make your side board 4 hallowd burial, 4 light from within, 4 restless apparition, and 3 of something else, idc. Then take out wgyllion hedge mages for 4 nip gwyllion, to make your deck more life drain oriented. THen, you can side in hallowed burial, light from within, and 4 restless apparition for 4 hatchlings, 4 syphon lifes, and 4 divinitys to make the deck more aggro oriented if needed, you'll have 2 sides to the deck! SWEET! it looks good though. and you can't afford fetid heath :)
lose the hatchling i say!, but it's yur call. BAtwing brume is good for kithkin, but restless apparition is a good persist pumper that also has 3 white mana symbols. I like the syphon lifes, but gwyllion hedge mage is really nothing special in constructed, you'll be dissappointed with it most of the time. Only good as a 4-drop, and its not the great..simply put.
lotus blooms are always good, but i'm keeping block. The faeries are good for getting rid of blockers and for stopping attackers, and they're w/u
yah, but creakwood liege IS green, it brings out 3/3s that are also green, and it's black, which makes it immune to shriekmaw and such
All great suggestions, but this is a Lorwyn/Shadowmoor Block Constructed deck, and i can only use cards from those sets. I thiink Nettle sentinal is a good way to do a good 2 damage on turn 2, then play a spell and untap it. It's kind of like a 1-drop 2/2 with vigilance, because i get to untap it after playing a spell, think about it! It's just green white, so the point is to straight over run the opponent quickly without having to kill their guys, but I want it to be better!
Haha, i made a deck called shamanawesom... but then i deleted it. Cool deck, try to drop earthbrawn for some firespouts, they = good news. Have fun with this didly, hope it works! Please comment my Mono Green Shmackdown
also, side in the liege just incase you need to make everything big. The only problem with what yur maindeck has is there isn't any 1 card to do straight 4 damage to something. Side in a few flame javelins just to take out annoying things such as g/w liege. Also, crumbling ashes makes a champion of a deck, so have 4 of those sided. Also consider Midnight banshee. There are a lot of options. Grim poppet + torture, have fun!
Also, another thing you may want to consider with this deck. Soul snuffers is going to take out yur liege, and though it'll pump yur guys up a little, it's not fantastic. What you can run is 4 blowfly, 4 puncture blast, 4 bolt, 4 blight, 4 scar, 4 gouger, 4 kulrath, 4 necroskitter, 4 soul snuffers, and then 24 lands. Murderous redcap is sweet, but not with the whole -1-1 theme. WHat you'll want to side is 4 everlasting torments, it'll give everything wither, and stop an opponent from lifegain
Ok, so for helping you... Take out the Fists of the demigod... It's good, but you only have 12 creatures to put it on, and you'll probably want to focus more on killing cards. Torrent of souls is not a terrible card, but it's nothing special, take it out. What you should do with those card slots iiiiiiis... Throw in 4 necro skitters, I've got two I could Loan you and you could get 2 more at the place. Then, try out some puncture bolts, 2 or 3, yur choice. And if you choose 3, take out a scar.
RazilBazil? John... why? DUDE check out my Mono Green Shmackdown, yes "SH"mackdown. u using this for the FNM tomorrow?
with farhaven elf, you can bust out 2 dryad arbors along with it as long as wild pair is out. you can probably drop the mwonvuli acid-moss, they cost too much, also. you can probably drop a garruk or two, because garruk is nothing special in this deck, sure it's nice, but you don't need three. Then with the extra 4 or 5 card slots, you can throw in a few more primal force mages and maybe a couple cards with haste. Just try to focus on a couple themes and evolve on them!
thanks dawg, i'll be sure to!
it's a good thing you make great decks or else i wouldn't value your opinion... O WAIT! you do make crappy decks, make some good ones and then give a comment that means something
Chrome moxs are fantastic! what the crap are you talking about? This deck owns extended. It is much different than the earlier version. This deck is expensive and worth it, it does well,and name me one magic card that isn't a waste of money
O wow, i love the forcing them to attack thing, try the kamigawa red legend, she makes all of their guys attack
Well... With mine, i was thinking of blue for Notorius Throng and Latchkey Faerie, but it works more solid with straight black
o yah, batering craghorn and wild colos are goats. Goats are 0/1's, but when nobilis is out, they attack as 3/1's, and nobilis gets white mana symbols on the field for spricngjack shepherd. What liege woul i put in? balefire? its a goat deck, not a r/w deck! Dooor would pump a couple times with my goat spells, but i've only got 15, so i think i'll throw in a couple COA
thanks, i actually won the sealed tournament with goats :)
agreed, it is pretty nice, i thought about it, then i decided not to, but i'll probably throw a couple in, then again, it has nothing to do with wolves
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