Use the slivers the with nonsliver cards. You need other cards to make a deck, a WOG will destroy you. Basal Sliver + Sliver Queen + Pandemonium = Inf damage, Sliver queen + Mana echoes = inf slivers and inf mana. There are so many crazy combos involving slivers. Slivers also need other cards for protection especially early on. Other cards, such as artifacts, enchantments, instants and sorceries, make a deck whole. I've seen a lot of "creature only" decks and all have the same horrid flaws.
I already talked about that combo, bottom of my last comment box, there it is. No the queen isn't standard legal but it is tournament legal so be careful of your phrasing. When dormant sliver is out you may be able to get slivers out quickly, but at what price? once it's out you're stuck with the only win condition as your combo, and if say someone mills out your mindlashes you're completely done. As a combo, yours here is weak, it's 6 creatures, try putting some spells in here for protection.
It isn't bad, just watch out, the same problem as all other "all creature" decks, one good WOG and you're done. Also watch out for burn. Normally I hate these decks, but this one isn't bad. but no Firebelly Changelings?
Mix in Shadowmoor here, it would be great.
You should only have 1 copy of a card if it's: 1. Easy to get out (like panglacial wurm) 2. Expensive (to buy or play) 3. Restricted (duh) 4. Unimportant to the overall deck (but in some cases still nice to have, most of these cards you would put additional copies in the sideboard, if they are, in fact, useful on occasion)
Too many of one card? you mean too many cards that only have one copy present in the deck? If that is what you mean, Corrupt, then I totally agree, if not then I have no clue what you're talking about. A 60 card deck is best case, but you can get away with a bit higher, I cap mine at 65 but most are 60-63. The reason for upping the number of some cards and taking out others has to do with probability the chances of drawing a certain card here now are 1/66 while it should be 1/15 (=4/60)
The wheel also protects you from creatures that destroy enchantments, and trust me, there are a bunch.
There you go, that's what I thought you meant. Wheel of sun and moon is definitely killer here. I'd say to alter your strategy a bit, after confinement, go for sun and moon, that way when you discard enchantments you can get them back and play the ones in your hand, then go for the hoden or vise versa, but definitely pick up the wheel, especially if they're playing protection, that way you can last a lot longer and use the cards in your hand.
Kitchen Finks, Angel of Mercy, Angelic Chorus, Aven Fogbringer, Aven Riftwatcher is great, but the best would be Magus of the Disk and Mangara of Corondor and you'll definitely want Flickerform to go with those. Mangara + Flickerform = 4 mana, remove target creature from the game. Magus + Flickerform = destroy everything but him (and lands), can you say 5 mana Akroma's Vengeance every turn? My deck White Creature Control takes it to the extreme.
Correction to Magicka, the combo is a SIX card combo: Basal, Dormant (totally agree with the above comment), Pulmonic, Mindlash, Mindlash, Cautery. This isn't good, sorry, I love combos and a 6 card combo itself is pretty shakey, but 6 CREATURES is much MUCH worse. any one piece can be burned or terrored and then what will you do? My combo above is 3 cards, and it works, well. Try small heavy combos, like this one: Mana Echoes + Sliver queen for mana to make inf creatures and mana for fireball.
He/she said it for me ^ Yeah, and add that new treefolk from eventide. There should only be one of a card if: It's expensive (in cash or mana cost) it's easy to get (like panglacial wurm) It's restricted (duh) or It is unimportant to the deck (Doran is a major player here, so are the others mentioned above, there should be more)
This won't stand up to a fairy deck, fungi are too slow.
You can't "Start by geting Dovescape followed by Solitary Confinement." Dovescape will counter your confinement and all noncreature spells after it. It doesn't really work here. By the way, Squee, Goblin Nabob + Solitary is the best way to go. Look at my deck Personal Bubble for more ideas. Sulfuric Vortex is a good win with solitary too.
Gorilla Shaman eats artifact lands alive. So does hammer mage, well, hammer mage eats artifacts alive, in general. Fracturing Gust, Pulverize, shatterstorm. You may be thinking oh, well disiple will save me and/or kill them, but no one in their right mind is going to let that thing live, it's a 1/1 for crying out loud, burn it. It isn't a bad deck but I've seen these decks get completely obliterated, oh yeah, obliterate is another one, and WOG. dang and that's not even 1/2 of them.
I just had the trows sitting around and figured, hey! a 3 mana card with wither and persist!! It proves useful, plus I'm short on perfects and I don't feel like shouting out $3 a pop for them, that's $12, that's about the cost of 1/2 the deck!! But I do see your point and if you want to build this and put them in, be my guest, they'd be awesome here.
Doubling season does though, just a thought.
Look at Magi_Gir1's deck: Druid Tower, it's got some great ideas using helix pinnacle with druids.
Here's a fun idea: Sliver Queen, Pandemonium, Basal Sliver. YAY 3 CARD INFINITE DAMAGE COMBO! Pay 2 for a token and 1 damage, then sac the token for 2 more and make another token, there you go, infinite damage, all at instant speed too, oh man.
Magi_Gir1, you have great ideas. I like it a lot. Maybe Seedguide Ash, you probably don't need it, but it wouldn't be bad to have.
I'm making a GB version of this deck if you want to check it out, credit where credit is due of course, it's called standard non rare.
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