
395 Decks, 3,488 Comments, 884 Reputation

You must not have looked at the link in the description. This "deck" was only made in mockery of that one, and it's builder.

Posted 18 June 2012 at 19:01 in reply to #265652 on 4 card rule? nope


The beastmaster ascension would do it. +5/+5 to all your creatures.

Posted 18 June 2012 at 16:47 in reply to #265573 on myr fury


I am thinking that the faithless looting could go, and put in 2 devil's play and 2 bonfires.

Posted 18 June 2012 at 08:26 in reply to #261662 on Aggro 2.0


yes, I know I said I was almost the only one. I know that you were trying to help him out as well. but sadly that makes 2 out of how many posters? :(

Posted 18 June 2012 at 08:07 in reply to #265448 on Phylactery Pwnage!


can you please verify that, and show me where that is found?

Posted 18 June 2012 at 06:39 in reply to #254668 on Life=Death


regardless... you should check out my myr deck. :)


and this other random deck. :)

Posted 18 June 2012 at 06:25 as a comment on Attack of the Myrs V2


doubling chant would just be nasty in here getting out tons of elves,, and then strength of the tajuru to make them huge, and ezuri renegade leader for trample.

Posted 18 June 2012 at 05:53 as a comment on Elves and Tokens 3.0


ok, so I know that it isn't a aura card, or even remotely related to enchantments, but juniper order ranger might be a good card in here. work really well with the gnarlids. :) when you put a creature out, put a +1/+1 counter on it and another on Juniper order ranger. downfall is that it is 3WG to cast. but, that was what popped into my head as I was looking through this deck. :)

Posted 18 June 2012 at 05:48 in reply to #265417 on Healing Aura


well, for starters this site has links to several online stores. look at the vexing devil card, and then scroll down and it will show all the ebay auctions for it. there should also be links to other sites, with estimated prices. as for somewhere else... um.. cardshark.com might have some good deals. also... check around to see if you have a local card/game shop. If so you might be able to trade for them with some other players. card shops usually have tourneys or at least get togethers on friday nights. :) Hope that helps.

Posted 18 June 2012 at 05:42 as a comment on Flames of Undeath


am or pm? cause it is 11:34 pm here.

Posted 18 June 2012 at 05:34 as a comment on Attack of the Myrs V2


again, not actually helpful. wouldn't you rather help this guy become a better deck builder and post good stuff than dog him for posting new player status stuff?

What was your first deck like? I remember mine, and it was garbage, and I thought it was great. I thought it was an unstoppable force of nature until I met with some cards like... oh, cancel. Or doom blade. Or path to exile. And that was before I had even heard of cards like force of will, or other legacy power cards that royally screw people over, and combos that allow your opponant to win
before their first turn.

what were your deck building skill like? and what about your knowledge of the rules and regulations?

again, I understand that disregarding them and not knowing them is different, but if no one had told you that you couldn't put out more than a single land, and other similar rules, what would your reaction be if you played like that for a lengthy amount of time and then someone told you that you were playing comepletely wrong and should not ever perticipate in something that could help you get better?
I would not come back, and probably keep playing the way that I was, because I had been treated like crap.

again, not defending the status of the deck, nor the cheating. but I am saying that this community has a chance to try and change someone's playing habits for the better, (and improve their deck building skills tremendously), and has decided to shoot themselves in the foot instead by treating him/her like crap when they were expecting a positive reply. It looks to me like I am jsut about the only one who posted something that was actually trying to help instead of just insult. way to uphold the standards of conduct and the whole point and purpose of this site. :)

Unless I am wrong, the point of this site is to help people understand the game better and be better players/deck-builders. putting people down for what they post, the way that people have been doing here, is the exact opposite of that. it doesn't educate about the rules and regulations, and it doesn't help them get any better at following them.

Posted 18 June 2012 at 05:32 in reply to #265448 on Phylactery Pwnage!


huh... how on earth did I miss that?!?!?! :( I must really be tired... my bad.

Posted 18 June 2012 at 04:50 in reply to #265415 on Attack of the Myrs V2


oh, I did just think of something though. since you are running les than four of your basic lands, you could swap them for the artifact lands, and then they would untap with your unwinding clock. admittedly that would make them subject to artifact hate. but, like Isaid, just a though. :)

Posted 18 June 2012 at 03:10 in reply to #265415 on Attack of the Myrs V2


yes, it does help. I was thinking about the blue, and if Ireally needed it here. really the only reason it is here is for the wall of denial, and nothing else really.

flying wouldn't be too much of a problem if I just go with spidersilk armor for reach, and then I could cut out blue entirely. I could replace it with something that fits this deck in naya, not to mention fix the land structure as well.
thanks for the advice surewhynot. :)

Posted 18 June 2012 at 02:53 in reply to #265326 on defender deck


whoops, didn't see it there. my bad. :)

Posted 18 June 2012 at 02:45 in reply to #265415 on Attack of the Myrs V2


well, you have a skirsdag cultist, to sacrifice creature with, perhaps a grim lavamancer to make them even more usefull?
Also, a doubling season. I know that isn't standard, but it would work really well with the gutter grime.

Vexing devils would be good as well, seeing as how they either take damage or you get a cheap creature. after the grime is out, you get a creature anyways. :)
like his deck. :)

Posted 18 June 2012 at 02:38 as a comment on Flames of Undeath


love the gnarlids. very powerful in the right deck. :) very nice here. :)

Posted 18 June 2012 at 02:32 as a comment on Healing Aura


perhaps throw in a elesh norn?

Posted 18 June 2012 at 02:31 as a comment on Life Gain+Retaliator Griffin=Epic


saw a myr deck with door of destinies in it, that looked like it could be very good here.

Posted 18 June 2012 at 02:30 as a comment on Attack of the Myrs V2


just some counter spells is all, and perhaps some field effect enchantments maybe? nevermore, or ascetasism? or protection spells. apostle's blessing or the new one with fateful hour. (can't remember the name off the top of my head.) if you have less than 5 life it gives all of your creatures indestructable until end of turn. something along those lines I guess.

Posted 18 June 2012 at 02:28 in reply to #263566 on Attack of the Myrs


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