meh, looks kind of structureless, just because of all the 1-drops, how well does it do against other decks? I can't imagine it's too bad though... Please comment my Thunder Burn Tempest!
I've always been waiting for someone to make a minotaur deck... they're SWEET!!! Looks pretty good to me! Check out my Thunder Burn Tempest deck!
yah, you have one creature with defender, but that's not quite a wall, so drop that, it's not very good, try some 1-drops, suntail hawk, lantern kami! It looks alright! Check out My Thunder Burn Tempest deck!
yo dude check out my Dovesmack Control deck!
I like it, but try to throw in thistledown lieges and then some high cmc noncreature spells to 3/3 fly the crap out of yur opponent
I love it, it's freakin sweet
ur gonna wnt to take out either petroglyphs or primal rage, because they don't work together, the rage will give them trample, and since that gives them an ability, petroglyphs' +2/+2 dies sweet deck idea though
Awesome, i want one now!
ILoveGoblins514 Good Idea randomryan
Hey randomryan, i've said it before, but awesome name, yeah i know, i had like 20 of them, but i got tired of them crowding my vault. Now i just focus on like 10 decks or so. Yeah, my angelfire deck is definetely my favorite deck ever, but its got Eventide cards in it, so i'm waiting for vault to put it in the system, and then i'm going to post up all my decks! Thanks for the comment!
this deck probably sucks, u tell me!
this is pretty weak, it'd be ok in casual, but 1 big board sweep will send u scoopin' Try to get something that mirrorweave will help with. Take out the quicksand, throw in 4 rustic clachans and 4 forbidden watchtowers and take out 4 plains You're going to need 60 cards, so get 4 thistledown lieges, take out the finks for wizened cenns, and you might want to take out 1-2 of each of your non-creature spells for some O-rings
you're going to want to run at least 22 lands, because you're going to want a land draw every turn, and scars are crappy, so take them out for incinerates or rift bolts or something. You may want to get some kind of creature or blocker kind of thing that can also get rid of stuff. Shriekmaw may be good cuz it can always be evoked for 2, and try some barbed shockers, because i know on turn four you're going to want to wheel and deal ftw, but barbed shocker works just as well. Try murderous redcap
this deck is so frekin awesome, i have nothing to improve on it, maybe get rid of the swords of light and shadow and throw in a couple more lands. maybe try the new blue initiate if u want to go with a mill approach, but it looks good how it is. Check out my UnderVisions and Life Smash decks!
i wanted to keep it extended legal for the next format, thats why test is out, and i've got ajani's big guy for a big swing, and swarming with storm herd
try some of the painlands to get some damage every turn that you will gain back instantly with searing meditation, you will win very fast!
smc1215... Thanks for the idea, i thought about that too, but i had a deck much like that, with megrim AND underworld dreams with barbed shockers and the like, i'm trying to stick to just drawing. Smartypants... Wow, i can't believe i forgot about that , thanks, i hope it doesn't kill me with spiteful visions out! randomryan... awesome name, and thanks for the idea, i tried to keep the deck red black, but then i had walking archive for more drawing and decided skyscribing was good, i'll comment!
well smc1215... if u had looked at the rest of my creatures... you'd notice that they are all 4-drops... and shriekmw is a five drop, i do this so i can sac my fleshwrither to bring any one that i want to out from my deck. But thanks for the suggestion... check out my Angelfire deck!
on g/ws, not r/gs Not much more to say, the rest is up to you... Check out my original creation: Angelfire
I have a deck kind of like this, except it's in extended, but you can take 2 cards out and it's block constructed or standard. It may have an elf subtheme, because of the imperious P's and wren's runs, but its something to think about. Check it out : Elf Persist. It looks good, but you should try to focus in on either r/g or g/w, i know you're trying to take advantage of the fact that you can rock both in just a green deck, but you've got wilt-leaf liege and you want that to max out it's power..
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