
395 Decks, 3,488 Comments, 884 Reputation

how about lockjaw snapper?

Posted 16 May 2012 at 19:08 as a comment on Wither > Infect


well, it is your deck, so you do what you want with it. :) anything with say here is just suggetions. :) In the end, you have the last word.

Posted 16 May 2012 at 06:45 as a comment on False Cure


hm... not sure. have you looked at any scarecrows?

Posted 16 May 2012 at 05:17 as a comment on Wither > Infect


No, I was thinking of the 2 drop enchantment.

Posted 15 May 2012 at 23:15 as a comment on Wither > Infect


Hey, what happened to the bloodline keepers? Last tone I checked you had 3 and only 1 hero of bladehold. Why the switch?

Posted 15 May 2012 at 07:33 as a comment on Sorin, Lord of Virtue


Ok, that makes sense.

Posted 15 May 2012 at 07:28 in reply to #254921 on old school bant


YOU HAVE INCONSISTENCY!!! You are running an infect card!!! JK. :) like the deck. I am always fascinated by the wither VS infect debate. Good showing for wither here. :).

Posted 15 May 2012 at 07:21 as a comment on Wither > Infect


assault strove is good, but I like double cleave better because it is an instant, and only 1 more to cast.

Posted 15 May 2012 at 07:16 in reply to #255339 on The Dreadnought Orb


No problem. Way good card for this deck. I really like this concept. It is very unique. :)

Posted 15 May 2012 at 07:09 as a comment on swing at me, no really... it's fine.


The scepter is good because it allows you to play false cure more often, and with any mana.

Posted 15 May 2012 at 01:56 as a comment on False Cure


I love spot removal. :). My first deck was spot removal, so I am a tad biased.

Posted 15 May 2012 at 01:53 as a comment on the one and only vampire deck


dang. very good use of the splicers. they work well with venser, and the closet. very well done. :)

Posted 14 May 2012 at 21:18 as a comment on Exile


very interesting. but I think that the sun titan/unhallowed pact combo can be broken without exiling one of them. kill the titan, then kill it again, before its ability resolves. gotta love the stack. :)
other than that, I really like that combo. very powerful.

Posted 14 May 2012 at 21:16 as a comment on That B/W Deck we all have been waiting for!


the only problem is that you can come across situations that the triggers would never stop, because you have no control over whether the ability does or does not trigger. it just happens, and if someone is running platinum angel, or something that is similar by way of combo, then it would never end unless one part of the blood/bond combo is removed.

The ruling (which I don't like) is that you can't actually control the life-gain life-loss cycle, and therefore it is endless. a true infinite combo that can't actually be interfered with on either side until the effects comepletey resolve, which they never do, because they continually activate the other.
I am pretty sure that the ruling isn't that the combo is an infinite, but that it can't be controlled. does that make more sense?

However, in casual I am pretty sure that rules such as that have no meaning.
I posted the first deck to run that combo, and I was sad to find out that it wasn't legal, in that sense. I will however still be building it for casual play. Just so I can see the looks on my friends faces when it triggers. :) so funny. :)

a for my thoughts on this deck(the elf deck)... um... there are a few encahntment auras that untap the creature they are on, and that would be really good with the archdruid, since he will be alble to produce far more mana than it takes for the untap. I know that crab umbra is one, but it is blue. I can't rememeber the other, but I am pretty sure that it is green. Great combo for producing insane amounts of mana. :)

Posted 14 May 2012 at 20:57 in reply to #254820 on Casual - Elves 1.0


Only thing I would say to change is the bloodline keeper. 1 isn't enough. You should run at least 2, because he isn't legendary and his effects stack. :). Maybe a kalastria highborn.

Posted 14 May 2012 at 18:49 as a comment on the one and only vampire deck


No problem. I am more than happy to help. :)

Posted 14 May 2012 at 17:03 as a comment on don't need method to this madness


um... well, that depends on what direction you want to go with your deck. By the way, I wasn't critisizing your choice. I was just curious. I didn't mean to offend, if that is how it came across.

um... hm. you have lots of good cards in here. my suggestion would be to choose the ones that you like the most, or that are the most effective, and try to work on fitting more of those in while weeding out card that don't work with them. For example: bellowing tangelwurm and psychosis crawler. both are great cards, but they don't build on each other to strengthen your position. If that makes sense...

I guess that my point is focus. the deck lacks focus. Not that it is bad right now, but if you narrowed the focus of the deck to a few specific cards, then it would be even better.

The other option is turn it into an EDH deck, where you can only have singles of any given card, except lands of course, and you have a 100 card deck. makes things a little more interesting to try and work a theme.

Other than that... I am not sure what advice I can give. um... yeah. If you decide a specific direction that you want to go with your deck, then I could help you to build around that. :)

Posted 14 May 2012 at 02:40 in reply to #255498 on don't need method to this madness


very interesting take on a burn deck. I like it a lot. :)

Posted 14 May 2012 at 02:26 as a comment on Do or Die?


the very essense of white. You can't hurt me., but I can do whatever I want to you. :)

Posted 14 May 2012 at 00:48 as a comment on 4 Archons of the Apocalypse


only thing that Imight add is kabira crossroads, but you probably already thought of putting that in here, so... yeah. there is my 2 cents. :)

Love ob nixilis, geat card. :)

Posted 14 May 2012 at 00:35 as a comment on M. C. Escher


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