
395 Decks, 3,488 Comments, 884 Reputation

I like the idea of equipment, but I need something really simple but really good. Preferably a common or uncommon. Rares seemed to be to complex for this deck when I made it.

Surprisingly it actually doesn't suck when played against more "advanced" decks. This is the standard testing deck. If a new deck that I make cannot hold its own against this, it gets redone.

Posted 04 October 2012 at 22:47 in reply to #291000 on training deck


Thanks. :). That is what I was going for. Simple but solid. Dread Warlock is the most complicated thing in here. (along with being my personal all time favorite card.) it has a simple, but powerful ability. I would love for it to be reprinted.

Posted 04 October 2012 at 22:33 in reply to #290751 on training deck


Thank you. :). Might I suggest wall of omens instead of blossoms then? Can't remember, but I am pretty sure it is modern legal... :). Please correct me if I am wrong. Also, this deck will have axebane guardian in it as well, when RtR is available.

And yeah, I looked at traproot, and you are right: not enough forests to have it be great in here.
If you do end up building this for modern, will you let me know how it does? I would be very interested to see how competitive it actually can be.

Posted 04 October 2012 at 20:50 in reply to #293692 on defender deck


Yeah, those are pretty god walls. I looked at a few of them, particularly Wall of Denial. One of the beat walls ever in my opinion. But the problem with it is that it needs blue, and at one point I had it in here but getting the correct mana colors in a 4 color deck made it hard to justify having blue for the single card.

As for the other walls... I like aether membrane and wall of brambles, but what would I take out for either of them? As it is I am going to add another defender when RtR comes out,which was mentioned in a post somewhere way above.

As for wall of essence and wall of hope, I have perimeter captain to gain me life whenever a creature with defender that I control blocks.

I really like wall of glare though. But just like palace guards, it seems like it would just die too fast.

Thanks for the comments. :)

Posted 04 October 2012 at 20:42 in reply to #293678 on defender deck


Um... How? It isn't a great card, but it isn't at the same level of suckiness that the cards on this list. It allows you to draw a card, and allows you to play cards of a color that isn't normally in your deck. Or it also helps if your lands are lopsided, and you need just one more of the other color in something other than a mono colored deck.

Posted 04 October 2012 at 02:35 in reply to #291160 on The worst cards ever printed!


Yeah, I kinda figured that. :). I knew what you meant. very good use of urborg. :)

Posted 03 October 2012 at 20:21 in reply to #293269 on Updated Zombies - Sideboard, lands, and deck explination.


True, but I need my creatures to say alive more than I need my opponents creatures to die.

Posted 03 October 2012 at 03:11 in reply to #293301 on defender deck


Give someone a leech. :). They can't play spells.

Posted 02 October 2012 at 23:36 in reply to #290807 on The worst cards ever printed!


He is saying to put more coffers in...

Posted 02 October 2012 at 23:31 in reply to #293269 on Updated Zombies - Sideboard, lands, and deck explination.


What for? Why would I need to attack? Only one of my creatures would do any damage if they attack. And wall of torches is good, but what would I take out for it? Each card here has a purpose, and fits into (what I think is) a well balanced diet of destruction. The other problem that I have with wall of torches is that it dies too easy, and I have nothing to keep it alive.

Posted 02 October 2012 at 22:42 in reply to #293301 on defender deck


if you are gonna add act of treason just for flinging opponents creatures, then I would suggest either Mark of Mutiny or act of aggression instead. mark is also 3 but it puts a +1/+1 counter on the creature. And act of Aggression is an instant for 5 but for the 2 red is Phyrexian mana. Those would both be better than act of treason, in my opinion.

Posted 02 October 2012 at 22:21 in reply to #292535 on Elemental Fury


In theory I can kill every opponent I have on turn five or six if I get the right opening hand. It actually should do better playing with more people.

Posted 01 October 2012 at 04:58 in reply to #292004 on discard gonna hurt.


Ok, so I made some changes. What do you think?

Posted 01 October 2012 at 04:21 as a comment on LAND HO!!!!


I like vary, and replacing some of my tutors with some mana ramp. I think that is a good call. and I will make those changes. However... Why would the dryad arbor fit well here? I can't figure that one out. :)
anyways. Thanks for the advice. :). My knowledge of cards pre-shards of alara is pretty limited.

Posted 01 October 2012 at 03:42 as a comment on LAND HO!!!!


Good card, but what would I take out for it?

Posted 01 October 2012 at 03:13 in reply to #292987 on defender deck


oh hey. Since you like green, I have a deck that I would like some input on.
it is almost mono green, with a couple of blue cards thrown in. It is (in my opinion) an actually viable idea for a land deck.

Posted 28 September 2012 at 22:32 as a comment on Updated Zombies - Sideboard, lands, and deck explination.


You should throw in grimoire of the dead. That would be awesome. :)

Posted 28 September 2012 at 22:25 as a comment on Updated Zombies - Sideboard, lands, and deck explination.


No Jace's erasure?

Posted 28 September 2012 at 20:35 as a comment on discardian


Yes and no, because allies benefit the most from putting them out individually.

Posted 27 September 2012 at 22:13 in reply to #248597 on T2 Ally Mill


Live the parasite. I might just add in some veinfires for it. What I like about this deck is it can take out. Everyone all at once. :)

Posted 27 September 2012 at 06:00 as a comment on discard gonna hurt.


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