
64 Decks, 832 Comments, 7 Reputation

A boring repetative deck will rip this to shreds every time. I'd like to play it out against one of mine and see if it can even last 3 turns. A 50% win percentage isn't good enough for me and what exactly are the decks youre playing against, they're probably other HUGE decks. Variety comes from the sideboard in dealing with opponents, not the main deck. If you want variety you can make different decks and not pile it all into one. Take this to a tournament, you'll lose first round guaranteed.

Posted 01 July 2008 at 15:54 as a comment on kitty cats


This deck is WAY too big. Most of your cards only have a 1/69 chance of being drawn, try changing it to 3 or 4/60.

Posted 01 July 2008 at 00:16 as a comment on Nuts and Feathers


Jhoira of the Ghitu would be awesome here. Same with Greater Gargadon.

Posted 01 July 2008 at 00:09 as a comment on Suspend Storm


How about something that will just let you sac artifacts with no mana given, that way, if you can't use it, you don't take mana burn, like Arcbound Ravager? I understand that the point is to sac to make more tokens but what happens if you don't draw your matrix? I mean, you only have 2, and your opponent won't wait.

Posted 30 June 2008 at 23:34 as a comment on Dark Artifacts


Tinker is a bit better than reshape although I understand the extended deal. Try, for your affinity the artifact lands, seat of the synod works best here. You may not have enough blue for Kraken's Eye to really be effective as only 1/10 of your deck is blue, you may want to find some other cheap artifact that can replace at least some of them. Maybe mana batteries, or moxes, something like that to help with mana accel. Hope this helps.

Posted 30 June 2008 at 22:11 as a comment on Arcbound deck


This deck is HUGE!! You have like, 1/167 chance of drawing the card you need. This won't win you any, sorry. Split this deck in half, one green cat deck, one white. White cats typically go well with equipments so may want to add those. This deck won't work, sorry to say, Building decks for gfs and bfs is something very cute, but if the deck doesn't work you may have to alter it, perhaps a lot. Sorry.

Posted 30 June 2008 at 20:37 as a comment on kitty cats


Oh, Here's a bit of a challenge for you to figure out, go on the database and figure out cards you will need to beat 2 of my decks that would destroy this one right now, this kind of deck is your biggest threat, beat it and you're set. White Creature Control and Plague Wind. They run the same basic thing you have to stop.

Posted 30 June 2008 at 16:39 as a comment on


P.S.S. For 4 months of playing this isn't bad, just so you know. I have been playing upwards of about 12 years now so I'm not really used to people who haven't been playing for a long time. Elves are a good theme to start out on but there are basics to deckbuilding that only time will teach you. If you find yourself constantly wishing you had a single card in your hand and with others you think, no not that card again, then up the number of the one you need and take out the one you don't. Ok?

Posted 30 June 2008 at 16:32 as a comment on


P.S. Eulogists are really only good against single creature destroy decks, like black decks with terrors and things like that. It isn't good against Wrath of God decks, so be careful. For artifacts: Door of Destinies can help this deck out some, think if all your elves were HUGE how much damage you could do. Just remember, you can't get anything out if you cant draw it, unless of course you have tutor cards, but you have to draw those too.

Posted 30 June 2008 at 16:29 as a comment on


The sideboard is a place where you can put 15 cards as preparation for other decks. In a typical game you play best 2 out of 3, after the first match you can switch out cards from your sideboard into your maindeck or maindeck to sideboard, so long as the deck remains above 60 and sideboard 15 or below. This means that if you aren't going against creature destroy you won't need the eulogists in the deck, they can be relpaced with something more useful, but if you are then you can switch them in.

Posted 30 June 2008 at 16:24 as a comment on


(cont) You said that this deck has only let you down twice, but the people you play against might build the same kind of decks, with low probability. The only way to ensure a win is the know what youre going to draw, luck will only win you some, strategy will win you the rest. Understand? This is where the sideboard comes into play.

Posted 30 June 2008 at 16:22 as a comment on


I'm not trying to be mean, I'm trying to help you. I don't see tokens as a THEME for this deck. If you want it to be, then up the number of the cards you mentioned. Rhys the redeemed can help too. I know doubling season is expensive but if you can ever get your hands on a cheap one you should but you already know that. Decks with only 1 of each card are very random, you never know what you're going to draw, you never know if it will be the card you need.

Posted 30 June 2008 at 16:20 as a comment on


Can you find anything to do with the infinite loop you can create with the butchers?

Posted 30 June 2008 at 04:00 as a comment on Your Worst Nightmare


(cont.) Nath is a good elf, Gaea's is good too but only in sideboard, Thornweld archers are great annoyers and blockers for early on but don't fit the token theme, Leaf Gilder?? Try Llanowar Elves, Neither of the riders fit, Windslayers don't fit either, Winnower doesn't fit either, The eulogist doesn't make a whole lot of sense since tokens don't stay in the graveyard.

Posted 30 June 2008 at 03:56 as a comment on


You say you get tokens but I don't really see it. Seriously, get your act together. Pick a theme, get cards that relate to it. Random elves doesn't cut it, pick elves that work with your theme and up their number then take out cards that don't really fit, like the riders. If your doing tokens where is doubling Season?? Why do you only have 1 of almost every card, this deck will never make up against a well formed deck. All of your decks are like this, you can't just pick up random cards.

Posted 30 June 2008 at 03:44 as a comment on


If you put in Laquatus you can put in some merfolk based infinite mana combo, Like: Stonybrook Schoolmaster + Paradise Mantle + Intrider Alarm to mill completely. Have fun.

Posted 30 June 2008 at 00:59 as a comment on


4 Tutors = Not legal, not that I'm one to abide by Wizard's rules and regulations for restrictions but still.

Posted 30 June 2008 at 00:56 as a comment on Conjuration


Furnace of Rath?

Posted 30 June 2008 at 00:52 as a comment on Breath of FIre


Elf decks can be really strong. Why not put in some more elvish champions, maybe allosaurus rider, land accel, Wellwisher. This could easily go from beginner deck to a higherlevel deck. That means its a good beginner deck, it gives you a place to start and a place to go. I do suggest taking out a bit of what you don't need and increasing the number of cards you do. Gaea's Anthem is good for this. Rhys the Redeemed for higher elf count, Look at some other elf decks here for some ideas

Posted 29 June 2008 at 23:22 as a comment on Deck for Amanda


Ok, these guys have it. I've been playing since Alpha and Beta, when I was only 5 or 6 on mono green rush/beatdown. The basic rule of thumb is, for your first decks, always stick to mono its easier to understand, build, and play. Also, 3+ color decks only work on certain occasions, not very often though, stick to, at most, 2 colors.

Posted 29 June 2008 at 23:17 as a comment on First Deck


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