
60 Decks, 1,392 Comments, 511 Reputation

you can cast Phage from your command zone without problem, as your commander in your command zone may be played as if in your hand

Posted 23 May 2013 at 23:26 in reply to #344033 on Phage EDH


lol i never said my ideas were better, i said exile is better than destroy in most situations, and you snowballed that into this war. I never claimed to be an EDH pro, nor will I ever, because its a casual format, and to have the "omgz this is teh bestest deck everrrr!!!" you need to spend like $1500 and im not willing to invest that into one deck. My goal was the same as yours, and you took offense to something that I assure you, you took out of context. I dont set out to be a douche unless someone is doing something to deserve it. Yes, my Eladamri deck is shit. it went from this, to an Omnath deck, and now its current manifestation is Rhys, like I said. thats the beauty of EDH, its constantly changing, evolving, and improving. You do spend a ton of time on your posts, which is admirable. you came off aggressive, thats exactly how I responded. Its a game, bro. if you have REAL advice, ill happily post some of my other EDH decks. theyre not here because theyre a pain in the ass to post.

Posted 23 May 2013 at 23:18 in reply to #314421 on Eladamri Elves {EDH}


I actually do run Darksteel Forge in many of my decks, but not specifically for boots or greaves. its a solid EDH card, and with so many of the format staples being artifacts, it makes a pretty good case for being an EDH staple itself. Furthermore, I never claimed Tajic, or indestructible, were "immune" to anything. I said they are MUCH MORE DIFFICULT TO DEAL WITH. if you disagree with that, youre just wrong. as for "Forcing a deck to do what its not designed to do" you must be high. I suggested the addition of a few cards, in the colors specified, that all help with removal. ALL TYPES of removal. most of the cards I suggested are better than the boardwipes that were here when the comment was laid down. Mutilate is AMAZING, Killing Wave is as well. Geths verdict does a job that Ultimate Price just cant always do.

I think we are on the same page, but you just enjoy disagreeing with me. lol.

Posted 23 May 2013 at 22:55 in reply to #354359 on Vampire EDH


its cute that you took so much time to bash on my deck, and I hate to break your heart, but this was my very first personal EDH build, and has since become G/B Rhys the Exiled Reanimator. the lands in question were in there because of inexperience and me wanting to have some "cool" lands. ill post the Karn, silver deck im currently building when im finished with it, and you can critique that too, if it would make you feel good.

my current EDH builds are:
Rhys, the Exiled

If there is one you would specifically like to bash, please let me know, ill post it up. BTW, my Tajic decklist on this site, that youre probably drafting an essay on is tragically innacurate as of now.

Posted 23 May 2013 at 22:20 in reply to #314421 on Eladamri Elves {EDH}


-3 Daring Skyjet
-1 Thalia
-1 Tajic

+3 Hellrider
+2 THundermaw Hellkite

I know they arent humans, but they are both stand alone winconditions in any boros deck.

Posted 23 May 2013 at 21:56 as a comment on Boros Humans


whatever spells you play are the spells you will get the most use out of. My statement was clear: exile is much more difficult to deal with than Destroy. I dont know why youre so sensative about this, as its true. no two ways about it.

As for playing Tajic against this deck, I have no qualms dropping him on turn 4, right as expected, because Olivia cant take him on this decks turn 4 or 5 without mana ramp, and by then he will have Greaves or boots on.

I dont disagree that R/B should not be attampting control, however, there needs to be an escape hatch, and sometimes destroy just doesnt get there.

Posted 23 May 2013 at 21:53 in reply to #354359 on Vampire EDH


Niv is pretty expensive for this kind of deck. I would drop him, and 2 electromancer and add 4 Curiosity.

Posted 23 May 2013 at 03:47 as a comment on blue/red deck


you and me both.

Posted 23 May 2013 at 03:16 in reply to #355638 on My new Tokens


youll want to add some rootborn defenses to combat it. or counterspells, but those are pretty rare in G/W lol

Posted 23 May 2013 at 03:06 in reply to #355638 on My new Tokens


Posted 23 May 2013 at 03:03 in reply to #355638 on My new Tokens


if theyre destroying your tokens with it, you wont have a chance to O-ring. theyll drop it and pop it.

Posted 23 May 2013 at 02:59 in reply to #355638 on My new Tokens


yeah. lands are the worst part about any new deck. just a heads up, if you dont follow the spoiler, Ratchet Bomb is about to become standard legal again, and that will be hell for token decks. Everyone will be sideboarding at least 2-3 copies because of Voice of Resurgance, so its just something to watch out and plan for.

Posted 23 May 2013 at 02:49 in reply to #355638 on My new Tokens


the most important things are the Alchemists and the Axebane. the rest is whatev. as long as you have enough defenders to get 4 out, youll be fine. Test Subject is just an alt wincon.

Posted 23 May 2013 at 02:47 in reply to #355647 on Budget Simic Standard


let me know how it works out.

Posted 23 May 2013 at 02:42 in reply to #355647 on Budget Simic Standard


it costs you a land. theres a reason its a 50 cent rare. its not good. dislike my comments all you like, but Gavony TOwnship will win you far more games than Grove.

Posted 23 May 2013 at 02:34 in reply to #355615 on My new Tokens


Grove of the Guardian is not good....use Gavony Township instead.

Posted 23 May 2013 at 02:06 in reply to #355615 on My new Tokens


Lol. Furthermore, "infinite" indicates that it is an unending loop, and in this case you can only pay for it to happen 8 times, IF you have the right mana. Unless you ghostly flicker your lands, but that's just bad magic.

Posted 22 May 2013 at 17:32 in reply to #355438 on Infinite combat


Sphinx's Revelation.

Posted 22 May 2013 at 14:32 in reply to #355404 on Augur of Resurgence


replace Bond Beetle with Vexing Devil. same scavenge cost, 4 counters instead of 0(other then the one from the ability)

Posted 22 May 2013 at 02:39 as a comment on Dragonic Wake-up Call


heartless summoning kills quite a few of your creatures. maybe use a sol ring instead...its essentially the same benefit with no drawback

Posted 22 May 2013 at 02:16 in reply to #355226 on Lets do Vamps (EDH)


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