
64 Decks, 832 Comments, 7 Reputation

last thing: vexing shusher (as mentioned above) is really a great sideboard card, you know just in case.

Posted 25 July 2008 at 02:25 as a comment on Dragon Sneak Attack


You can hardly 1 hit with a boros fury-shield. I would expect someone with the name mtglord to know a bit more about the cards than that. you can take a whopping 6 damage MAX from a shield, no where close to a 1 hit kill. And in addition to xaviern007's true comment, not only does it target a single source, the double strike wouldn't deal you 12 damage cuz it only deals damage equal to its power to its controller, not the damage prevented. I would take xaviern007's advice but the deck looks good

Posted 25 July 2008 at 02:24 as a comment on Dragon Sneak Attack


The important things in combos are, can you pull it off and can you pull it off fast. Here's what you need: 2 more lands, replace all mountains, replace grapeshot with tendrils, the 12 other creatures you don't really need, they have transmute yes, I get it, they are wasted space with your tutors in there so either take out the tutors and make this deck legal, or take out the creatures. Dark ritual is a yes, it can help a lot, but 18 lands is a HUGE no no here.

Posted 25 July 2008 at 02:18 as a comment on infinite damage 2nd style


The problem we all see is that most decks are well situated turn 4, heck with my recurring renewal deck I win turn 4 very consistently even in group. Fast Damage, I win BY turn 4. Prot decks can stop all assaults by turn 4. A lot of decks are just as fast as this one, the point is that goblin decks are supposed to be faster, like a massive army on turn 2 or 3. Or say 17 gobbies turn 4, but the thing is that this one can't do that. I wish I could play you, but you can try to see how it would fare

Posted 24 July 2008 at 18:28 as a comment on Goblins


How about Prismatic Omen? A land with a basic land type can tap to produce the correlating type of mana, so if it is all types it can produce all colors.

Posted 24 July 2008 at 17:26 as a comment on Five Color Forests


Actually this deck isn't bad, good job. I would suggest more beseech the queens if you have them, as they are amazing search cards. Also if you can get your hands on 2 more lieges that would be great. Perhaps torture can be a good addition, Torture + Grim Poppet can be good. Also from eventide we have: smoldering butcher, necroskitter would be great. and Crumbling ashes This is an eventide spoiler if you want to look:

Posted 24 July 2008 at 16:54 as a comment on


In my deck like this I found you the perfect other win condition, Helix Pinnacle, from eventide. With Zoran crucible and fastbond you not only can gain life, but also mana if you tap the lands before sacing them, thus you can pay 100 mana, put 100 tower tokens on the pinnacle and the next upkeep you win.

Posted 24 July 2008 at 16:38 as a comment on Crucible with win conditions


Horn of greed isn't in here because it would cost you the game. Meloku isn't in here because, i'm assuming, this is a non-creature deck. Also, the point is that you sac the lands to gain life in order to make up for (+ 1 extra) the 1 life you lose for playing an extra land, with meloku you can't sac the land and therefore it defeats the purpose of the entire combo.would it be nice to get 1 1/1 per 1 life you give up? it depends on how much life you have but if you have "inf" life then why worry.

Posted 24 July 2008 at 16:36 as a comment on Crucible with win conditions


Yeah, I saw it on the new deck list so I never actually saw the type anyway. If you don't want comments you can put that in the description above, but a thing to eliminate the comment thing could be nice if you don't want them.
And about the age thing, holy crap, you're right, I forgot how long ago 4th edition really was. Sorry about that.

Posted 24 July 2008 at 15:31 as a comment on Yotian Who


Combo now = Turn 1, Badlands (or blood crypt), ritual, entomb the dragon, animate dead, inf mana, in response to dragon's "last" trigger you cast VOLCANIC GEYSER and BAM 5 card, 1st turn kill. Still wanna mess???

Posted 24 July 2008 at 06:18 as a comment on Worldgorger


YAY!!! I found an answer to this madness, one we can all agree upon! a little instant no one knows about, Volcanic Geyser, XRR deal X damage to target creature or player. You'll need a badlands to pull the combo off but THERE. HA. As an instant it can be played at any time in response to any of the activated triggers. WOOO!!

Posted 24 July 2008 at 06:15 as a comment on Worldgorger


(cont.) anyway, so you never really will need a judge ruling on this. I've seen judges call it an unbound loop and I've seen where all things come back, i've also seen compromises where nothing comes back but you can play spells afterwards. The basic point is that the game is ending one way or another.

Posted 24 July 2008 at 05:51 as a comment on Worldgorger


it depends on who your judge is, some go by the blanket rule as xaviern007 and I suggest, then you are able to say that the animate dead or dance of the dead enchants nothing upon its return so it continues as much as you want then stops with all your things in play and the animate and dragon in the gy, some say the loop continues and as an unbound loop the game ends in a draw in casual play you can decide for yourself so obviously the blanket, due to the entombs the deck can't be in tournaments

Posted 24 July 2008 at 05:49 as a comment on Worldgorger


Ha, how wrong you are, in legacy it's perfectly legal, so get your facts straight, actually the illegal one is fastbond, but if you would have listened to the first comment and read the description you would have found out that this deck is for CASUAL PLAY ONLY!!! Next time, read the description if someone tells you to please.

Posted 24 July 2008 at 05:40 as a comment on Crucible Version 2


nothing is really ever a waste of time on here so no worries. Everyone is always learning something, whether it be me or you it makes no difference, time was not wasted.

Posted 24 July 2008 at 01:00 as a comment on When Tokens Attack


This would be better: Turn 1 Isamaru, 2 Elephant, Lions, 3 Harvest Wurm, Now someone has 4 creatures all power 2+, it isn't bad.

Posted 23 July 2008 at 23:48 as a comment on Meanie Greenie Weenie


I know this is going to happen, so before you guys get on me about there only being 56 cards, read the description.

Posted 23 July 2008 at 23:34 as a comment on Crucible Version 2


Just so you know, I am a huge fan of combo decks, I love them. I've seen these combos before but this deck has made me want to build one using them, of course I'll give credit here. Look for it: Crucible Version 2

Posted 23 July 2008 at 23:19 as a comment on Crucible with win conditions


Fun little thing, once you have zoran, crucible, fastbond, and strip mine you can sac the stripmine to the zoran for as many lands as they have (or whatever number you can think of) to gain life, then at the cost of one life per land, pop all of your opponents lands. And pariah's shield on stuffy doll = laugh till you're head falls off, especially if your opponent has no lands. Maybe more stuffys, more zorans, more fastbonds (they're restricted and so is the tinker, but in casual play who cares)

Posted 23 July 2008 at 22:49 as a comment on Crucible with win conditions


Good online store, one I use to buy commons and such is:, they sell a lot of commons for $.49 buy 1 get 3 free, so essentially you get 4 commons for 50 cents. Shipping is as low as a dollar and their prices aren't too bad. A good thing to do is look at the price guides on this site on the card page, you know what I mean, to see what is a good price for a card, also if you can or like to, turn to ebay, mostly for rares though. Hope this helps.

Posted 23 July 2008 at 22:38 as a comment on watery garden of death


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