Ok, Piper is a great card, just like your phage in your other deck, but it will be the main target of the table so watch yourself. You're playing blue and white, throw in some counters and prot. The avatars all work best in a specific deck type, it is hard to use them all effectively in a singe deck but I commend you for trying, Try out some hybrids for this deck, check out shadowmoor, its a good set for this. You're playing rainbow, MANA ACCEL!! Try Prismatic Omen for land types
Watch that your phage doesn't die or get countered the moment she comes out, thats likely as she is a HUGE threat to most people. Also fear if you are playing against black some tricksters are able to bring her back under her owners control, that means you, and you will lose. I know the angel is there but there are only 2. Also beseech the queen will take a while to pick out a phage, try diabolic and demonic tutor, they can help you out as you won't be tapping 7 lands to cast her.
Does Guile really fit in this deck? I mean Guile is a great card, but a lot better with counterspells, the only ones I see in here are the invoke prejudice and the warder, which aren't the best counterspells in the world sorry to say. I understand that the point is to get out the unspeakable so why not use mystical tutor. And what is the basic win condition cuz if it isn't milling then why is the Kirin in here?
Find what cards are important in a general strategy and put in several copies of them, like 4, not 1. Sorry but Zanekiller is right in that regard, I think ditching any idea is bad, this one just needs work.
This looks fun, wouldn't hurt to add some burn to get your opponent's creatures out of the way though. Check out my deck: Fast Damage
You can take advantage of the fact that most of your kobolds cost 0 to play. Cloudstone Curio seems to be a favorite among people, then add mana echoes or something for a big blaze, it isn't really the main beatdown strategy of this deck, but it could add something other than just having huge creatures to smash with, which while fun, is easily stopped by a good prot or control deck. And your deck is so cheap, why do you need mana flare? I think it would just hurt you
This deck might be a bit too fast for the Angel, dragon, stuffy, and wake. If you want to keep them in, try adding blazing shoal so your tiny creatures can get a huge boost. Also try adding spark elemental and/or lightning serpent. Lightning axe is good, but the meteor can only hit creatures and with stuffy costing 5 mana, the combo may be a bit slow for a burn deck plus, there is only 1 stuffy in here so odds of getting the combo are low. Check out my deck: fast damage
Norin keeps coming into play under its owners control after leaving play every turn or so, When he comes back under my control, I get to switch him out with Confusion in the Ranks. Illusions is blue, so is donate. This is mono red. I have another deck built around Illusions, Your local charitable deck, check it out.
(cont.) If going for standard, take out the mindripper and pit and put in some tutors, Hypnotic Specter, Lilliana Vess, Stupor, and Thoughtseize, just to name a few cards in standard that may help you out.
But the pit and Mindripper aren't standard and with standard it either is or it isn't. Normally I agree with LordOfWar but I don't think there is a "close to standard." This deck is legacy or vintage, which means there should be room for persecute and the hymn. Diabolics would be good, just so you can get your megrims or some other card you need. Also you can try beseech the queen. If not going for standard add one Demonic tutor and vampiric tutor to be fun, but that makes it vintage only.
AH HAH they were in your info section. You should be able to put them in the deck now, the database has been updated.
2 words: Greatbow Doyen.
Dont' worry so much about full hardcasting dragons, make them cheaper and put in mana accel, that way you can replace the crazy amt of lands in your deck with more useful things. Dragonspeaker Shaman can help, so can Urza's Incubator and Urza's Filter. They'll make your creatures cheaper. Btw, the piper is a huge target, it will die the moment it hits the board, just a warning. Hunted dragons should be out of the deck, sorry.
Agree with the Liege and Gouger comment as well as the rite and bones comments. Beseech the queen can help with that last demigod. For example, in casual play you can add buried alive to get 3 demigods in your graveyard then beseech to get the last one in your hand, play and smack for 20 haste flying. Emberstrike is the worst Duo, so you may want to replace that with something better, like blight or something else mentioned above, Ilovegoblins has some good ideas.
Your main problem now is how to protect yourself first turn, believe it or not, I know of a lot of decks that will kill before you even get to draw. Try free counters: Foil, daze (only works when you go 2nd), and force of will. Also Isochron + Orims chant = You have nothing to worry about, so you may want to add the Orim's, its an awesome card by itself, let alone if you can do it every turn.
I know some people who would throw you out of a venue for saying something like that. Did you play back when he first came out? He is a legend to the core, all good blue milling decks used to run him and now you say he sucks? for shame. I'd love to watch this go up against an old fashioned Laquatus deck, after that you won't think he sucks as bad as you do now. The point is that he doesn't need to tap, unlike your creatures.
You're playing vintage, so where is lightning bolt? and how about grim lavamancer?
Anything that sacs artifacts with Disciple out is good but horribly illegal in anything but Vintage, in which case you're likely to be overrun by amazing older cards. but for casual play, this might be fun. I saw a lot of decks like this before the banning of ravager, disciple, and skullclamp in mirrodin and they all ran fairly well.
Oh, something a bit better than shock, though a bit harder to get your hands on is Lightning bolt, its 3 dmg instead of 2.
You're dragons are still expensive, maybe dragonspeaker shaman, he's red. How about fledging dragon for the quick get out but then gets tough as the game goes on, you might like it.
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