
395 Decks, 3,488 Comments, 884 Reputation

glaciel chasm I love that card!!!! at least defensively. it you are getting screwed over, then it is a life saver. cumulative upkeep (meaning age counters) of 2 life per turn. you can't attack, but all damage to you and creatures you control is reduced to zero.

Posted 02 August 2012 at 01:05 as a comment on That's what Chisei'd EDH


well, here is what Icame up with. it isn't perfect, and the lands need adjusted and changed, but... yeah.


Posted 02 August 2012 at 00:32 in reply to #277687 on question to player


no, your good. I edited the description after you posted. don't know why I didn't put it up in the first place, but I didn,t so... yeah, you are fine. :) composite golem is a good suggestion, thanks. :) and yeah, the lands are gonna change.

Posted 02 August 2012 at 00:26 in reply to #277710 on ringing in your ears?


yeah, this was just kinda thrown together. I haven't really put a ton of thought into it except for what creatures would get the most benafit from the rings. thanks for the comment. when I have more time I will probably switch things around a bit. :)

also, one requirement that I have for this deck is that all the creatures have to be multicolored, so as to be able to get the +1/+1 counters from as many different rings as possible.
and yeah, the lands will probably go. totally forgot about the alara tri-lands. will most certainy put them in here, along with a few basics so I don't get comepletely screwed over by having to wait to untap.

like I said suggestions are welcome. :)

Posted 01 August 2012 at 21:41 in reply to #277700 on ringing in your ears?


so, first off, what would the focus of the decks be? just the rings themselves? if so I would say to have 4 of each ring, and lots of cheap, little creatures. as many multi-colored ones as possible, to take advantage of multiple rings each. the little 2 drops from shards might be good.

Gosh... this has actually piqued my curiosity. I am gonna steal this idea, and design a deck around that. (won't ever build it, but I want to see what it will look like.)

Posted 01 August 2012 at 20:37 as a comment on question to player


the infect is more for defense than anything. I don't have a lot of big creatures in here, so the infect is to make that more managable. which it does a very good job of. :)

Posted 01 August 2012 at 19:59 as a comment on zombie cleric deck


if it was standard I would suggest wheel of sun and moon for any battle of wits deck.

Posted 01 August 2012 at 19:55 as a comment on Battle of shits


first off, welcome to magic. :) it is always nice to see new people playing. new ideas, and new decks are fun. :)

so, my suggestion would be similar to the one above. you have a 4 card max of anything that isn't a basic land, so make use of it. Look at what the deck is supposed to do, what cards you want to base it around, and then put four of each of those in and see if you still have room for more. I would suggest only 2-3 cards to base it around, and then fill in the rest with support cards.

if you want an example of what I mean, you can look at my merfolk deck here:

so, like I said, first you want to look at the core functionn of the deck.
in your deck you have mil cards, draw cards, turn taking cards, token generating cards, control cards, and so on. The best decks are more focused on one, or maybe two of those things. you need to choose what principle your deck is going to be based around and pump up the cards that support that to the max of four.
a good rule to go by is generally have an equal amount of creature cards and non-creature cards. (not including lands. that way you have roughly an equal chance of drawing either.

next step is to fill in the remaining spots of your deck wit hsupport cards. they are not the game winners, but they boost the performance of your deck by helping you in different ways. whether it is by allowing you to draw more so you can get your game winners out faster, or by countering and delaying what your opponent tries to put out, or any number of other things they could do.

I hope that wasn't overwhelming... anyways. I look forward to seeing how this deck turns out. I really like merfolk. :) and again, welcome to magic. :)

Posted 01 August 2012 at 19:50 as a comment on Merfolk Army


since you have the khalni hydras, you could throw in some dryad arbors to replace 4 forests. they count as a forest, and a green 1/1 creature, for free. just a suggestion. oh... love hydras. :)

Posted 01 August 2012 at 19:03 as a comment on Devouring Hydras


guilty conscience, pariah, and stuffy doll... now that is not nice. :) now you just need righteousness, or something akin, to pump up stuffy.

Posted 31 July 2012 at 22:59 as a comment on ....


gosh... if this deck had green, I would say add invert the skies, to make the moat even more effective. but tiss not so... very good deck you have here. Normally I don't care too much for mono colored decks, particularly white, but this one I like. :)

Posted 31 July 2012 at 22:49 as a comment on Luminarch Ascending


festering wounds is great against another infect. you have a good solid deck here. :)

Posted 31 July 2012 at 22:18 as a comment on Proliferate The Infection


sure. tell me how it runs. :)

Posted 31 July 2012 at 22:06 in reply to #277183 on defender deck


There are ways around that. Like amulet of vigor. Permanents that come into play under your control tapped get untapped.

Posted 26 July 2012 at 04:34 in reply to #275947 on Geists of Cancellation


interesting... no jor kadeen? he has W/R metalcraft beast written all over him.

Posted 25 July 2012 at 22:34 as a comment on W/R Metalcraft: Armed Conflict.


so, random thought. if you had a sundial of the infinite here... and activated it during combat, would that allow you to keep the tokens that traft puts out? because it skips all steps, and just ends the turn... right? so the end of combat step never comes, and token says that it leaves at the end of combat.

I like this deck. :) if the combo stated above works, then that would be my only suggestion. I like counter decks. :)

Posted 25 July 2012 at 22:11 as a comment on Geists of Cancellation


I love the 7 deadly sins series of decks. each one unique and devastatingly powerful in a different way.
(P.S. Contamination is amazing.) actually, I just had a thought... there is a card that gives all spells plus one W to cast. if you give that creature to an opponent, and have contamination out... they can't play anything. it would have to be a B/W/(maybe R) deck though... tri color is harder to pull off... But, an interesting concept anyways.

Posted 25 July 2012 at 21:48 as a comment on • P R I D E • (6 of 7 Deadly Sins)


yeah. I like browbeat a lot. a friend had it in a RDW deck of his, and it was a pain every time he pulled it. usually waited until it was the only card in his hand, and then played it. I was almost always close to being dead by that point... so making that choice sucked... 5 to the face, or 3 more cards to get punished by... hmm... but yeah, it really is a mid to late game card, so it is less uefull than it could be.

Posted 25 July 2012 at 20:41 in reply to #269007 on • E N V Y • ( 5 of 7 Deadly Sins )


It kills annoying small things, and doesn't go away when they die. With whither your opponents creatures get small fast, and that makes them killable en masse. Also, some of the most irritating creatures are 1/1, and would die from it. If you have a better card to suggest, other than glistening oil, that would be great.

Posted 25 July 2012 at 02:58 in reply to #275711 on Wither > Infect


Agreed. Same mana cost for a hard counter instead of a soft possible counter. In a solid blue deck it is much better.

Posted 24 July 2012 at 23:37 in reply to #275446 on Manic will be my hero


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