
64 Decks, 832 Comments, 7 Reputation

This won't work. Stasis + Kismet + Chronatog does, but with what you have now they still get to untap 1 land per turn and untap all their creatures and everything, plus 2 lands untapped = disenchant. If you don't have a vice out your skrewed. Also if you take out WOG and replace kismet with frozen aether you can make this deck mono blue. Check out my deck: Chronostasis.

Posted 05 July 2008 at 20:53 as a comment on Orb Lockdown


you have 31 different cards (not including lands) in a deck of 35 cards (not including lands). Pick a strategy and go with it. A lot of your decks are like this, having only 1 or 2 copies of each card in your deck will only hurt you in the long run, you will almost never get the cards you need.

Posted 03 July 2008 at 14:19 as a comment on watery garden of death


Just so you know, balance is restricted too. I suggest dance of the dead. Also something like trespasser il-vec can help you deal damage and get cards that you draw into your graveyard so you can play them, funeral charm works too. This deck is a lot like your revenge deck actually. You must really like animate dead, and seriously, who wouldn't?

Posted 03 July 2008 at 14:12 as a comment on


If you want to keep it like this and run it, be my guest. I'm just trying to share my experience with this kind of deck, some things you can't be told, you have to find out for yourself. This might be one of them. Run it and see how it does but I think you're going to find ourself wishing for some cards and hating some draws.

Posted 03 July 2008 at 04:28 as a comment on Artifacts are fun


Wrath of God, Damnation, Final Judgment, Plague Wind, Return to hand cards such as unsummon and equilibrium (the creature has to go to the graveyard) don't let you put tokens on anything. Creature control will destroy this, basically a good control deck will wreck this in the worst way. And what does things dying have to do with milling? Extract and Thief will make sure your creatures never hits the board.

Posted 03 July 2008 at 04:21 as a comment on Artifacts are fun


And the mill cards you're referring to is scalplexis and grindstone. Grindstone will still kick your but when comboed with painter's servant and scalplexis will still mill you for 4. Most milling decks have ways to deal with this type anyway so this doesn't really work that well. Ever hear of Raven Guildmaster? Traumatize? Glimpse the Unthinkable? Rootwater Thief? Extract? The last two will rip you to shreds.

Posted 03 July 2008 at 04:02 as a comment on Artifacts are fun


And what happens when something dies? You have no other copies of anything in your deck to draw. What if you face a counterspell deck or a destroy artifact deck? You can't predict any outcome, like victory for example, with a deck that only runs one of each card. I've tried it, it never works. Trust me, I've been around the block a few times with this type of deck, that's why I get so hung up on probability. Of which you have basically none, by the way.

Posted 03 July 2008 at 03:57 as a comment on Artifacts are fun


Drift of Phantasms for transmute may work best, that way you can search for: Freed, Krosan, Laquatus, and Drowner, all the parts you need for your combos have a 3 converted mana cost.

Posted 03 July 2008 at 03:49 as a comment on


I'm not really one for transmute, for some reason I just never really liked it. I'm just used to cheap tutors and extra draws to find my combos. If you like transmute be my guest and put it in.

Posted 03 July 2008 at 03:40 as a comment on Mill Deck Version Two


Ok, you only have one of each card save the ingots of which you have 2 and the Cloudposts of which you actually have 4, you can't form a basic deck strategy with this. What is the main idea here other than just simply having a lot of artifacts? Cut out what you don't need and up the number of what you do. Also, the urza lands are basically useless unless you have 4 of each.

Posted 02 July 2008 at 23:19 as a comment on Artifacts are fun


I didn't have room for the drowner initiates, they're ok, but not that great. Memory sluice is good, but the deal is that this deck focuses on removing the whole deck at one time, so 4 cards isn't really that big of a deal. They aren't bad cards for mill, they just didn't make the cut for this deck.

Posted 02 July 2008 at 22:51 as a comment on Mill Deck Version Two


I never said it was for tournament play, if you want it to be then follow that advice, this was just a casual play deck. And Why the shrines?? What could they do for this deck?

Posted 02 July 2008 at 22:44 as a comment on Who likes Zubera anyway


This is a good idea though, I kind of ran with it, hope you don't mind, I'll put up the deck I made, with credit to you, of course, it will be called Mill Deck Version Two.

Posted 02 July 2008 at 21:17 as a comment on


Oh, Idea! Laquatus mills 3 for 3 colorless, so Island + fertile ground + Krosan + Freed from the real = Inf Mana which you then use with Laquatus to inf mill. Thats only a 5 card combo. Pemmin's Aura is just like Freed from the real, this can up your chances of drawing the ability.

Posted 02 July 2008 at 20:41 as a comment on


Try putting a fertile ground on an island, that way it can tap for UU, use one U to untap Drowner, use the second to untap Krosan. But even then its a 6 card combo, want an easy way (not the least expensive, but effective). Also try Stonybrook schoolmaster + Intruder alarm with Drowner, that way, you get inf merfolk tokens and inf mill. If drowner comes late you'll already have to tokes so its all good. Also krosan can untap an island to then untap itself, you might find a way to use that.

Posted 02 July 2008 at 20:33 as a comment on


This doesn't work, the growth chamber gives you GU not UU and the Krosan can't untap 2 lands at once so you're combo will actually cost you 1 life per card in mana burn and you will only be able to mill for as many islands as you have. See, when you tap the growth chamber it gives GU, then you untap drowner for U, you still have G left, you untap the chamber with Krosan, and untap krosan with an island. Now you are where you started except you have a tapped island and G in your mana pool.

Posted 02 July 2008 at 20:22 as a comment on


Oh yeah, one more thing to watch out for. Now with shadowmoor and eventide you will come across wither decks. Wither can knock your toughness to zero so that your creature will die even if it's indestructible. Turn to mists can help take the tokens off too but just be careful of that.

Posted 01 July 2008 at 21:27 as a comment on Platinum Tree


Reality Ripple, Vanishing, Vodalian Illusionist, and Flickerform can all help your creatures phase out before the Final Judgement or w/e hits so that way they will be safe. Sorry they aren't standard legal. Turn to mist is a good idea though, you already have it, I assume, for that purpose.

Posted 01 July 2008 at 21:24 as a comment on Platinum Tree


How about Boggart Ram-Gang?

Posted 01 July 2008 at 17:49 as a comment on Pummel


Lets find out how your going to beat this deck: Fast Damage. Look it up, try to figure out a way to beat it consistently with this.

Posted 01 July 2008 at 15:57 as a comment on kitty cats


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