Ok, Why would you need commandeer? I understand the remove 2 blue cards but the ability is... why? Its not a bad ability but if the servant is out you can just play a pyroblast or REB to counter it. Also... why the creature lands?? They don't make a whole lot of sense here, lands are served better in this deck to provide RG just like they do now. Only land add is, if you have them, Taiga. Thats it.
Demonic Tutor and Sol Ring are restricted, not that I'm one for legality, but still. Also, PROBABILITY, you never know what your going to get with this deck. Up what you need, take out what you don't.
Wrath of God, Austere Command, Catastrophe, Damnation, Decree of Pain, Devastation, Extinction, Forced March, Jokulhaups, Kirtar's Wrath, Mageta the Lion, Magus of the Disk, Mass Calcify, Nature's Rain, Nevinyrral's Disk, Obliterate, Overwhelming Forces, Perish, Plague Wind, Reiver Demon, Retribution of the meek, Soulscour, sunscour, and Worldslayer ALL RIP THIS DECK TO SHREDS. Any black or white destroy all creatures or any blue or white creature control completely destroys this deck. So watch.
Thats the way to do it!!
This looks fun but Donato_Avon14 is right to an extent, maybe the donate illusions combo is a bit much, maybe just stick to leveler and phage. Bronze Bombshell is sick in here so I wouldn't take it out but focus only on endless whispers and you can't go wrong. Check out another deck that I have that is a bit similar: Wait Im Confused. It switches creatures via Confusion in the Ranks.
ianman222001, Did you even READ THE CARD LIST!!!!! OR THE EXPLANATION AT THE TOP!!! Painter's Servant costs 2 to play, that means Ideally second turn (especially with those tutors from type 1 there but sadly the deck wouldn't be standard anymore) you will have all permanents and all spells and all cards EVERYTHING become BLUE, ergo red, white, green, or black (which you forgot in your above statement) IT WON'T MATTER!!! Next time READ.
This is unique. If it wasn't type 2 I'd tell you to put in Worldly Tutor, or Sylvan Tutor to help get your Painters, but this looks good for a type 2 mono-green, anti-blue deck. I have a deck built similar to this but WB AB. Check it out: AB Massacre.
if it was just white, trust me there would have been a color switch, there are plenty of white cards that go with kiki jiki but there are some blue that are just insane. Intruder alarm works the exact same way as sky hussar but when any creature comes into play, and faces of the past works when one of my goblins dies, and since I'll be sacrificing my fanatics, thats as much damage as I can think up.
The Thumbs are legendary and if you have more than one out you get to flip one extra for the first, then 2 extra for each additional thumb thats out. Having all 4 thumbs out is ideal, that way you get to flip 8 coins and choose 1 to be your actual flip, thats a TON better odds than 50/50.
Kamahl, Fist of Krosa can turn them to 1/1 creatures for G each. He can also give you overrun.
The druid has a 2 toughness, so it becomes 1 with the night. So it works, it will just die if you try to untap it with the ability unless an anthem is out.
Ok, I know you have the omens and the adepts but you have a 1/10 chance of drawing them to get your kiki-jiki hussar combo out. That isn't too bad but you can try putting in dual lands to help the combo out a bit. Elvish piper is there, I know, but unless you lord of leaves is out the piper won't last 5 seconds if he is the piper may last 10 seconds. All in all, not a bad deck, on the contrary its good, but I think some dual lands can help you out a bit. Tooth and Nail too, good call LordOfWar.
Oh yeah, to help your door, try composite golem
Can you say mana accel?? Its an essential part of all rainbow decks, especially this one. Coalition Victory is 8 mana, so it doesn't matter if all your lands are all land types if you don't have 8 or 4 and 4 birds or some other combination, but you will still need mana accel. Also, your tutors don't help you if you don't have the omen out, but you need the tutors to find the omen, a bit problematic don't you think? maybe more dual lands of different colors.
Sorry, shadowmoor is its own block, it includes eventide. Lorwyn and Morningtide are one "mini block" and shadowmoor and eventide are the second "mini block." You can tell they are different because lowryn block focuses on tribes while shadowmoor block focuses on color pairs. The two are separate, but Oona is nevertheless a great card in here.
For NewbEater: thanks, whispersilk is actually a great card to pair with her, as that way she is really hard to kill and next turn you're going to swing for the game, but as you can tell I wanted to take it a different angle.
Ok, for Exore_The_Mighty, The theme is phage the card, not phage the picture, also I don't want phage in my hand, I want Phage DEAD so she comes back on my opponents side. I don't want her to hit my opponent, I want her DEAD. Endless whispers is the combo here. If I wanted her to attack i'd just add whispersilk cloak like NewbEater does to his decks its better than fear, the point of the deck was to show that her first ability is useful too and not just some horrid bother to people who play her.
I'm so happy to see imperiosaur in here, that might be one if my favorite green cards. This looks like a strong deck, but for your into hand mana accel and to be sure that you are getting plenty of forests out you may want to try Rites of Flourishing.
A 3 permanent combo isn't too bad, most are. So I guess your good in that regard, prot for it is still nice but you already took care of that so nice job. People will still know the precursors to your combo if they play this deck enough so I'd say this is really fun if you play against people who don't know it or have forgotten it. But thats true for almost all combo decks. It actually looks pretty good for a combo deck and trust me, I know combo decks, just look at all of mine, haha. Good job.
Buried alive would be good here and just so you know entomb is restricted in vintage and banned everywhere else. Maybe some dredge creatures would be fun here too.
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