
395 Decks, 3,488 Comments, 884 Reputation

I really don't understand how manabloom helps with Revelation. It only adds a single mana per turn.

Posted 20 August 2013 at 19:41 as a comment on Post-Theros Hexproof


Yes, I can see how Orb works with Confusion, but it seems like it is meant for a different kind of deck. I can afford to mill the Confusions, but nothing else. If I had a workaround for it, and only had it mill my opponent then it would be amazing. It just seems super risky unless I get everything almost PERFECT, with very little room for error. Now if you were to build a self mill deck, with Lab Maniac, it is a godsend. Which I might throw in sideboard, just to mix things up a bit. :). That would be very fun indeed. :)

Posted 20 August 2013 at 18:19 in reply to #389668 on mill


only 1, once all the pieces are out. :)

Posted 20 August 2013 at 07:50 in reply to #390442 on pestilent hydras


I like the chronic flooding more for the early control aspect, not the long term mill. Do you risk losing 3 or more cards early on to get out something for early offense? That is how I like to use it. Increasing confusion is way too much to really be useful very quickly. The orb is good, but I haven't really played with it so I can't say if I like it or not.

thanks for the input. :). I will certainly check those cards out as well.

Posted 19 August 2013 at 19:52 in reply to #389668 on mill


Yeah, like I said the drake certainly is more useful, but since it costs 4 to use that makes it less effective. Put out 2 clasps for the same mana, and proliferate 2 times for the amount of 1 time with the drake.

Posted 17 August 2013 at 03:15 in reply to #389730 on Feed The Elocutors


Um... Viral drake is ok, but kinda slow. I would say steady progress, is another contagion clasp would be better, even though they seem more limited, they are cheaper to use. And yeah, some cards are just too expensive to just buy. I wish I had the money to just buy all of the cards I wanted. Lol... :)

Posted 17 August 2013 at 01:55 in reply to #389730 on Feed The Elocutors


First off, I like this concept. Cheap token blockers, to stall for elecutors, or a massive token army to overrun people with. Fun both ways. :)

Ok, so here are my 2 cents: Wall of Frost is good, but I think there are better cards to put in here. My suggestions are: Hover Barrier, because it's mana is a little more flexible at 2U instead of 1UU to cast. My next suggestion is Fog Bank. It is a little weaker, but won't die in combat. My 3rd suggestion (take it as you will) is Gomazoa. Personally Gomazoa is my favorite defensive creature, and I HATE playing against it. It doesn't to to easily, despite being a 0/3.
And all 3 of these are a little easier to cast, and have flying. Something that wall if frost doesn't.

For tokens, parallel lives is a must. It doubles your token output for free. :). Also, gutter grime would be too bad here either. Seeing as how you are gonna be sacing for feed the pack anyways, why not get double the creatures for it? Well, those are my initial thoughts, hope they help. I will certainly pipe up if I think of anything else as well.

ok, one last thing: lands. You should have some shock lands in here. Gates are decent, but they come in tapped. Perhaps swap them for breeding pools instead? Or if you can find them... City of Brass is an amazing land in my opinion.

Posted 16 August 2013 at 23:00 as a comment on Feed The Elocutors


Thanks. I hadn't even considered leyline of the void l. Certainly a must for sideboard, thanks. :). And yeah I can check out your elecutor deck.

Posted 16 August 2013 at 22:09 in reply to #389668 on mill


Makes sense. :)

Posted 15 August 2013 at 22:48 in reply to #389262 on And not a creature in sight!


One note... You can't use isochron scepter with glimpse the unthinkable since it is a sorcery, and the scepter can only do instants.

Posted 15 August 2013 at 22:39 in reply to #389299 on And not a creature in sight!


Hey, I just recently posted a mill deck. And I normally don't post on other's decks asking for advice but I don't do mill very well and was wondering if I could get some help? I would be happy to give advice on pretty much anything else if anyone needs it. Although I have to agree that ghoulcaller's bell is way better than codex shredder. Particularly with increasing confusion and dream twist. Also some input on an elecutor stall deck would be appreciated as well. Thanks in advance. :)

Posted 15 August 2013 at 22:36 in reply to #389262 on And not a creature in sight!


painter/stone combo is so wrong in so many ways. and yet so much fun. :) of course pretty much anything with painter's servant is ugly and fun. :)

Posted 15 August 2013 at 01:17 in reply to #389104 on And not a creature in sight!


Yeah, I kind of figured that. Still, it is a fun card that allows for some out of color shenanigans. I have an infinite attack phase combo using it. Not competitive but certainly interesting. This is the only other deck that I have seen to even USE arcanum wings.

Posted 14 August 2013 at 17:49 in reply to #388525 on Aura Swapping


if you are going for the double strike that the tenderfoot has, I might suggest student of warfare or figure of destiny instead.

Posted 13 August 2013 at 07:40 as a comment on Deck Challenge- 1 creature 1 mana


I am actually kind of surprised that you don't have master transmuter in here. It makes spine of ish sah a nightmare card.

Posted 13 August 2013 at 07:37 as a comment on Deck Challenge- Spine of Ish Sah


I love Arcanum wings. such an interesting card. I don't know of any other card that has aura swap. I have a deck design based around it as well, called Arcanum what?, and I think it is pretty fun.

Posted 13 August 2013 at 07:25 as a comment on Aura Swapping


Ok, you said you wanted it to be more effective the more people you are playing with... Blood tithe is a personal fave, as is exsanguinate if you have the extra mana. And seeing as how you said this is casual, those are pretty effective casual cards. And... Just to be a prick, you could throw in 4 piranha marshs as well. It is a rather embarrassing way to lose.

Posted 12 August 2013 at 19:14 as a comment on Bleed with me.


Ok, another card I thought of: mental misstep. Counter those pesky 1 mana instants mentioned above.

Posted 12 August 2013 at 19:00 as a comment on Mono Black: Turn 1or3 Win $13


I'm a guy. Lol... :) anyways, I was thinking of a few other cards as well. if you going to do a non-budget version you might add in Mist and Surgical Extraction.

Posted 11 August 2013 at 22:44 in reply to #388112 on Near-Death/Wall of Blood $17


I mentioned this on another deck, but grand abolisher would be an amazing support card in here I think.

Posted 11 August 2013 at 21:46 as a comment on Near-Death/Wall of Blood $17


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