
64 Decks, 832 Comments, 7 Reputation

Graven Cairns is a great land too.

Posted 27 July 2008 at 00:17 as a comment on


by the way, how the screeching drake thing works: play the drake with the equilibrium extra, so pay 2 the drake comes into play, bounce another creature with equilibrium, in accordance with the drake's ability when it comes into play you must return one of your creatures to your hand, so why not the drake? and have another go at it for as much mana as you've got.

Posted 25 July 2008 at 21:34 as a comment on equilibrium


Screeching Drake + Equilibrium = 2 mana bounce a creature with no cards lost. It's so much fun. Man-o'-war is also good for this. More counters, like mana leak would help you out a lot too.

Posted 25 July 2008 at 21:32 as a comment on equilibrium


Look at my deck, fast green, for some more ideas.

Posted 25 July 2008 at 21:29 as a comment on quick power


You want a really good 1st turn inf combo look at my deck: worldgorger

Posted 25 July 2008 at 18:35 as a comment on infinite damage 2nd style


Be watchful, aluren lets your opponents take advantage of its ability too, and so does pandemonium, if you're not careful it can cost you the game. Furious assault may be better than pandemonium in this case, not only is it cheaper, it's less likely to kill you. Even within a single combo you should build options, that makes a good combo deck. What if someone extracts all your pandemoniums? or alurens? it can't just be all tutors.

Posted 25 July 2008 at 18:27 as a comment on infinite damage 1st style


That's what i've been trying to say, is that if you're playing other huge decks it works, but other than that it really doesn't. if you're all playing huge decks then be my guest, it may work very well, but if you get in the ring with a deck 1/2 your size then that's a different story (unless of course it's mill).

Posted 25 July 2008 at 18:21 as a comment on Wurms and Insects


The deck was originally supposed to just be 40 rats and 20 lands, but I had trouble getting them all out. I guess I can actually try to play this deck with help, thanks for your suggestions.

Posted 25 July 2008 at 18:13 as a comment on Silly rats


Wild pair wouldn't hurt either. you play 2 slivers for the price of one (and you get to search for the second), good deal.

Posted 25 July 2008 at 14:57 as a comment on Tri Color Slivers


You can make this a good, playable deck if you want to. Look at my deck AB Massacre for some ideas.

Posted 25 July 2008 at 14:54 as a comment on Death of Black


you want REALLY big decks, there used to be a format known as the 500. You come with a 500 card deck, no more, no less, in vintage style format and duke it out, last deck standing wins. I used to love those tournaments because everyone was play such huge decks it made it easier, most were built around Battle of Wits, but one guy had an amazing burn/destruction deck. Don't think I hate big decks, I am just a fan of probability.

Posted 25 July 2008 at 14:31 as a comment on Wurms and Insects


1, you have 1/164 chance of DRAWING that prismatic omen. 2, i've had experience with huge decks, if you want to keep building decks that are 90+ with only 1 copy of most of your cards than be my guest, but I'm trying to tell you that you won't always get lucky and get the cards you need. If you take a deck this big to a top shelf vintage tournament they'll all laugh. Trust me, it's happened to a very good friend of mine, he lost in the first round.

Posted 25 July 2008 at 14:17 as a comment on Wurms and Insects


If you want damage, go for megrim, if not then good luck trying to win only if your opponent attacks you, they'll live long enough to get a disenchant or something, then what will you do? Also for just hand control, no damage from megrim, but 4 unblockable, try out Ghastlord of Fugue. Someone else here had the idea of donating null profusion, great idea for this deck too, with a single locust miser and that your opponent's hand size is 0 and no more drawing.

Posted 25 July 2008 at 14:01 as a comment on stuffy hand control


Just in case you can't outlast them, vexing shusher in the sideboard is a good plan.

Posted 25 July 2008 at 13:53 as a comment on f


You have ONE prismatic omen, you have only one of almost everything. This won't work, your decks are too big. Start by changing the number of things to 4 and taking other things out. Build a plan for this deck. if you want it to be huge then at least give it direction.

Posted 25 July 2008 at 04:38 as a comment on Wurms and Insects


That would be, umm... yeah, try something like firebelly changeling or some other firebreather, just to save your butt, or just take out the braids.

Posted 25 July 2008 at 02:58 as a comment on Unkown


One suggestion, not a cheap one, but one non the less. Dual lands, shock lands, or pain lands, in place of the vivid lands would be better. Like Sulfurous Springs from 10th would help, as it gives black or red but comes into play untapped, you take 1 for black or red, but none for colorless and trust me, it's worth it.

Posted 25 July 2008 at 02:43 as a comment on


If you do what you plan to, this deck will be an amazing wither deck. For your first deck this is amazing. Most first decks have no strategy, rhyme, or reason, but this is stupendous. I wish I could play it to see how it does. I bet you it will do well. Have fun with it. Congratulations and please build more decks, you're a natural.

Posted 25 July 2008 at 02:40 as a comment on


Matto800, the next time you ever say that sneak attack isn't necessary, LOOK AT THE COST OF THE CREATURES, and realize that the deck is SLOW with out it, IT STAYS TOO. It is the entire point of the deck, don't you see?
MLoki: Green is a bad idea, mana accel won't help you here, sneak attack is your best bet. You've made a decent deck, just beware, sneak attacking a creature doesn't count for storm.

Posted 25 July 2008 at 02:37 as a comment on Dragonstorm Sneak Attack


Ok, this deck doesn't look bad, the shoals STAY, do you know how crazy a 16/6 doublestrike is??????? seriously, all on turn 3, or if you're really lucky turn 2, ritual, song, sneak, sneak out the tyrant, remove another tyrant for shoal, 16/6 double, that my friend, is game, they stay. NO EXTRA COLORS, bad, the deck is 2 color already don't make it worse. Your other is better but this is good.

Posted 25 July 2008 at 02:33 as a comment on Dragonstorm Sneak Attack


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