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So, I actually can't take credit for the idea. I had seen two decks done that way before. But, for this deck I would suggest birds of paradise.

Posted 22 June 2012 at 23:29 as a comment on Community Deck: Cheap Domain


yeah. it is great. I realy like spellskite. I thought about it, and you can use it to keep your creatures safe, and keep youre opponents from [um[ing their own creatures as well.

Posted 22 June 2012 at 07:00 in reply to #266804 on Eater of Days


agreed. Standard is nice, but I think that there should be way more attention to legacy/vintage here. So many possibilites!!! I myself don't really have the funds to do much, but I am very much tired of seeing more delver decks. also, I would like to see it because my knowledge of older cards is limited because I am still a fairly knew player, but there seems to be very few people here that will tell me much about what I want to know.

anways... I digress. I hae always really liked reanimator decks. I got one from a friend, and tore it aprt because I had no clue what it was. stupid me. the only thing that Imight say would be good here is living death. if you end up getting screwed over for some reason, just turn the tables and flood the field with you're creatures, while empying it of their creature. :)

Posted 21 June 2012 at 16:22 in reply to #264417 on Dead Remnant


something else that Iwould add in here is unwinding clock. it will untap everything you have on the field during everyone else's turn. :)

Posted 21 June 2012 at 16:07 as a comment on Low cost Artifacts 3.0


yeah, I like the chariot too. But I would have to comepletely redesign the deck for it to be a vialbe win con here. I would take out any creatures with 0 power, and replace them with something else, just to make it worth my while. good concept though.
Like I said, I really do like the chariot, but I don't think that it would fit this build very well.

Posted 21 June 2012 at 15:55 in reply to #266885 on defender deck


I would say to swap the cancels in your sidebaord for stoic rebuttal instead, seeing as how you are going to have lots of artifacts out. Does the same thing for UU instead of 1UU, with metalcraft.

Posted 21 June 2012 at 03:36 as a comment on Eater of Days


Sorry, the guy who taught taught magic used that term, but it is not mainstream I guess. A plinker card is a card that just taps to deal damage. Like prodigal pyromancer. They don't have to attack to do any damage.

Posted 20 June 2012 at 23:32 as a comment on Cleric/Destroy enchantment works?


Just thought of a card that would be great in here. Kor spiritdancer. You should check it out.

Posted 20 June 2012 at 22:08 as a comment on Healing Aura


a friend had a deck based around the test subject, and also put in 2 lord of the unreal and xenograft. have both the lords out with the xenograft, you have at least a 15/15 trampler with hexproof. for dirt cheap.

Posted 20 June 2012 at 16:33 as a comment on Ludevic's Deck


yeah, I know. Such a uber powered card. I have a UG deck built around the gnarlids. I wasn't allowed to use it after a while.

Posted 20 June 2012 at 02:13 in reply to #266199 on Healing Aura


The kabira vindicator is good. A little expensive yes, but good. The student of warfare... Think of figure of destiny.

Posted 19 June 2012 at 21:39 as a comment on Impenetrable Knights


I would sat painters servant would go well with your combo, but that would blow up the entire board, you side included. Really like anything with enchanted evening. Good deck, looks fun to play. Random thought, are there any cards you could use to make the visionary a plinker?

Posted 19 June 2012 at 16:09 as a comment on Cleric/Destroy enchantment works?


It has nothing to do with front page status. Ut just seems to be that good interesting decks like this should not go un noticed. They should be discussed and refined just like the rest

Posted 19 June 2012 at 16:03 as a comment on Heartless 1st Turn Kill - No Vintage Power Cards


So... Clearly neither you , nor FourBranches actually read the intro.

Also, if you want to get your decks looked at then make good comments on others, and ask for advice , then post a link. Do it with 20 decks and I bet tgat you will get some feedback.

Posted 19 June 2012 at 08:39 in reply to #266024 on Phylactery Pwnage!


well, this deck is about to cycle anyways, so it will be a good modern deck.

Posted 18 June 2012 at 23:45 as a comment on myr fury


no apology needed. Oh, and the forums have a PM system set up.

Also, you said that you had some other decks. Are you planning on posting them at all? I would be interested in looking at them. :)

Posted 18 June 2012 at 23:20 in reply to #265740 on Phylactery Pwnage!


Yup, saw it

Posted 18 June 2012 at 22:09 in reply to #265664 on 4 card rule? nope


Clearly you didn't read the posts. Read the last one by builder, I Win All the Time.

Posted 18 June 2012 at 21:41 in reply to #265701 on Phylactery Pwnage!


I hope not. because this kind of thing is what is clogging up this site in the first place. why give attention to a deck that mocks that? (no offense to the builder.)

Posted 18 June 2012 at 19:46 in reply to #265664 on 4 card rule? nope


I gotta ask though, why cheat? in all honesty, playing by the rules is way more fun.
Unless of course, as stated somewhere above, you have made up your own varient. either way, this deck really could be improved. in fact, making it legal would make it a stronger deck in general, because you would be able to give it more diversity than it has and you would be able to deal with more situations better. so not only would it win in your circle of friends, but also against more serious players.

In all honesty if this beats your friends decks every time, then most normal decks would thrash them in a normal game. someone stated above that even standard decks wouldn't have a hard time with this, and legacy decks, (the ones that can cost up to several grand to build) would laugh at it. this is true. But if I am correct, you posted this deck for comments nd critisms on how it could be improved, right? so, the comments that have been given, while not exactly nice, are generally true.

This deck has a ton of real game potential if you would legalize it. sure, you would't be garunteed a "win" against your friends anymore, but that tests your skill as a player and forces you to get better and more creative and flexible in your play style. All in all, not a bad thing.

In all honesty, my favourite game that I have played so far (which was almost 2 years ago now, and still has not been topped) was a game that I lost. it started out as a 4 way game, and it got down to me and another guy. he was playing a friend's 5 color deck, very powerful. I was playing what amounts to a newbie spot removal deck. (still have it. love that deck.)

I had blown up the board with planar cleansing, and kept out a twilight shepard, because of persist, and he responded by playing conflux and grabbing 5 cards from his library. I drew a diabolic tutor and grabbed what I thought was going to be the game winning card... I attacked, and he blocked. I played my card to try and tap his creature, thus making it unable to block, and he played holy day and prevented the damage. he then swung in for 5 with his magistar sphinx, and took out my angel, and then ended the game next turn.

That game lasted for over 2 hours. most of it was me and him going back and forth. Did I win? no. Was it a blast because I had been creative in how I held my own? absolutely. That, in my opinion, is what makes the game fun. Sure, it is fun to goof around and cheat sometimes, if the whole group is playing by modified rules, but a regular game is way moer fun I think.

So, like I asked before, what is fun about cheating? if you want to get creative in your deck biulding there are so many better ways to do it than that. There is an almost limitless amount of possiblities for deck building in magic. and if you want to get crazy, look into the unglued or unhinged sets.

Posted 18 June 2012 at 19:44 in reply to #265663 on Phylactery Pwnage!


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