looks perfect!, but test it out and see whether u want more ignite memories than 2, but i wouldn't know, i don't have one of these :)
te point is to stall them for one turn so i can push in a win, and land an extra card, but i may try ponder instead of it, because i like court hussar's effects
and a telling time or two along with an ignite memories, because you don' t want to draw more than one in a game.
i don't, remand is fantastic, especially in a dragon storm deck, not only can you take out yur opponent's creatures, you can even counter your own spell, it will just go back to your hand, and you land an extra card, that's sweet. And the point of dragonstorm infamy is to just rock 4 hellkites to push in 20 damage to the opponent on turn 3 or something. This deck looks good, but you NEED to add manamorphose, it is like the perfect dragonstorm card ever made. You could probably take out 2 lands
yah, i like remand a little too much, but you should definetly cut ALL the counter spell stuff because you won't need it, it's not that great. You should focus on aggroing the hell out of this deck and just destroying people!
only thing i can say, is take out diety, and rock the firespouts!
This looks pretty solid, but watch out for magus of the moon, you may want to run some basic lands because it will destroy you! You probably don't need Oona, but maybe run 1 for a good control finisher, other than that, faeries aren't my thing. It looks pretty solid though im liking it
no harm done, thanks
i like it, try remands instead of cancel, they always work out well, you deck isn't very contorl oriented, so drop the cursecatchers, dousings, and broken ambitions, which gives you 4 card slots after cutting down to sixty, take out 2 cancels and 2 warhammers to give you 8 slots, then get 2 more prophets one more o ring, one more steel of g,, get another silvergill, another lord, another reejerey and another cryptic command = awesome. Hope i helped!
looks great! i hate slivers, no offense, but you have to run heart sliver, it's great. Darkheart is nothing great, but you want 4 homing, 4 heart, 4 might, 4 sinew, and 4 that give trample, and 4 winged. You can drop the legends down to three, and i love the muta vault thing, that'll come out like a 2-drop akroma!
yah they are pretty expensive, but dont u have some on your faerie deck u could use?
nope its not that i want to be a jerk, yur right on that one, but on my angelfire you said nothing... i've written 3 full posts on yur decks
4 spec process, 3 mirror weave, 3 thistled liege, 2 trio, 4 figures, 4 stalwarts, 4 cenns, 4 unmake, 4 o ring, 4 knight of meadowgrain, and then yur 24 lands are good. Thats what i think, but you could take out the trios for light from within. Have fun, hope i could help
take out cohorts, mosquito guards, and harbingers. WOOT 60 cards, BAAM harbingers are great in limited, but you need speed in a kithkin deck. Pop in 4 unmakes, 4 O rings, idc how many weaves, 4 cenns, 4 stalwarts, 4 knights of meadowgrain, 4 figures of destiny, drop the bad cards, like serra avenger and mirror entity, entity is ok, but if you're rocking weaves, you don't need them. Get 3 thistledown lieges, drop griffen guide, steel of godhead, u dont even have augury adept...
actually, i never get anything out of eman or you, it's always... "check my deck", or "comment my deck plz", i never get any constructive advice from either of you... and why do you care about what i think?
if you don't like 24, you can MAYBE drop down to 22, but thats it, cuz yur gonna want frequent land drops to play a lot each turn. Then drop infiltrators or banneretts for marsh flitters, because they are domination... 4 drop 3 1/1s one flies, PLUS if u have blackguard out, then thats straight beats. and thats all from me, hope i helped
bitter blossom pops out a 1/1 rouge flyer every turn and with blackgaurd that = awesome!, morsel thefts are a cool little trick, and they're nice to get, but what would you rather have, that or something else. I don't really care, just take tham out for 4 unmakes, 4 tendrils, 4 N. inversions, for a good removal curve, then max out yur creatures, 4 banneretts, 4 blackgaurds, 4 bandits, 4 prickleys, 4 infiltrators, then your 4 blossoms, 4 nameless, 4 tendril, 4 unmake, then you can run 24 lands
I've got a rouge deck, it's frekin awesome. MMMMMMMMK.... drop the grave peril because it's just simply an awful card, drop bad moon because it's ugly, good for +1/+1, but i'm not diggin it, drop liliana because she's slow and you want to dominate the speed department in a rouge deck. I tried earwigs in my deck and i liked them, but you want to run more removal over them. Korlash isn't a rouge, sure its black, and it's sweet, but you dont need big dudes with tiny fliers. Run 4 bitterblossoms
it looks pretty solid, you probably wont need all the mana excel such as birds, llanowar, and radha. Unless you want to take out the guildmage for something like blaze, disintegrate or something. Also, get some more removal such as firespout, cuz it wont take much for your opponent to get good board position, then just kill anything you pop out! Check out my Angelfire Tempest and Wilt Creak Beats decks!
why what
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