This looks pretty strong!! I think you can easily drop some banefires, because they don't work with swans and you have no acceleration, also because you aren't running Knight of the White orchid, it's safe to run condemn over Path to Exile, but if u want to throw in Knight of the White orchid then go ahead and keep them in... Ajani vengeant is a great win condition in this deck!! I like it a lot, but you could probs use a couple more... I like swans, but a more solid win condition would be Twilight Shepherd, i prefer him over anything in my RWU deck!! Great recurring finisher!! Plus, you'll maybe want to run wrath instead of hallowed burial! And try out manlands to see how you like them!!!
I like banefires, but i tried it with 4, and i just didn't need them ever!!!
I think the fact that it is mono-blue is the only problem, there is no mass removal, and in this current metagame you need some wrath effects!!! SoOoOoOooO: unless u want to make it another color, i don't know what to say really!! probably throw in some courier's capsules and maybe some swans of Bryn Argol for a removal-resistant creature i guess? Good luck!! Comment on my Dark Bant, Ajani Blue, and Independence Lark decks!!
Hmm... It seems odd to me, i think you are trying to mix too many different elements! First of all, you have 2 negates and no other hard counters!! You have the bant charms but they'll be used as removal most often. Also, the 2 x Oblivion ring seems a little weird, because Path to Exile is just so much better, and with speedy creatures like this, the only thing u should be worried about is bigger things they have. Also, you should take out the 2 x Birds for 2 more finks, finks is fantastic!! and you already have 4 heirarchs, you don't need birds! Plus, you're only running 22 lands, which seems pretty low, i think you'd want to run at least 23, and probably 24!!! And the 2 x Wraths seem alright, but with all of your mana-producers you probably don't want/need to run it! You've got a creature heavy deck and you don't want to draw a wrath when u don't need it. I'm also a little turned off at your choice of manamorphose, good as it is, it seems to be taking card slots you need for other things!! Also, Bant Panorama is bad, like real real bad!! you don't want it at allllll! plus, i think to make the most out of knight of the reliquary, you need to rock some more manlands or important lands!! Also, you may want to run 1 more rafiq or a playset of Garruk, cuz he's really strong in this deck!!! So here's the rundown: Remove: 2 x Oblivion Ring 2 x Negate 2 x Wrath of God 4 x Manamorphose 4 x Bant Panorama Add: 2 x Path to Exile 2 x Kitchen Finks 3 x Treetop village 3 x Seaside citadel 1 x Rafiq of the many 3 x Garruk Wildspeaker Hope i helped!!! Comment my Ajani Blue, Fugue Vengeance, and Dark Bant
Yah i thought about Noble Heirarch, and 8 basic lands stands as plenty with my civic wayfinders and knight of the white orchid! But i don't know what to take out for Heirarchs, i could drop civic wayfinder or knight of the white orchid, prolly wayfinder, but then i wouldn't be comfortable with my number of basic lands.
You suck big black veiny cock kevin
I always like furnace, but it usually backfires!! and yes it is expensive, but it's worth it!
Take out Gaea's might, isamaru, and watchwolf for 4 x Nacatl guy, the one drop 3/3... and then throw in 4 Figure of Destiny and 4 Ranger of Eos, he's perfect for this deck
O it is in tenth... that was dumb of me! Yah i might be solid, but because of all the creature-light decks out there, i don't know how great he would be... I'll test him out though!! And hypnotic specter is perfect, i have to grab a few more and test them out!
Yah i need to get some Hypnotic specters in this deck and they will go in, but i don't currently have them... and mortivore would be perfect, he would make this deck great... but this is Standard, and mortivore isn't =( so until i get those specters, this deck keeps brion, cuz he does do a good job keeping me alive!
Umm... as a matter of fact there is a very likely chance their hand will be empty! I love Brion, it's his lifelink that wins me over, but i'm considering taking him out for finks, I don't use his fling very much, unless i need to push in an extra 7 or 8 damage with a nyxathid or huge figure!!
Court Hussar is awesome!!! He's a blocker that lands me card advantage and allows me to fetch for more permission and stuff!! He stays in, this deck doesn't work without him, but thanks!!
Alright.... So here's how this deck works first of all, it's about destroying my opponent's hand fast, completely locking them down once they have no cards and i have a scepter! Vengeant is Fantastic... The reason he is so great is because he can keep a threat tapped, whatever it is, to protect himself, and if i have blockers out, all i need is for him to stay on the field until the 5th turn after i play him, then i can destroy every land they have... He wins games basically, on his own!
Alright so this looks stronger than last time!! I like it... you can safely drop the O ring and the Naya Charms, the throw in some mass removal... like Volcanic Fallout or Wrath of God!!! Then with that fourth get a goldmane, more walkers, or more mass removal!! Looks Solid bro Check out my Fugue Vengeance and The Reliquary
This actually looks like a pretty good idea, but run less reliquary towers... preferably 0, take out the red, because all it seems to give u is swerve, and cruel... which u won't need. You need less Cancels, cuz it's bad, more punish ignorance, more cryptic command, less windwright mage (worst card ever), and more etherium Master... Good Luck Please comment my Fugue Vengeance deck!
Just my thoughts... i think this deck could be a lot better had it not been based around Maelstrom Archangel!!!
Aiight, so you'll want to take out: 3 x Kitchen Finks 3 x Bant Charm (trust me, it's not good enough) 1 x Nicol Bolas 1 x Progenitus Then you want to Add: 2 x Ajani Vengeant 1 x Mulldrifter 1 x Rhox War monk 1 x Cryptic Command 1 x Esper Charm
Yah i just don't have a nyxathid yet... I'm trying to get a playset! And yah, i probably will take out the redcaps... i thought about putting in Profane Command, What do you think?
except mine... Take out the flame javelins, they'll slow you down, and simply pose as a card you'll never want to draw. Use some terrors. I think a good removal line up would be Bone splinters and Grixis charm. Maybe volcanic fallout, seems sold. Run some countersqualls too! for super control permission!!1 Comment my Fugue Vengeance deck!
I like brion, but how much does he help? He dies really easily, that's the only thing that turns me off about him! Are the Vexing shushers really necessary in the main deck? They seem like a stronger sideboard card!! I think you should take out the vexing shushers, brions, and throw in one more ghitu encampment, 1 more Ajani Vengeatnt, 1 more balefire liege, and then throw in something speedy or something deathbringing, like boggart ram-gang, spark elemental, or rise of the hobgoblins. That's just what i'd do!! Comment on my Fugue Vengeance deck!!
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