
395 Decks, 3,488 Comments, 884 Reputation

This deck is awesome.it looks like a decent casual deck that is super fun to play. :). Win or lose, it seems way fun to be on either side. :). I didn't see why you had the sliver in here at first, but after thinking about it for a second it fits. :). Always wondered if a coherent coin flip deck was possible. Looks like it is. :)

Not to seem like THAT guy but... I was hoping you could check out these 2 deck designs and give me some feedback on how to improve them...



If you can't, that's fine. Just thought I would ask. Again. This deck rocks.

Posted 20 December 2012 at 07:36 as a comment on Lady Luck


Only other suggestion I have is mikeious unhallowed, for the undying. Imagine having that and blood artist out and playing vexing devil. Epically funny.

Posted 18 December 2012 at 23:57 as a comment on The Art of Morbid


you have an interesting concept here, but on the whole it seems very slow, particularly if you can't get the elves out fast. true you can kinda search with abundance, but it still seems slow.

also, spinebiter seems very, very out of place because it is an infect card. what about thorn elemental to replace it instead? it does cost 1 more to get out, but it is a 7/7 instead of a 4/4. either way, I like the concept that you have here.

Posted 18 December 2012 at 22:41 as a comment on Unblockable Beatdown


Um... Kind of. I wasn't really arguing that it was a bad card. I was just curious if he found it useful is all. Honest question is all, and poet answered it very well. I just posted my replies in a goofy manner I guess.

Posted 18 December 2012 at 21:26 in reply to #310813 on The Art of Morbid


Hey!!! Comment count was fixed. :). This deck still looks good. Oh, and you can't transmute for the caress like you can the megrim, so there are advantages and disadvantages to both.

Posted 18 December 2012 at 06:24 as a comment on Megrim Dreams


Don't know, lol... That's a good point. Don't know how I missed that... Oh well. I like this deck, it looks pretty solid, and I can't really find anything that I would change or add other than maybe trying to fit in disciple of griselbrand. Tap 1, sac a creature, and you gain life = to that creature's toughness. morbid on command if you have the creatures to spare.

Also, I was hoping you could check out this deck and give me some feedback on it. I personally think it deserves more attention than it has gotten. It is a lockdown deck.

Posted 17 December 2012 at 21:28 in reply to #310813 on The Art of Morbid


So pretty much what you are saying is that despite the fact that you have to lose 2 blockers each time you want to use it... Skirsdag high priest has been an effective card for you, right?

Posted 16 December 2012 at 20:04 in reply to #310550 on The Art of Morbid


Yes, I know that. But tapping 3 creatures also leaves you with 2-3 less blockers... which concerned me more than not having the creatures to tap.

Posted 16 December 2012 at 00:53 in reply to #310550 on The Art of Morbid


So, how effective is the Skirsdag high priest? I had one in a morbid deck a while ago... Bit it just didnt seem to be very useful, since you have to tap 3 creatures to use it...

Posted 15 December 2012 at 19:05 as a comment on The Art of Morbid


I love that deck!!! such a fun deck.

Posted 15 December 2012 at 01:22 in reply to #310043 on Heartless Storm (Modern)


I will probably side board the ruby leech, to be swapped for alabaster if my opponent plays white. Thanks for looking at this deck, and the comments and compliments on it. Hoping to build thus and a couple of other decks that I have designed on here. Fairly soon.

Posted 09 December 2012 at 02:39 in reply to #287606 on leeched lockdown


ok, I see, but still...a it seems like it is only an ok card compared to everything else. but I havent played with it so I guess I am probably wrong.
as for my apology... it was not for the subject of my comment, but the um... maturity level in which it was presented. :)

Other than that, I really have nothing interesting or new to suggest. it seems that you want to take this deck in a slightly different direction than normal, so... yeah. this is a very good build. :)

Posted 07 December 2012 at 08:41 in reply to #308690 on Elves


Ok, so... First of all, sorry... I get excited when I see a good home for that card. It is a favorite of mine. As for what you might swap for it... How well does the gilt-leaf ambush work? In all honesty, it seems kinda weak compared to everything else here. That would be my suggestion, but... You do what you want. Your deck. :)

Posted 07 December 2012 at 04:24 in reply to #308690 on Elves


actually the excavator is pretty effective of a card. particularly if you can get more than one out at a time.

Posted 06 December 2012 at 22:53 in reply to #307884 on Best Ally Deck


you know what would be really fun in here? Strength of the tajuru. tons of elves equals tons of mana, and that means TONS of counters!!!!!!!!

Posted 06 December 2012 at 22:48 as a comment on Elves


since equip is an ability, it still goes on the stack, and your opponent can still react to it by playing a card such as psth to exile, and prevent you from equiping.

Posted 06 December 2012 at 22:41 in reply to #302238 on Turn 2-4 Blue deck i call it RAGE!!!!


um... I am still pretty sure that it goes on the stack... just because he stack has nothing on it does not mean that it isn't there or in use. the ability of "epuip" still goes on the stack, and a such it can still be reacted to, such as a path to exile.

Posted 06 December 2012 at 10:00 in reply to #302238 on Turn 2-4 Blue deck i call it RAGE!!!!


Not saying I don't believe you. I gave just never heard that.

Posted 05 December 2012 at 11:49 in reply to #307947 on No Restrictions!? GAME ON.


Um... It says to reveal UNTIL you reveal a land, which you can't.

Posted 05 December 2012 at 01:58 in reply to #307947 on No Restrictions!? GAME ON.


Um... I don't think that it actually works. The charbelcher needs a land to deal any damage. You should put a single mountain in here.

Posted 04 December 2012 at 05:47 as a comment on No Restrictions!? GAME ON.


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