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Lol.... :) had no problem with it in the first place. Like I said, it looked great already, and I just wasn't sure if I had missed anything. mostly because I tend to not recognize legacy style combos very well. you said that you normally run it with a single forest right? How consistently can you get out the forest quickly. Do you just mulligan until you get it in your hand, or can you draw/ search for it easily?

Posted 06 November 2013 at 00:54 in reply to #409716 on Lotus Cobra/Infinite Combo


fascinating deck. love the combo. but I have to ask, what is with the search lands? I understand the need to get them into the graveyard, but they have no valid targets to search for. your only real source of mana here is the cobra and the birds. how do you plan on getting them out with no source of green mana? I see forests in the sideboard, but no green mana mainboard? am I missing something critical?

Edit: I posted before I read any comments. again, this is a fantastic and fun looking deck. :)

Posted 05 November 2013 at 19:05 as a comment on Lotus Cobra/Infinite Combo


ok, that I do understand I guess, but it still seems strange to have vial be a key piece in any deck if it can't be abused. sure, it gets you a free creature each turn (which is always nice), but I just see it being not as useful as it has the potential to be... if that makes sense.

Posted 04 November 2013 at 09:36 in reply to #407125 on Modern Merfolk Devotion


except that vial doesn't trigger merrow reejerey's ability, that sounds good. :)

Posted 04 November 2013 at 09:34 in reply to #251648 on Merfolk counters all


ok, but there are lord cards for cheaper manawise, and better overall. why not them?

Posted 28 October 2013 at 07:43 in reply to #407125 on Modern Merfolk Devotion


ok. so then why do I see it in a ton of merfolk decks?

Posted 27 October 2013 at 20:21 in reply to #407125 on Modern Merfolk Devotion


That is what I thought it might be, then perhaps it has been erratad at some point.

Posted 27 October 2013 at 01:42 in reply to #407125 on Modern Merfolk Devotion


Ok, so... Newbie question: how does merrow reejery work with vial? Vial says put into play, and reejery says it untaps when you were play a merfolk. Technically you aren't casting the merfolk with vial. So how does the interaction work?

Posted 26 October 2013 at 21:16 as a comment on Modern Merfolk Devotion


lol. ouch!

Posted 20 October 2013 at 22:24 in reply to #397937 on Necrotizing Fasciitis


Ok, so updated the deck a bit. Swapped out drift of phantasms for Vedalkan Aethermage. I like the wizard cycling a little better than the transmute. Although it cannot search for phyrexian altar ir I tuition, so it might be switched back if I don't like it.

Posted 06 October 2013 at 21:27 as a comment on splinter captain


True, it isn't. :(. I am just trying to think of a cheaper cmc card. Perhaps carrion feeder, or something similar?

Posted 02 October 2013 at 19:54 in reply to #400972 on WORLD IN FLAMES !


Ok, I see. I am half asleep and mixed up husk with shade. Lol. Although I actually think that viscera seer still would fit well in here.

Posted 02 October 2013 at 17:35 in reply to #400972 on WORLD IN FLAMES !


So, I see the gravecrawler + rooftop storm + burning vengeance, but I see no infinite combo like you claim. You have no way to repeatedly put gravecrawler into the graveyard. In that light, i suggest viscera seer. Sac a creature: scry 1.

Posted 02 October 2013 at 17:17 as a comment on WORLD IN FLAMES !


ok, made some changes, and hopefully it looks more consistent now. I really don't play eternal formats too much. I stick mostly with modern and casual, so the power cards are pretty foreign to me. :)

Posted 02 October 2013 at 00:45 in reply to #400776 on splinter captain


ok, so in answer to nocleverusername, the alter is in here because I can put out infinite creature to sac. and although 95% of the time I would agree that chromatic lantern is a more flexible card, it doesn't perform as well here since it doesn't really add any extra mana, it is really a 1 for 1 trade of mana. it just makes it so that I can add any color of mana with any land, but no more than the amount that I already have in lands +1.

in answer to dknight27. I know that I have multiple win cons, and I need to trim down. obviously the malcontents and the inquisitor, and heck even the barrage of expendables can go. but for protection I figured that I had enough with the prodigy and the xenograft + lord of the unreal.
to go along with what I said earlier, the alter is really in here to support the use of the prodigy: AKA infinite countering. if I had no prodigy, I could get rid of thee alter, because I wouldn't need the mana. as for search and draw, what would you suggest? blue doesn't hae much good search for cheap, and draw is always expensive without a catch.

Posted 01 October 2013 at 23:34 as a comment on splinter captain


another excellent replacement choice for unmake would be dispatch. path to exile, with no downside. :)

Posted 30 September 2013 at 02:33 in reply to #400106 on Artifact Rampalot


Also your entire graveyard gets shuffled back in with emrakul as well. However, you do need to protect the polymorph from being countered, since it would even trigger emrakul's ability if you can't search for it.

Posted 29 September 2013 at 22:51 in reply to #400046 on Presto-Change-O!


Anyways, love the mother of runes part of this combo. I would never have thought of that to sac your own enchantments. Very creative. :)

Posted 26 September 2013 at 17:37 in reply to #398729 on enchantment madness


Actually, I emailed wizards, and they said I was wrong. Lol. They said that since wheel of sun and moon has a replacement ability instead of a triggered one, that the cards never actually enter the graveyard to be triggered. So you were correct in the first place. Been playing this game for 4 years now, and still learning about the basics. :)

Posted 25 September 2013 at 18:16 in reply to #398729 on enchantment madness


in that case I would actually swap cane for elixir of immortality instead. I know it is more expensive to use, but it allows for multiple retrievals since it doesn't get exiled. As for the wheel, I was pretty sure that you could still return those enchantments to your hand instead, but I could be wrong. I will email wizards and ask them what the official ruling would bee.

Posted 24 September 2013 at 16:38 in reply to #398729 on enchantment madness


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