
395 Decks, 3,488 Comments, 884 Reputation

Ok, so here is a sort of rough draft of how I would build a W/U/G ally deck.
Tell me what you think.

Posted 03 December 2012 at 04:10 as a comment on Best Ally Deck


Fascinating deck. The combat lock us great. Only suggestion might be spellbook and Geth's Grimiore, for some card draw. Overall, this is a great deck.

Posted 29 November 2012 at 06:27 as a comment on Megrim Dreams


well, in all honesty... it is way too creature heavy, and none of your creatures have any abilities that could substitute for the support that instants or sorceries can provide. in my opinion you should trim down on the creatures, and focus a tad more. you have some mill cards, and not a lot to back them up. Mill is one of those things that if it isn't the whole deck... then it generally gets in the way of the rest of the deck. so... you should either drop the mill, or focus more on it. Either way though you should add some non-creature spells. to give support either way.

Posted 27 November 2012 at 02:29 in reply to #304253 on Best Ally Deck


yeah, I saw the description after I posted. and... why didn't the gnarlids work out? they really are an under-rated card.

Posted 26 November 2012 at 07:10 in reply to #306005 on Auras


you uh... kinda need 4 more cards. unless this is a draft deck, which it doesn't look like with the lands and non-standard cards. you should throw in 4 aura gnarlids. they would go really well in here.

Posted 25 November 2012 at 22:02 as a comment on Auras


Phyrexian unlife is that card. But it is white.

Posted 24 November 2012 at 01:39 in reply to #304798 on BEST INFECT EVEEER


admittedly though... that is a lot of money, regardless of the fact that there are more expensive decks. heck there there are single cards more expensive I guess.

Posted 21 November 2012 at 03:10 in reply to #305152 on expensive


yeah, I have seen some decks on here for over a grand...

Posted 21 November 2012 at 02:37 as a comment on expensive


Why should I run black cat? I know it is a cheap discard creature... But it only targets a single player, and this deck is meant to hit everyone all at once.

Posted 20 November 2012 at 23:37 in reply to #301479 on discard gonna hurt.


very unteresting. :) I like the concept. how does it do in practice?

Posted 18 November 2012 at 10:04 in reply to #304475 on This Land is Your Land, Now It is my land


so... what does it do?

Posted 17 November 2012 at 10:03 as a comment on This Land is Your Land, Now It is my land


no, that is brilliant!!!! the Shape anew is to be used with inkmoth nexus it becomes an artifact creature. absolutely brilliant...

Posted 16 November 2012 at 08:25 as a comment on Infect turn 3 Pro Edit


I built 2 ally decks,when they were standard. One was W/G that pummeled people into submission... And the other... It was a W/U mill deck. And it was a force to be reckoned with. It could win a 3-1 game like it was taking candy from a baby. That deck got banned from my play group because no one wanted to play against it. A friend of mine has it now... Anyways...

allies, when done right, are way overpowered. Not fun to play against in casual... For me at least.

Posted 16 November 2012 at 06:24 in reply to #304253 on Best Ally Deck


Oh, and you should throw Memnarch in here too. Just for sheer humiliation.

Posted 16 November 2012 at 00:34 as a comment on Myr Deck Wins


Love this deck. First time I saw a blazing shoal deck... I had no clue about how it worked. then I saw the combo and thought it was brilliant. This is a really good showing. Well done.

Posted 16 November 2012 at 00:09 as a comment on Legacy Infect


Ok, i have to get this out of the way before commenting: personally, I hate allies. There, i said it. With that in mind...

I think you are way too creature heavy. You have the 3 best ally colors, but it seems like you are too unfocused, and that hinders the overall flow and speed of the deck.

Posted 15 November 2012 at 23:51 as a comment on Best Ally Deck


Here is a link to my Myr fury deck. conments and your suggestions would be great.

Posted 15 November 2012 at 23:25 in reply to #189996 on Myr Deck Wins


And if you are gonna point fingers, then your friend copycatted me, since I posted this combo before anyone else here. Although I found it interesting that the combo wasnt posted right after Scars of Mirroden came out.

With that out of the way... I like this deck. The blue and red works well here. Though might I suggest banefire, or Bonfire instead of fireball? Because after 5 damage banefire can't be prevented or countered. And bonfire... Just wrecks people.

Posted 15 November 2012 at 23:20 in reply to #189996 on Myr Deck Wins


yeah, it kinda sucks. this is a good one game bomb though. and if they don't know what is coming, it looks to be a big surprise. :)

Posted 14 November 2012 at 21:41 in reply to #302238 on Turn 2-4 Blue deck i call it RAGE!!!!


yeah. there are a few cards that allow for it, but they would be too slow to get out for what you are wanting to do.

Posted 14 November 2012 at 04:31 in reply to #302238 on Turn 2-4 Blue deck i call it RAGE!!!!


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