Yah, doesn't look nearly as good as it is! but this deck is real real good... Why post it on the account it's not yours though?
well he hads no idea what he's talking about.... but you need to put in 2 more plans for 2 forests... look at your number of green spells! You have a crapload more white, plus knight of the white orchid needs plains. The point of this deck is to sac the lands to not only pump knight of the reliquary, but it also fetches manlands! and thins out your deck... this deck is great!!!
excuze me? i'll kill you with a hammer... elspeth= weak... and martial coup might work, but i'm feeling 2 is max/ and you want PtE because of it's synergies with Knight of the White Orchid! amatuer...
Are you serious? why would i want creatures when i wrath all the time? and i have 8 spot removal spells... 12 counters... 4 mass removals, you have no idea what you're talking about... it's cool though... control decks aren't for everyone!
Yah... but they don't haha, it's cool to see all those names though!
Murderous Redcap looks alright, but probably less strong than you need. You would always choose sower over it, and even siege gang over it! I think It'll probably slow you down a little bit! This looks like a combo/control deck, and you don't want to crowd it with slow creatures... a solid creature base would be: 3 x Lark 4 x Mulldrifter 3 x Sower 4 x Siege Gang 2 x Stillmoon Maybe you wanted to go a diff route i dont know, but you want to be running 4 x ajani, and Jace is probably something you don't need in this deck, he's good card draw, but you've got recurring mulldrifters!! and cryptics, so you probs don't need him. I'd suggest dropping 2 jace beleren, 2 x murderous redcap, 4 x mogg fanatic, 1 x stillmoon cavalier, and 4 x incinerate. Lash out is better in this deck, you will only be shooting at their creatures anyway, and it lets you stack your deck! that leaves 13 slots to improve with, since you already have 24 lands, you can add 2 siege-gangs, 1 sower, 1 vengeant, 4 lash out/Flame Javelin, 4 volcanic Fallout, and 1 Path to exile. That's my idea, the lash out gives you some more spot removal, and the fallout gives you mass removal. But you probably don't want to be running any more than the 4 path to exiles, so i'd say run a couple more counters or even Mind stone. It ramps you up fast, and you can draw with it later on. Courier's capsule is also really really powerful! I'd run it without thinking man! It let's you comfortably keep 2 land hands! If you are willing to drop the stillmoon cavaliers for two extra slots, you can fit Knight of the White Orchid because he's flat out ridiculously awesome and a half, and comes back with LArk! Then you could drop 1 siege gang for more slots. Any questions? Good luck! Check out my Ajani Blue and The Reliquary and Doran's Army
drop wall of reverence, austere command, banefire, armilary sphere, and throw in 2 path to exile, 1 flame javelin, and 3 Vengeants and throw in a couple wraths!! That's what i've got! Comment my Doran's army, Ajani Blue, and Ajani Control!!!
An ideal first four turns: T1: Vivd creek/Forbidding Watchtower/Ghitu Encampment/ Mutavault T2: If i brought out mutavault, play a land, swing for 2, if i played a red or white, play another land that can produce red or white, and play figure, pump at End of opponent's turn, if i played a watchtower or vivd first turn, drop another land, drop courier's capsule. T3: If i have FoD out as a 2/2, play my land, attack, if they block, pump him, if not, let it through, End turn with 2 or 3 open lands. during opponent's turn i can kill a threat and/or pop couriers capsule and land 2 cards, depending on my available mana T4: Swing with Figure, same deal as before. Drop a land, play swans, vengeant, capsule, anything. It's basically a control deck that beats face with manlands. It works out really well and has unbelievable post-wrath recovery. Twilight Shepherd basically makes it impossible to destroy my creatures. I want to take out swans and Flame Javelin For Knight of the White Orchid and Cryptic Command, but i have to see how that works out!! What do you think?
Thats the idea, i'm still integrating more blue for counters, and i haven't figured out my land base
Ok wow that was a long one jeezus! Ok next, from your decklist, it seems more like you want to make a RGW deck with a few walkers piled in, in that case... Drop - 13 4 x Naya Charm (It seems good, cuz it's in colors, but it's just not a great card!) 4 x Spectral procession (great great card, very constricting mana cost, and you can use better cards 1 x Chandra Nalaar (3 is too many for this chick in Aggro, you want better tempo with big creatures and such 4 x Hallowed Burial (Good card, but you're gonna have creatures out, always, and this may hurt you) Add - 13 4 x Path to Exile 1 x Kitchen Finks 1 x Garruk Wildspeaker 2 x Ajani Vengeant 1 x Bloom Tender Now the last four to add can be your choice of Mass destruction, such as Wrath/Fallout/firespout, or More creatures: Wilt-Leaf liege appears to be the best for this situation, because he hits the board and you win, but if you want more 3-drop slot power, go for Boggart ram-Gang Hope I helped, Good Luck
Looks Solid bro, wow 7 votes that's huge!! You can probably afford to drop either the finks or the thoctars, and since finks is unbelievable incredible, drop thoctar, it's a good creature but in the current metagame he's a bit easily killable, and in a planeswalker deck you don't want to be hesitant to wipe the board clean!! Before i continue, if u want this to be Planeswalker Ramp, go for the tenders with Figure, but if u want it to be a walker deck, go for some Birds of Paradise along with Finks and/or Realm Razer. Razer is cheap, and it's a really solid Win condition, because if you razer someone, you can just build up your walkers and win fast. If u want to go Realm Walkers: Drop- 18 4x Wooly Thoctar 4 x Figure of Destiny 3 x Bloom Tender 4 x Spectral Procession 4 x Naya Charm Add- 18 3 x Realm Razer 4 x Birds of Paradise 1 x Kitchen Finks 4x Wrath of God 1 x Garruk Wildespeaker 2 x Ajani Vengeant 4 x Path to Exile I'm not sure, but if u only have 2 vengeants and 3 garruks, i'll assume you just dont have the cash munnies to buy more, but i may be wrong. If you can get your hands on playsets, this could be golden! With those changes, it leaves your decklist at: Creatures: 12 4 x Birds of Paradise 4 x Kitchen Finks 3 x Realm Razer Spells: 11 4 x Wrath of God 4 x Hallowed Burial 4 x Path to Exile Planeswalkers: 13 4 x Ajani Vengeant 4 x Garruk Wildspeaker 3 x Chandra Nalaar 1 x Elspeth, Knight-Errant 1 x Sarkhan Vol So that gives you a solid Walker deck that goes as follws: First turn birds every game, it's sometime ok to mulligan if you don't have a birds, you want to only keep hands that hand you three mana sources, you want either three lands, or 2 and a birds. Either works fine. Then you start pumping out Walkers by turn three or four, then whenever your opponent get's threats on the board, you can Path them straight out of the game, or you can mass own them with a wrath or burial, your call. Then, just continue pumping out walkers and lands, and clearing the board, until you can get their board clear and let Realm Razer hit the field. If you have Sarkhan Vol on the field, give him haste and put them on the clock, The deck works out great, i've used it myself. Not many decks compete well, Faeries can give you troule, which in that case you side in Volcanic Fallouts for Hallowed Burial, and maybe some filligree fractures against blossom, and you'll win still. RDW gets good tempo, and haste can kill you, but if finks every hits the board, you will win. Because that 4 point gain is huge stall against RDW, you want to save PtE for their Demigods, and just wrath when they have 3 or more creatures on the board!
Ahaha goood times good times!
six degrees: Good call! expensive shit right there! It's well worth it though! Corrupt: Land still is stupidly good and way too expensive, but we're talking standard here Biker: Yeah Ajani is great, the reason i keep in Goldmane is cause he makes my manlands so good! I can swing with them, pump for 1 before, and then tap for mana? they even keep the counters!! it's great and lastly... Tynan: You really aren't very good at this game are you? Vengeant is unbelievable, i take it you've never faced off against one! And as for swans, she's great, i can bring her out, and if they try to kill it, i can burn her and draw cards!!! If they don't i have a damage resistant 4/3 with flying? deal! And figure goes off all the time, he's great, i keep the board clean the whole game and win with him in the end. And Oona's gatewarden? really? she's awful in every single way, like concentrated suck all in one card!! Planeswalkers are really good so you don't have to talk anymore. Balefire liege blows, like a lot, i like him but he sucks ass!!! This deck is great and i'd be glad to show you.
now it's done, feel free!
i'm trying to keep this standard, so i'm not feelin' sunscour, but knight of the white orchid is great, especially with path to exile. The board sweeps pretty much work as they are, but i may add some, only if i need them
not done yet, no time to finish, dont comment
colonel fajita... hmmm I can dig it bro!! I'm gonna call u Colonel or ryan... Deal? Anyway about the deck! This is great, but you could do well to take out the hunting triads to put in 2 more lands and another murderous redcap. Also, i'm not a big fan of the scarland thrinax, how's it work out for you? But if you want to take that guy out you could go for some more removal, because your deck seems to lack it for the most part! Shriekmaw may be a better option than terror, though it is not instant speed, it can be torrented, and it can be evoked + sacrificed with husk or scarland! Looks solid though! 8/10
Ajani Vengeant is the Best planeswalker, there really is no competition, so he won't come out, but i don't have any elspeths right now, soon as i get three i'm taking out 2 goldmanes and 1 vengeant. And thanks
No, Redcap is an assassin and it's awesom, birds would make this deck no longer Block legal nd i don't like birds.
i destroy elves with hallowed burial, BItterblossom goes to O ring, other little faeries go to soul snuffers. This deck wins
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