
395 Decks, 3,488 Comments, 884 Reputation

I see your logic on things here, but why is Cast Through Time the worst mythic, in your opinion? true it is expensive, but I am sure that I could find a worse mythic. etched monstrosity, phyrexian negator, abyssal persecutor, lotus cobra... ? Now, going on the assuption that by itself Cast through time is a bad card, then by that reasoning these cards are horrific to know they even exist. Particularly as "mythic rare" status cards.

Not trying to argue with you, just curious on your train of thought about Cast Through Time. although, like I said, I can see that you are trying to prove that even the worst mythics can be game changing cards. :) Which they are. For a while, I thought that Skaab Ruinator and Mirror-mad phantasm were Mythic crap status, but the deck type for which they truly shine hadn't been created yet.

Posted 03 June 2012 at 05:52 in reply to #261198 on |-Worst Cards In MTG History-|


That depends on what cards you run into.

Posted 03 June 2012 at 01:10 as a comment on Steel Overseer Modern Artifact Deck


I also have a myr deck, but it runs B/G not white. you chould check it out. :)

Posted 02 June 2012 at 19:08 as a comment on (infinite myr) Myrmex


barrin's unmaking sucks pretty bad I hink.

Posted 02 June 2012 at 18:59 as a comment on |-Worst Cards In MTG History-|


Mana curve? Turn four-five you can have infinite Mana. However, the lands do landed fixed. Throw in some seat of the synods and some islands. Also, I would drop the mana leak for a hard counter, seeing as how mana is no issue. Maybe even some that would be less useful because of casting cost, but has a secondary ability of some kind. If not... Cancel or stoic rebuttal would be great. :)

Posted 01 June 2012 at 16:55 as a comment on Myr Rape


Splintering wind should be here too.

Posted 01 June 2012 at 16:44 as a comment on |-Worst Cards In MTG History-|


Panters servant, and make everything white. Lands are not plains though, so they can't play any creatures.

Posted 01 June 2012 at 16:29 in reply to #260214 on |-Worst Cards In MTG History-|


Maybe, or maybe Bonfire of the Damned?

Posted 01 June 2012 at 06:41 in reply to #260747 on Tibalt's Island of Misfit Toys


Hey man, chill out. I know the point and purpose if "decks" like this. And no, there is nothing wrong with debate, but I think that it should be on the forums, not here.

Posted 01 June 2012 at 06:34 in reply to #260823 on |-Worst Cards In MTG History-|


No moonmist? I think that it would be good in here.

Posted 01 June 2012 at 04:36 in reply to #260785 on You Mad Bro?


What are you gonna do when new phyrexia goes out of standard?

Posted 01 June 2012 at 04:31 in reply to #260747 on Tibalt's Island of Misfit Toys


the galvanizers untap each other, if you have more than one out, you don't need the voltaic construct. good deck though. The question is though... what are you going to do with the infinite mana that you can produce?

Posted 01 June 2012 at 04:26 as a comment on (infinite myr) Myrmex


not a clue. I didn't like it, just commented. "decks" like this are stupid, seeing as how worlds "worst" cards are debatable, because almost any card can bemade good with the right deck. build a deck to suit it and it can be good.

Posted 01 June 2012 at 04:23 in reply to #260780 on |-Worst Cards In MTG History-|


oops, my bad. didn't read it correctly.

Posted 01 June 2012 at 04:02 in reply to #260217 on |-Worst Cards In MTG History-|


only if your opponent is playing 1 of 5 colors. but, yeah, it could definately be risky if they do play white. then it make you very ulnerable.

Posted 01 June 2012 at 04:01 in reply to #260730 on |-Worst Cards In MTG History-|


question... why whipeflare instead of pyroclasm? just to keep it standard?

Posted 01 June 2012 at 02:16 as a comment on Tibalt's Island of Misfit Toys


sure, you could do that too. doing anything to give them a plains will work.

Posted 01 June 2012 at 02:10 in reply to #260718 on |-Worst Cards In MTG History-|


12? it is half of that... I am confused. Plus, you could cheat it out with show and tell, or something like it.

Posted 01 June 2012 at 02:00 in reply to #260730 on |-Worst Cards In MTG History-|


there are several ways to cheat it out, or make the insane amount of mana it costs. It is a really good thing that it is not a legal card, because I would abuse it so badly. it would go in my Myr deck, or my Borderpost deck. crazy card. :)

Posted 01 June 2012 at 01:58 in reply to #260615 on |-Worst Cards In MTG History-|


I beg do differ. give it to your opponent, and they can't play creatures if they have no white.

Posted 01 June 2012 at 01:49 in reply to #260214 on |-Worst Cards In MTG History-|


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