it's ok, we all hit that snag, TRUST me, looking for 2 more orim's chants isn't easy. You have 3 options when you don't have the cards you need, you can buy TONS of boxes and hope that you get what you need (it's basically a huge waste of money), you can trade (which a lot of the time is your best bet) for the cards you need, if no one around you has them or is willing to part with them then you can turn to online stores and buy them online as singles (a MUCH better idea than buying boxes)
too many different cards (try minimizing cards at 2 and not 1), but it isn't too bad, a lot better with that than a bunch of other decks, maybe more islands wouldn't hurt, just to even out your odds. And the site, i'm sure, is sorting the cards based on the existence of the word "creature" in it so therefore "Enchant Creature" cards end up in the creature spot too. The same thing happens with enchant lands. It's just a glitch.
Shocker, just regular good ol shocker, is a 2 cost 1/1 non-hasty, non-tramply version of the barbed shocker, but it is still good with arcane teachings and can come out faster. (if you're looking for more and/or faster creatures that is)
Shrieking drake in her would be awesome for your storm count, it's a 1 cost blue creature when it comes into play return a creature you control to ur hand, return itself and repeat, it basically translates into (when brain freeze is added) 3(X-1) Milled where X is the amount of mana you can produce. Perhaps 2 more islands couldn't hurt. This is a good deck though.
One last comment: The thing about casual play that you mentioned, in case you haven't noticed, we can't see the category the deck is in on this page, thats gotten me some crazy comments before too. No worries.
Also, telling randomryan and me that we missed the point then following it up with the deck is old and made of spares, didn't answer anything we asked, the part about taking 5 to keep 1st out isn't so true anymore. You have a lot of restricted cards in here and that makes it hard, since this is casual play you can up the number of those restricteds. I said in the 1st comment that the deck wasn't bad. Please learn to take criticism that is, after all, what this site is all about.
We're not trying to offend you, at least I'm not, but all the same if you don't make it aware that you aren't looking to improve the deck for play today then you're asking for comments to make it better, which may include some constructive comments you may not like. How can we get the point if you don't make us aware of it. Just trying to be helpful, sorry if I came off to you as offensive, but that's the part I don't like about text, you can't hear the person say things.
You'd be lucky to get anything, it's 88 cards and almost all of them are loners (the only copy in the deck). What a waste of 3 perfectly good worldgorger dragons. For a better use for them look at my deck: Worldgorger. For future reference, 4 color decks are something to shy away from.
Think about it, in a few days time there will be a 1/1 lifelinker for 1, and an 8/8 Flying likelinker for 5 mana!! (so long as you have 25+ life) It's INSANE! Divinity of Pride. Here's a list of eventide cards, check them out:
How about megrim? wheel and deal? magus of the jar? memory jar? Wheel and deal would be fun with the Null donated, hey discard your hand, draw seven, discard 5 more, and, with megrim out ,take, at the very least, 10 damage.
Nice deck, I found another use for all your animate deads: look at my deck Worldgorger.
sadly, no krosan cloudscraper. highest on card power in the game at 13/13.
YAY Stasis!! I have one too: Chronostasis
arcane teachings + barbed shocker = AMAZING. Look at my deck: "Totally illegal but broken discard deck" for some more ideas, it's basically the same idea.
I'm glad to see someone else knows their stuff. Xaviern007 is right yet again. All things come back as if they just came into play. period. Trust me guys, this combo works, it was even spotted on the MTG website a few years back. so trust me, it works. there are no flaws in it.
You just wait for eventide, you'll see.
if you want to see a first turn kill deck without banned cards look at my Fast Damage deck. Mountain, 2 Blazing Shoals, 2 Myojin of infinite rage, spark elemental, BAM, 23 damage 1st turn and totally legal.
xaviern007 is right, the combo has to stop sometime, you just declare how many times it has gone on and then it stops, normally you would bring the animate dead back targeting nothing and thus it goes to the graveyard ending your loop. There are no real infinite combos in magic, the rules make it so you MUST pick a number. This then gives an opportunity to play a sorcery or whatever afterwards.
I can definitely agree with randomryan on deck size, if you're a few cards over you should be fine, just avoid going over 67, then it gets iffy. This deck is good, maybe prismatic omen for a little insurance on mana colors.
The actual point of the combo is that the aberation gives you the 3 mana you need, then with the alarm, untaps when the wolf comes into play, so you can make as many as you like. Mana reflection isn't needed.
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