
34 Decks, 476 Comments, 0 Reputation

cool, the loxy heirarchs i decided were good mostly for life gain to gain back the life i lose from the lands. And it's not completely your deck, i got the idea for it from you, but i made some innovations.

Posted 19 February 2008 at 00:15 as a comment on


i made that deck for him :)
this is all over the place, centralize a theme and pick a few cards, underworld dreams, megrim, wheel and deal, barbed shocker, shocker, d tutor, wheel of fortune/fate. And maybe some planeswalkers. I have a deck like this called Mengerwird Mizzle Dizzle. check it out.
please comment my Vinelasher Moonfolk and Rot Revival decks!

Posted 18 February 2008 at 02:19 as a comment on BEST DECK EVER TYPE 1


please comment my Vinelasher moonfolk and Rot Revival decks

Posted 18 February 2008 at 02:16 as a comment on


this looks good, but your non-creeature spells are weak, very weak. lose the grapeshot(i understand the combo with ignus but it's not great), lose the conflag, spark elemental, ignus, and searblades. throw in some Ashling the pilgrim, rage forger, pyroclast consul, and since your deck is mainly shamans you could afford lightning crafter to do some intense removal. If you need removal spells get lash out, incinerate, or various other spells. It's not bad looking though

Posted 18 February 2008 at 02:16 as a comment on


please coment my Vinelasher Moonfolk and Rot revival!

Posted 18 February 2008 at 02:10 as a comment on Simic expierament


this deck is good, you may want to take advantage of the +1/+1 counter theme in morningtide with reinforce, sage of fables(awsome!!!!!!!!), and bramblewood paragon. may have trouble against faster decks, get some removal. B-

Posted 18 February 2008 at 02:10 as a comment on Simic expierament


target creature with flying)

Posted 16 February 2008 at 16:47 as a comment on


there aren't enough cards....

Posted 16 February 2008 at 16:47 as a comment on forest power


you're mana base is awful, get something other than vivids like city of brass or something

Posted 16 February 2008 at 16:44 as a comment on


i'm not sure if i want to take out the pillars, because they really helped this version out.
Ur-borg is a good idea, mostly cause the arena is 1BB and not multi-color.
Is there anything i can take out for more lands?

Posted 16 February 2008 at 16:40 as a comment on


Yah, i thought the vindicates would add that "unbeatable" and it's fun just to have 9 removal cards.
Yah, i got most of the lands, i'm just missing an overgrown tomb. This deck is totally crazy, i know what you mean about giant doran turn three which kinda ends the game. I'm glad it's working out for you as much as it is for me!
I went to a tournament last week with this(borrowing a overgrown tomb) and went 4-0 no game losses at all. Most people didnt survive past turn five.

Posted 16 February 2008 at 16:37 as a comment on


i don't get it much, but it looks alright. you should get more add X to your mana pool cards like rite of flame or something. It looks like any deck could beat it, mostly because it looks slow. I'm not sure, maybe it does well, i'll playtest it. Good Luck!
Please comment my Rot Revival Deck!

Posted 15 February 2008 at 18:27 as a comment on


its a nice looking deck, i like your rush hour one more, but this one's nice
please comment my Rot Revival Deck

Posted 15 February 2008 at 18:16 as a comment on Traffic Jam


this is really nice, you could probably lose the haste enchantment, the recycle, and you should put in four intruder alarms. you know what, this deck is really hard to improve because it's crazy sweet. maybe clean it up a little by taking out some cards that you don't need. Im not really sure.
Please comment my Rot Revival deck

Posted 15 February 2008 at 18:13 as a comment on Rush Hour


it does look effective though, good luck!
please comment my Rot Revival Deck

Posted 15 February 2008 at 18:08 as a comment on Slivers


it looks nice, but you could easily cut down on some of them and make it more consistent:
take out telekinetic, vampiric, plated, spinneret, screeching(good effect but you should never have to mill an opponent with slivers), fungus is good, but it only works if the creature doesn't die.
In my opinion, you should go with this:
4 might
4 winged
4 sinew
4 heart
4 gemhide
4 shifting
4 legion/coat of arms
4 sidewinder
4 sedge
4 brood

Posted 15 February 2008 at 18:07 as a comment on Slivers


after infestations and to retrieve your mobs. Actually, throw 4 worts in, giving you 60 cards.
Then you need to adjust your mana base. you'll have 3 cards that require black, and 9 cards that require red. so your mana base should be about 5-6 swamps, 10-11 mountains, and 4 Auntie's hovel. Of course, if you want to keep in mass hysteria, take out raging goblins and put in four of them. This deck looks really nice, good luck with it!
Please comment My Rot Revival Deck!

Posted 15 February 2008 at 17:59 as a comment on GobMob


you could easily drop the lightning greaves and raise deads. You could also get rid of the mogg fanatics and probably mass hysteria(it's good, but you don't want your opponent to get the same advantage that you have). try emblem of the warmind or fervor. With lightning greaves, mogg fanatics, and raise deads out, you could max the count of your mob, piledriver, infestation, cover of darkness, shenanigans, war marshals, then you could throw in 3 Wort, Boggart Aunties, which would be great for...

Posted 15 February 2008 at 17:51 as a comment on GobMob


most of the cards are 3-drops. it's pretty fast, but i'm trying to take cards out so i can put in more land.

Posted 14 February 2008 at 17:12 as a comment on


once morningtide comes out all but 2 of those cards should be taken out

Posted 13 February 2008 at 16:50 as a comment on


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