it looks great though, definetely a threat, comment my other decks if you'd like!
take out sucks, lair watch isn't that great so you could take those out If you want some speed...throw in some Avian changelings and Changeling berserkers favor of the mighty isnt good, take them out. You need more lands mostly because it's giants and they cost 1 million to play Here's the link to my giant deck: If you'd like to branch out of lorewyn... throw in: Jotun grunt, hammerfist, desolation giant, and Akroma's memorial
urs is like 58%
Ur giant(all fat), im jacked(mostly muscle)... my BMI was like 15%
i want too keep them out(mostly)
ya i may be a little hard on him sometimes...but he deserves it. And speak for yourself... im not fat!
John yur retarded... nobody decks. Yah i took out the fruits because they cost 6! That's far too much when ill be wanting to to rings my broker 3 times instead... plus... forced fruition is when they play spells, and what if they don't need to? maybe they've got a nice pinger({T}: deal 1 damage) deck. O... i thought i took out forced fruits... guess not. I'll keep it in just for a nice game ender, but only 1 thanks for the advice aquilon.
i know im amazing your welcome Thanks for the howling mine idea, ill throw some in
i've got underworld dreams, the point is to make them draw
this deck looks really good, i'd take out the lenses for paradise plumes(4 drop choose a color, (T):add the chosen color to your mana pool, and you gain 1 life whenever a spell of the chosen color is played) and bloodbond march would be cool here, i think you should take out a smallpox for another tutor because with the tutor you can look for urborg mage and haakon. i don't think 24 lands is necessary, take out 2 or 3 for another copy of haakon, urborg, and pentarch paladin(if u take out 3 land)
just kidding i'm calling it RECYCLE UR FACE and wow does it look awsome with red
wow dude this is frekin awsome im very much surprised! take out 1 jace, 1 arcanis, tha magus of the bazzaar issnt what this decks about so you dont need them, cabal interrigator is not needed. I suggest splashing some red action in there for shocker and barbed shocker, they will kill your opponent very quickly... im going to post what i think this deck shouold look like so look it up, i'm calling it Johno Help
im not sure if the equipment is needed, with all the room you could throw in some +/+ or some more tutor.
the red cards aren't needed till i'm ready to own, and i have enlightened tutor to look for barren glory... i could put in the white dude... hmmmm
o wait, this isnt your big deck Sorry i'm not sure what you're trying to do but this deck B-b--b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-BBLOWSSSSSS SLEET!!!
that was a lie, it's quite organized but you need more key cards
all over the place, not bad but clean it up and it'll be good. too many krakens!
because of removal and constant Attacking
paradise plume, totem, fortify, high ground, lumithread, and ivory are unneeded! Max out cav master and pant paladin Isn't this deck supposed to be more offensive with flanking? take out foriysian intercptr and max out riftmarks. Throw in some Attack boosters and some removal. Put in O rings and wingshards.... maybe some swords to plowshares or cowed by wisdoms zhalfrin's great, but you only need 3 max... 2 is good! overall pretty ok I'm not sure bout giant, you dont need a finisher
Yo dude! Get rid of Crappy cards like: Armodon, Jolreal, lure, and crap. Get in some big craps! Behemoths and other normals and huges get petroglyphs err sumthin.... This deck blows...
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