
395 Decks, 3,488 Comments, 884 Reputation

Also, the crusader gets pumped by everything too, so... Flickering the monk puts out two more tokens every time. But, like I said, it is up to you.

Posted 08 August 2012 at 17:40 in reply to #279267 on Faith's Battle Plan


So, why should I drop white. Oh, your deck is interesting, but it takes a different route than mine and the nimbus and gargoyle fit it well. I don't know if they fit here. Kinda like warmonger's chariot. Attacking isn't what I am going for with this deck. More burn I guess you could say... Also, other than making mana a little easier... Why should I drop white, and what would you replace the white cards with? Thanks for the comment. :)

Posted 08 August 2012 at 03:53 in reply to #279374 on defender deck


Never mind. It isn't as good as I thought. I rechecked the card.

Posted 08 August 2012 at 01:39 in reply to #278021 on Tezzy Control


It could, but it's up to you.

Posted 07 August 2012 at 14:59 in reply to #279267 on Faith's Battle Plan


a for some spot removal... once beast rotates then Murder is a good option: 1BB destroy target creature.

Posted 06 August 2012 at 21:12 as a comment on Master Splinter & The Boneyard Boys


other cards that do that are bojuka bog and ravenous trap. neither are standard though..., but then the spellbomb is going to rotate with RTR so...

Posted 06 August 2012 at 21:10 in reply to #278044 on Master Splinter & The Boneyard Boys


commented. :)

Posted 06 August 2012 at 21:03 in reply to #271474 on M13 pre-release sealed deck


very interesting. I like th cloudshift with the captain, champion, and commander. particularly if you have the commander out and cloudshift the captain. you get 2 more creatures, and your creatures get +3/+3 until end of turn.
only thing that I might add is some life gain. maybe healer of the pride, or something along those lines. it is very strange to see a mono white deck with no life gain...

all in all I like. :) good deck.

Posted 06 August 2012 at 20:50 as a comment on Faith's Battle Plan


in all honesty I see no reason to add the Tree, because it isn't going to be very effective of a card sure, it is a huge defender, but if use it it changes, for better or worse, and both ways I lose becaue either I gain a lot of life and make a creature tiny, or I get a huge defender and lose life.

The Elixer isn't here for the life gain, it is for the graveyard retreval... you know, in case I genisis wave something important, like a banefire. or if my opponent blows up the board. so... in that light I see little value in the Tree.

as for dropping white... again I see no reason for that. it gives me a solid one drop. 0/4 defender that gives me 2 life when a creature that I control with defender blocks. and a 2 drop that boosts everything that I have out.

Hurricane is a decent card, but I don't have enough life gain to abuse it. plus it can be countered. once the armor is out... then they have to get rid of it first. and I have cards to deal with creatures of all sorts if I need, hence the sideboarded Bonfire. it doesn't hurt me.

The only thing that I can say that I would seriously consider is dropping the phytohydra for the wall of blossoms, because I have no draw in here, and that would be helpful in getting things out faster.

you have some good ideas, but I don't know if you have really looked at what each card does in conjunction with everything else. other than suggesting that I drop white you are wanting to make the deck too complicated.

the only card in here that doesn't really serve a good purpose is the phytohydra... so I will probably swap it for the wall of blossoms, since it is cheaper, bigger, and gives card advantage. the hydra only is good if I can pump it up enough for it to stay alive and make tokens. if it dies... I get 1 for 1. but if it doesn't... then I get multiples. but I think that the blossoms is better here. :) that is a good suggestion.

Posted 06 August 2012 at 20:14 in reply to #279224 on defender deck


It is a good card, but again... What would I take out for it?

Posted 06 August 2012 at 16:55 in reply to #279178 on defender deck


Ok, tree of redemption can be alright I guess... But not in this deck. and wall of blossoms is nice. but the real question is what would you take out to put them in?

Posted 06 August 2012 at 07:40 in reply to #278499 on defender deck


wow... that is amazing. and it can't be regenerated, or prevented. only pumping can save a creature. very funny. love it. :)

Posted 03 August 2012 at 20:20 as a comment on Shrink and Switch


I like it jsut because of vizzerdrix. I know almost everyone hates that card, but I love the flavour text. too funny. as for improvements... fervor? to give your creatures haste.

Posted 03 August 2012 at 20:18 as a comment on Lord General Vizze


cool. thank you for testing it out. I did wfind something that I wanted to change: Fireball for Banefire. same mana cost, same amount of damage, and a way better ability. uncounterable and unpreventable when above 5 damage. as for the lands, I will probably make the changes for those. :) again, thanks. and glad you like the deck.

Posted 03 August 2012 at 19:38 in reply to #278284 on defender deck


killing wave would be great in this deck. seeing as how you can produce infinite mana.

Posted 02 August 2012 at 22:04 as a comment on Tezzy Control


huh... just thought about this, but stuffy would work really well with nin.

Posted 02 August 2012 at 21:58 as a comment on Mana Tyranny


very nice. the talrand with the mirror is awesome. oh, ponder, get 4 drakes, and draw a talrand's invocation, and play it for another 6 drakes. for a total of 10 drakes for 5 mana. lol. that rocks.

Posted 02 August 2012 at 01:17 as a comment on Drakes!!


immolating souleater. :) phyrebreathing even. becaus of phyrexian mana cost to pump. very nice.

Posted 02 August 2012 at 01:14 in reply to #277603 on Fire Fling destroy


oops, forgot the link:

Posted 02 August 2012 at 01:11 in reply to #277784 on Exquisite Bond


I love this combo. so simple, and yet so devastating. when I saw exquisite blood, this was the first thing that popped into my head: why on earth did they make a companion card to sanguine bond?!?!?!?!?!

only thing that Imight say here is add bloodseekers in. so that they can't even play creatures.
other than that... this looks pretty solid.
would you look at my version, and see what you think of it?

Posted 02 August 2012 at 01:10 as a comment on Exquisite Bond


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