
64 Decks, 832 Comments, 7 Reputation

Prismatic Omen is a bit harder to get rid of tha Joiner, also the piper will get killed the moment it hits the board, no one in their right mind would let that live so you may want some prot for it. Also do you really have 4 copies of each old dual land? if you do, then I applaud you but if you don't and you want a cheaper option, try looking at the Guild lands.

Posted 23 June 2008 at 18:29 as a comment on Mana Crush


Rhys the Redeemed, you need one, or more, for this deck, pronto, and at least one doubling season. Selesnya focuses on having tons of creature tokens and using them with convoke to play big spells for basically nothing you have the token part, so why not run with that. Rhys and Doubling season are essential. Epic struggle for the alt win.

Posted 23 June 2008 at 18:03 as a comment on


Only problem, if you get stuck with temples and no other lands, or if you don't get one of every urza's out, this deck is fairly slow. The Urza lands are good, but not that great separately and the odds of getting all 3 out, even with 4 of each in the deck are not that high, temples are useless without 5 lands in play and that will make them horrible till about turn 5 or later.

Posted 23 June 2008 at 17:58 as a comment on


Shriekmaw and nekrataal work similarly but shriekmaw can be played like a terror and just kill a creature or it can be casted as a creature. Evoke is pretty awesome. Plus it has fear, which for your purposes, may be a bit better than first strike and its a 3/2 instead of 2/1. I mean to cast it, it is one mana more but its also a lot better if you ask me.

Posted 23 June 2008 at 17:49 as a comment on


With your patron that you have now, you need at least one forest island, like breeding pool, or something to turn your islands into forests but still produce blue mana so you can pay the stasis's upkeep cost. Or I guess you can use the restorer, but I'd still try to go with breeding pool or something.Magus of the Candelabra may work too, cuz then you can tap your forests to untap your islands to pay the upkeep cost. Or just put in eon hub to skip paying the upkeep cost.

Posted 23 June 2008 at 17:44 as a comment on


Patron of the Orochi and Mobilize wouldn't hurt either, The patron, though expensive, would be one of the best options for this as it will untap all your creatures, including itself every turn. Then you can smash and untap all your lands. This is actually a really good idea. Maybe take advantage of its snake offering to lower its high cost.

Posted 22 June 2008 at 20:06 as a comment on


(cont.) so you may need to re-evaluate your lock and perhaps take out the chronatogs. I personally think the lock you have now is great, but if you want to do something other than sit and watch your opponent draw out while trying to think up some way (which they won't find) to get around or out of your lock then you should go off of a tribal stasis deck built with faces of the past.

Posted 22 June 2008 at 19:58 as a comment on


Here's the deal with nature's will, with the lock set that you have now, you will be skipping your turn thanks to the tog, they won't have untapped lands because of the aether, their lands come into play tapped already. The problem with nature's will and stasis is that, while your lands untap, your creatures do not, so you may need to work some way around that, such as faces of the past and play a tribal deck, that can work. But if you do that than your lock set is different from the chrono lock

Posted 22 June 2008 at 19:56 as a comment on


Oh, and Zoran Orb + Fastbond + Crucible of Worlds = Type 1 infinite life combo if you want to add some craziness to this.

Posted 22 June 2008 at 16:04 as a comment on


Umm... Test of endurance for an alternate win condition, its not standard legal but neither is your deck cuz of the entities and helices anyway so whats one more card.

Posted 22 June 2008 at 16:01 as a comment on


Ok, now you have to watch your lock, so it doesn't become a target of free destroy enchantments, try daze, foil, or force of will, they are free counterspells to help you out. Also, to deal with some pesky untapped creatures your opponent controls, you can throw in ensnare, it can be free too.

Posted 22 June 2008 at 15:37 as a comment on


What are you using the scepter with? it only imprints instants and you've got all sorceries. And why are you using 6 swamps when you only have 1 card that uses swamps, switch them out for dual lands, that way they won't hinder you with land type.

Posted 22 June 2008 at 14:22 as a comment on Return of the Kavu


You're going to need more mana accel than you have to get out those 7 and 9 cost artifacts. Use pentad prism and you can also use fist of suns, you're playing sunburst so you want to try to get as much of each color as you can, the prism will give you mana of any color and the fist will let you play things for only 5 mana. Also Energy chamber + Prism = one mana of any color each turn with rollover, that would be great for this.

Posted 22 June 2008 at 14:16 as a comment on


ok... why is there like, only one of each card in your deck? Its called probability and it won't be on your side. Take a look at what you really need and cut out the rest, then up the number of the cards you need most.

Posted 22 June 2008 at 04:25 as a comment on Brimstone


Counters is everyone's weakness, Vexing Shusher should take care of that. Disenchant is a must when going up against problematic prot decks. and as for a rating, you've made some vast improvements, you went from like a 3 or 4 to an 8 or 9. Its hard to tell the actual rating without playtesting, but I think you'll get some great results. With a well formed sideboard i think it has 10 potential, at least for its deck type, which is awesome. Congratulations and good job.

Posted 22 June 2008 at 04:14 as a comment on Eternal Dragon


Blanchwood armor would be fun in here. It looks pretty good but two deck types that can hurt you are prot and control decks. Vexing shusher, someone mentioned it above, is the ultimate control deck killer, you can sideboard it, I suggest 4. For prot kill, sideboard spring cleaning, and if your creatures all have trample with primal rage, it will be a lot harder to stop them all. This deck looks pretty good to me though. Oh they brought back Rhox too, he may be fun in here too.

Posted 22 June 2008 at 03:11 as a comment on GW Agro


Oh and one teeny, tiny boo boo. Your combo doesn't work. The muse's ability activates during your opponent's untap step, but stasis makes them skip that step, therefore you never get to untap your stuff either, even with the muse out. Sorry. For a better lock, find some way to skip your turn or something, like with chronatog. Or find some way to utilize thran turbine or even better would be eon hub. Try those out, cuz right now you're in a bit of trouble if you try to use this combo.

Posted 21 June 2008 at 21:14 as a comment on


Frozen AEther is just like orb of dreams, but blue and only effects your opponent, it might be nice. For other ideas check out my stasis deck: Chronostasis. You may want to find ways to get your lock out faster, a 5th or 6th turn lock is not as devastating as a turn 3 lock, you have the green so why not add some more mana accel than just fertilid to help you out a bit. For a finisher, black vise works really well, so maybe one of those, they are restricted.

Posted 21 June 2008 at 21:11 as a comment on


Mirror Gallery, that way your multi copies of your legends can be put to use.

Posted 21 June 2008 at 17:28 as a comment on A different kind of samurai deck


(cont.) also try the mirrodin block, sunburst is killer in a rainbow deck, so that can help too. With Pentad prism and a chrome mox, you can get out a second turn bringer.1: Land, Mox, Prism, 2: Land, BRINGER!! try it out. Pentad prism might be an incredible card for this, just to let you know. Throw in energy chamber with the prism to get 1 mana of any color every turn with rollover.

Posted 21 June 2008 at 17:25 as a comment on Concerted Effort


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