Do people forget that persecute exists? and what about hymn to tourach? Those are two would be awesome. Check out my discard decks: BU Discard, and Totally Illegal but broken discard deck for more ideas. All of mine are dual color but there is still some great black discard in each.
Do you need the life gain and swarm? I used to have a black/white inf creature/life/dmg/mill deck but took out the black and made it simply all white which got rid of, oddly enough, the life and swarm, it works a lot better now since the win is instant, as soon as the combo come its done. And for your combo you may want one more Curio, just to be safe. Check it out: Renewal Station. Oh, and storm entity seems fun, but its really a waste, I had it in another deck of mine and all it was was a pain
If you're running blue, Piracy charm is funeral charm colorshifted. It seems well put together, but it is missing some big hitters, I know you don't like the rares for this deck but persecute never hurts. For a non-rare deck I think this is pretty good. How about headhunter? its 1 less mana that the apparition but it doesn't regen, which might be important, but still, with wither out now, regen isn't that big anymore sad to say.
Just a thought, if this is anything but you want to play in tournaments? Sorry but I don't think you're ready to run it. honestly, a deck like this can't do much against rush/haste decks, its not fast enough, and counters, which is a given. To stop the counterspell decks in their tracks add vexing shusher, for the speed, idk what to tell you, you'll need mana accel. You'd be surprised how fast you have to be to win consistently.
Ok, I spot a few problems here. 1st. Where the heck is your win condition?? You'll be overrun before your opponent draws him/herself out and you knights aren't enough for beatdown so you'd better not say beatdown. Also pillory of the sleepless and paralyze would make this better. Midnight Banshee + Kulrath is synergy out the wazoo. All non-black creatures get -1/-1 every turn and can't attack. Come on, you can't just stop your opponent, you need to be able to do something too.
would you care to explain why? I do mean, in my humble opinion I think all "all artifact" decks are a bit below par, but none the less, at least this one has some strategy other than affinity.
The problem is that the scythe gives it +2/+2 so I need something to sac it with, thats where the ravager comes into play.
Only one Persecute??????? and only 3 hymns to tourachs?? What is up with the tendrils? that belongs in some storm based deck for damage, not discard. And why all the white? I understand the shriekings but the walls?? do you really need them, in discard, you try to prevent your opponent from playing cards that the walls would combat. Whats with the lifegain too? You're playing DISCARD, own it, stick to it. and add another megrim, no discard deck is complete without 4.
Painter's Servant = Everything becomes red. This could help you out.
I agree with the cryptics, and the addition of more aquatic's wills but I don't think I'd drop the school and tideshaper can be a really great card cuz of its synergy with the lord of atlantis, also it can get you plains to play the school. Don't knock wanderwine, in my deck I drop them and I win, so I wouldn't say there are a ton of better things for 6 mana. Its a game turner, and even for 6 mana its not bad. I'm rather tired of people bashing it. Plus the bannerets help with the cost
4 They aren't restricted.
I say the same thing to all "all artifact" decks, especially ones running stations which can be really expensive. One card, one word, metalworker. Check it out. Add Staff of domination for more fun and inf mana.
you may like Brainstorm for this, other than that, its pretty good. If you can find a faster way to get the firemind out that would be good, take advantage of its being a dragon. Perhaps dragonspeaker shaman to bring it down to UURR? or Urza's Filter since its multi-colored, or urza's incubator. And for some extra fun, throw in jushi apprentice.
the elves might be a tad slower than what you described, but I still feel they would be a good addition. Turn 1: Land, ring, sextant, elf? that way you have the same amount of mana out as your other 1st turn move but now you have 2 ways to do it and are not relying solely on wild growth. Know what I mean?
Actually, good call, that card would be sick in here.
Valid point, and the sol rings are banned everywhere except vintage but there they are restricted, but I'm not really one for legality either so its ok by me. But yeah, the sextant thing could be a problem. Maybe some Llanowar Elves to help you out.
I recommend this card for all "all artifacts" decks: Metalworker. Take a look at it. With staff of domination it equals inf mana, which I'm sure you can find a way to use, even if its just used with the staff to untap something with the longbow on it.
You want a really fun Artifact black inf dmg combo? try Composite Golem + Corpse Dance + Tendrils of Agony. Right now the combo has so many artifacts, it saddens me, once people see your plans they will just kill one piece, and you have no spells to protect. I saw the color and title and was like "YAY TENDRILS!!" but was sad to see no tendrils.
There is an infinite turn combo here you can use if you add wanderwine prophets. Also to make everything islands, try quicksilver fountain then when all but one land is an island, bounce it, everything stays islands.
Pentad Prism can help with your mana problems, you may not even have to change the color. Duel lands can help too, especially Sacred Foundry cuz it actually count as a plains. If you've got more money try Plateau.
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