It appears as if you've thrown a lone Runed Halo into a bad kithkin deck and called it control... I could be wrong though =/ Try to take out the bad cards, and throw in mutavaults, windbrisk heights, and take out 3 plains. Then get rid of cohort, banneret, heir, thoughtweft trio because you can get 2 for 1d, augury adept, and threw in 2 more ajani goldmane's, 4 honor of the pure, and 4 spectral processions, take out 2 coat of arms, and put in figure of destiny, either captain of the watch or cloudgoat ranger, put in another stalwart and another wizened cenn. good deal
It looks pretty solid, but if you want to go with a more aggro variant, drop the ajani vengeants, and scourge is almost never safe to use ever, so drop it too unless you want to be two-for-oned every time you play it. and glory of warfare is good, especially with volcanic fallout, which is a better option for your sideboard. Wrath of god is something you should never need in a deck like this. Try putting in white knight, knight of the white orchid, ball lightning, or anything like that. Boros recruit is nothing special either... try elite vanguard or something. I hope i helped, check out my decks!
take out wall of reverence because it's not good in the deck, simple as that... try to focus on a theme, take out the pride mages because you don't need them and put in some maelstrom pulses. Try to focus on 2 or 3 colors with lark! For example: WUB Lark 3 Lark 4 tidehollow 4 mulldrifter 4 meddling mage 3 glen elendra archmage 2 sower of temptation with cryptic, path, doom blade, various other good spells. You'll need something other than creatures in this deck, it seems like it will lose very quickly to just about anything Also, this deck has 2 too many cards! cut down to 60 so you can focus on drawing only good cards. You could even go: RWB Lark 3 Lark 4 anathemancer 4 tidehollow 4 murdurous redcap 4 siege gang with path, terminate, and some other stuff. Plus, your land base is fairly weak, try to get more duals and less vivids, 10 cipt lands at most Hope i helped!
I hate this build, it's so annoying. It either works well or fails miserably!!! But this has some flaws! shrewd hatchling is absolutely unnecessary, and if you ever get e mindwrack on the field, you have already lost! Cancel is a bad card, and unsummon and fireball are simply bad! Take out: 2 x Fireball 4 x Cancel 2 x unsummon 4 x mindwrack 4 x hatchling Add: 4 x Incinerate (more burn is good) 4 x ball lightning (speed and crazy damage) 4 x dominus of fealty (last resort can turn things around!) 4 x noggle hedge-mage (taps blockers and burns)] That's just my thoughts, check out my decks!!
I think you should drop the grixis grimblades cuz they're bad, drop malfegor cuz it should and won't ever be worth it, and redcaps probably don't belong because they aren't very fast and don't have enough power for an aggro deck. You should probably side the hemorrhages, and maybe keep one in the main. Popo lightning bolt up to four as well as figure, think about adding duress, ball lightning, bituminous blast, anything really. And you should simple up your land base, drop the savages and ziggurats and throw in reflecting pools or just basics!
i don't like the agony warps... have you tampered with terror? and in the current metagame you want to max Thoughtseize against aggro decks for early CA and disruption... good luck, check out my Larkfire
angry angry words... This deck is bad, and even though alex's name sucks, no offense, he's right... He's trying to give you advice, and this deck needs some structure! Have you ever brought this into a tournament? It's a free country haha.... not really!! Marble chalice is bad, wall of denial is good, but not here! Try to get like one idea and build off of it, not like 12 ideas and crap on them all. Just my two cents, Good luck
Well at least your decks follow a trend... Get some consistency!! Think of one idea, choose some colors, and make a deck. Don't just take a bunch of crappy cards and hope that together they do something!
Wow... this is really bad, i don't know what you were talking about. I don't think this deck could beat.... anything? I think this needs to at least have some sort of theme to it... what's the point of this deck?
No no no... i never evoke the drifter!! But what i CAN do is have some creatures on the field, play wrath to kill theirs... and get them back if Twilight is on the field!!
You'll want to run Fertile ground over trace of abundance so Garruk can target it!! You probably don't need the siege-gangs because you have powerful creatures, and you don't need tokens!!! how does colossus fair? it seems a little useless with Path out there... I would take out 4 trace, 2 colossus, 2 siege-gang, throw in 2 maelstrom pulse, 1 garruk, 1 birds of paradise, and 4 fertile ground. Just my thoughts!
O wow, thank you for that... i wish you were right!! No this deck is really powerful actually... I can drop a teeg turn two, a thoctar or sledge turn three, and turn four i'll drop a spellbreaker, equip a sledge, drop a thoctar, really anything. It works fine... I wasn't impressed with the way aura's worked!! I like sledge better... I like Noble Heirarch, but it seems i use my fallouts to wipe their tokens too often for my to get much use out of it. Teeg works out much better!! But thank you for your worthless comments!
counterspell is not in extended right now, and it wouldn't land me a draw anyway... isochron scepter could be cool though...
Path to Exile? Bant charm? It's called removal young squire, way to embaress yourself again!
The problem with your ideas is that i am using this in extended, of which ball lightning is not a part of extended, and neither is force spike, and i like remand, i get to draw a card with it. And cryptic is unbelievawble, they playing aggro? I'll tap them out for a turn, or i can bounce, or i can draw... you, my retarded friend, are a retarded retard
check out Vengeance
This. Is. Beautiful, i made a deck just like this when bloom tender first came out, And it was golden, Riftwing cloudskate made it stupidly good, but This is real real good, it let's you never die to removal...ever... Only thing i can say is to take out vivids for 4 reflecting pools and 2 mystic gates
how is rupture spire unplayable? And too many draw spells is a term i don't know!
At the place i play, There is Boat Brew, 5cc, elves, demigod and WB tokens, 4 of which i need to mass remove... if i were headed to the pro tour, yah sure i would change up the side!! But as is it works fine, and the Eos is the best part of this deck... And it will stay at 3, i'll drop a mind stone for a mogg, i'm testing to see which i like more!
that's one of my favorite things to do! Make off-color decks, because RWB is not often run in the format, but this build beats just about every strong deck out there... everything bases around CA, and this deck tears that apart! The White and the black are the two strongest parts of the deck, the red is just there for vengeant and blighting for some more speed and power. The one thing i don't like is how Figure works, i've got Nyxathid as my wincon, and Figure never really does too much, I'd like to be able to run Some more mass removal over him, whaddya think?
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