The difference between instant and sorcery is that instants can be played when you have priority, during any step of either player's turn. You can play them in response to another player playing a spell, or anytime you want, for example. Say i end my turn, you untap, and enter your upkeep, then i can play shock on your nettle sentinal. Sorceries can only be played during your main phase when you are the active player and no spells or abilities are on the stack.
No, once blockers are declared, that's how it's going to be, let's say you attack and pass priority to me, i enter the declare blockers step and block your 5/5 flier Oona, Queen of the Fae with my 1/1 flying spirit token. You can play smother or incinerate or terror after blockers are declared, and before damage is put onto the stack, but the fact remains that your creature was blocked. You can, however, kill my creature before the declare blockers step
allowing you to use something to tap my blockers if u had something or untap an attacker before my declare blockers step. Once i declare my blocks though, it does not matter if you tap my blocker, damage still is dealt normally. So if i attack with my Kithkin Rabble, and you decide to block with your kitchen finks, i cannot tap your finks after you say he's going to block.
Well, first of all, say i'm playing you with this deck. Once you declare the attack step, i recieve what's called "priority" which means until i make a move, you can do nothing. after i recieve priority, i can use my tappers to tap you're attackers before you can declare your attackers, but you can still play cards in response to what i do. Then, after i'm done, i pass priority to you and you can declare attackers or play spells or whatever you want. Then when you attack, you claim priority...
well you do, not only do you have to pay life, you have to pay mana too
o and please comment my Power Treez deck!
hmmm... wow, yur running 32 lands, do y realize that? you should probably try to focus on 1-2 colors, maybe 3, and make up a theme
you do realize you have to play bond of agony as X = 20, make it cost (21)B
comment 20!
i love the bunny, but try the KIRBY DANCE! <(''<) <('')> (>'')>
toss out the spellstutter sprite, this isn't control, and nightshade stinger is probably uneeded. with those 7 slots, max out blackguard, prowler, liege, benneret, and bandit and you can probably drop Oona because you dont need it in Rogue swarm and then you can get 22 lands Looks good, hope i helped
how is this totally illegal?
spiteful visions is great for this deck, wheel and deal is good, looks pretty solid, check out my undervisions deck!
this is a block deck... but thank you for all these suggestions
yah... think of it this way, the only skill i have is deckbuilding! when i'm in a game i can't tell the difference between a land and a sorcery
you'll most likely get them late game and then theyre crappy... Hobgoblin dragoon never worked out for me... hows it do for you? i think its just a straghit bad card... but thats just me! Swell of courage can also be replaced with mirror entity, mirror entity is great for theis deck! try some Oblivion rings because they are awsome. Durgar assailant is probably unnecessary, you should try nobilis of War, it'll turn the tides of a game in a instant (more like a creature HAH) not funny... Good luck
Randomryan.... let me tell you something... this is my by far favorite color combination ever made! i like the deck, but it can be majorly improved! I've been using a r/w deck in FNM near me and it dominates the world. I'm going to post it and let me know what you think... Instead of blades of velis therow in mirror entitys, they can pull off that combo at 7 mana instead of 8, significantly better, also, i'm thinking take out the bannerets, they really aren't anything special
alright... drop vivid meadow, goldmeadow dodger, brigid, cenn's tactician, put in rustic clachan, figure of destiny, and one more thoughtweft trio and BAM... deck
MMMMk..... throw out the angels... why? its a kithkin deck, and get rid of the dragon... Actually.... i have no idea what you're doing here... is it a kithkin deck or just mono white?
mmmmk... if this is standard, make it red white, with white you can pop out oversoul of dusk, Akroma, and you can go wrath of god and still have a creature if deathrender's out. But if you're running deathrender, don't be afraid to run other creatures not in your colors, because you can just deathrender them in. OR you could make the deck mono red and throw in fiery bombardment, because you can use that to throw a crazy huge damage combo at your opponent with sacrificing your demigods
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