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Or kor spiritdancer, since his enchantments are all auras. Cheaper cmc and more useful ability for thus deck.

Posted 25 June 2012 at 19:18 in reply to #267925 on Healing Aura


Ok, so it would take a good mythic rare to trump it. That kinda tells me something. Although there are other cards that would do the job. Point is it isn't a terrible card, just not a very good one.

Posted 25 June 2012 at 14:41 in reply to #267742 on |-Worst Cards In MTG History-|


Felidar sovereign is that card. It is from a few blocks back. Unless of course they are reprinting it.

Posted 25 June 2012 at 08:45 in reply to #267861 on Healing Aura


So, you do know that you don't have to pay it all at once right? and what card is there that you have to y 15 mana for a 4/4 first strike? the only leel up card that I can think of like that would be student of warfare, which turns into a 4/4 double striker for... W to put out and W to level up, and max level is 7.

the worst that I can think of would be zulaport enforcer: B to put out and 4 to level up. 16 for a5/5 that is racist and can only be blocked by black creatures.

on the upside... you have cards like transcendant master, who is 1WW to put out, and levels up for only 1. once you get to 12 you get a 9/9 with lifelink and indestuctible. I run it in my zombie cleric deck, and it is crazy powerful once you get it out. But, it is your deck and you can like whatever you want. :) either way I still like this deck. Clerics are great.

Posted 25 June 2012 at 03:58 as a comment on Clerics


I would say that I agree except for one thing: 2B. crazy fast for a 5/2 trample. also, if you can get it unblockable then you are golden.

admitedly by itself it certainly sucks. :)

Posted 25 June 2012 at 03:29 in reply to #267742 on |-Worst Cards In MTG History-|


first off I would like to say that I love aura decks. I have one myself that does fairly well.
my advice for you would have to be to actually cut a few of your auras and get some protective instants in your deck. you have blue, so cancel and such would be good.

Also, lose the thraben valiant and put in either 4 kor spiritdancers, or 2 and 2 more totem guides.
the valiants are cheap to put out, true, but they don't have synergy with the rest of the deck.
Kor spiritdancer is also onlly 1W to play, gets +2/+2 for every aura attached to it, and allows you to draw a card every time to cast an aura.
The other tack that you could take is to get some blue auras in.
Eel umbra is good, as are mind control type cards.

well, there is my 2 cents on this deck. It has lots of potential. :)
(Oh, also, Aura Gnarilds can be very OP. see my aura deck here: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=230987).

Posted 25 June 2012 at 03:14 as a comment on Bruna, Light of Alabaster/Aura deck


have you considered past in flames? it would be great if you got a slow start on the game.

Posted 24 June 2012 at 22:49 as a comment on No cheat, turn 3 win.


the alchemist is in here already...

Posted 24 June 2012 at 22:43 as a comment on Clerics


you shoulld throw in valakut he molten pinnacle.

Posted 24 June 2012 at 22:13 as a comment on Pure Flame


right on. I love clerics. Sadly, there aren't many powerful clerics in standard really. But, legacy has lots of them. :) however, I think that perhaps few new clerics would be good in here. maybe swap the spiritualist for either transcendant master or for mikaeus.

Posted 24 June 2012 at 22:12 as a comment on Clerics


Very nice. I like this concept a lot. love vent sentinal. I have similar deck, you should check it out.
also, you have 8 copies of blind with anger.

Posted 24 June 2012 at 21:53 as a comment on Defend We Need !


I was looking around the vault, and there are a few cards that I saw that might go well in a land deck. maybe not this one, but perhaps. Nature's emergance, and eath surge.

Posted 24 June 2012 at 21:24 as a comment on Modern: Land Ramp


scute mob would work really well here. similar to the vinelasher, but for only G to play. it does not get big as fast, but once it gets big, it keeps growing. "There are always more scute bugs." :)

Posted 24 June 2012 at 20:55 as a comment on Modern: Land Ramp


very nice. love it.

Posted 24 June 2012 at 19:43 as a comment on No cheat, turn 3 win.


Oh, if i could get anyone's input on this deck that i am trying to build, that would be great.
Here is the deck link: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=352030

Posted 24 June 2012 at 17:49 in reply to #267630 on Attack of the Myrs


Um... Why? They come into play untapped, they can produce 2 types of mana each, and they count as basic lands for the purposes of landsearching. At least, it is stated on the cards that they count as both land types, so I assume that you can search for them with evolving wilds or terramorphic expanse, or any other basic landsearching cards. True they have no particularly powerful abilities, but I don't think they need them. In fact the only thing I don't like about them are the price tag. The cheapest that I have seen them is around $50 or so. And that price tag generally cines with the fact that they are insanely useful overall.

Posted 24 June 2012 at 17:34 in reply to #262421 on |-Worst Cards In MTG History-|


Myr turbine isn't standard, nor is voltaic key.

Posted 24 June 2012 at 17:04 in reply to #267552 on Attack of the Myrs


It seems to me that your deck is kind aimless. You are going to get put lots of myrs, but you can't do much if your opponent throws you a curveball so to speak. You only have one win con, the battlesphere. You have lots of mana producing myrs, and the ability to have infinite mana, but you don't do anything with it.

Since you have gold myrs, I would most certainly suggest tempered steel be mainboard. What to take out though... The spellbombs. Because you have so many regular creatures, you don't really need the single token that the spellbomb create. true it does allow a single card draw, but how much good will the ability to draw a total of 4 cards in your deck be? Also, like a lot if myr deck that I have seen on here, you have no ability to protect your myrs once you get them out. In this deck, you can produce all colors, but have no powerful colored cards except tempered steel. You should at least sideboard some kind of counter spell cards.

All of that aside, I have always liked myr decks. They always have seemed to be an underdog tribe because there are so few of them that are game changingly powerful by themselves. But, kinda like elves, they can be very powerful en masse. The concept you have here is good, I like it.

Posted 24 June 2012 at 17:01 as a comment on Attack of the Myrs


Thanks. Oh, scute mob!!!

Posted 23 June 2012 at 16:58 in reply to #267311 on Community Deck: Cheap Domain


Palace guard + ghostly possession.

Posted 23 June 2012 at 02:36 in reply to #267044 on Impenetrable Knights


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