite is leyline of anticipation.

Posted 21 September 2012 at 20:27 in reply to #291033 on defender deck


Um... Emrakul has protection from all colors... So that won't work...

Posted 21 September 2012 at 15:11 in reply to #290948 on Dark Emrakul


Wow... Ancestral mask is an amazing card. :)

Posted 20 September 2012 at 23:09 as a comment on Enchanting Enchantments


Very interesting concept. But the closet doesn't trigger Emrakul's turn taking ability.

Posted 20 September 2012 at 22:18 as a comment on Emrakul in the Closet


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