Standard Legal
L/S Block Legal
which you should put in eyeblight's ending. That leaves with a golden 60 elf deck! Hope i helped!
heavy spells, and besides, your creatures are gonna be tapped from attacking! Then, you're gonna want to take out 1 overrun, just because thats not a card you want early game, and 3 will land you one too early! So then with 4 heritage, 3 promenade, and 1 overrun, it leaves you with 7 card slots(cutting the deck down to sixty) Then throw in 3 more mutavaults and 3 other lands ( twilight mire, forests, swamps) to bnring you to 24 lands, and you want 24, trust me! that leaves you with 1 slot,
do you actually feel comfortable runnning 19 lands? i know you have llanowar and heritage, but if someone takes out heritage, yur screwed. Here's what i think: Take out Elvish Promenade, hunting triad serves the same purpose, but it also gives you a HUGE pump to a creature, say your opponent incinerates your imperious P, u just reinforce it and BAAM they just wasted a card and you win! Then, I'd say take out heritage druid, as it won't do all that much because you don't have all that many mana
Scourge of the nobilis is gold! i love it, try it out!
I'd say throw in tendrils of corruption, since you're running almost all swamps anyway, and take out gloomlance, you could do better with sudden death or something. The problem with you magus is that it'll be killed very very soon, which might be bad. But i don't really have anything to say... it looks pretty solid, maybe throw in more land :). Deck Name: At the beginning of your upkeep... DIE! or Abyssal Plague?
Well here's the thing... Jaws of Stone is a huge game winner, think about it! It's turn 10 ish, i've got like 8 lands out and he's been killing the crap out of my creatures, all I've got is 3 r/w goblins, he's at 10 life. BAAAM jaws of stone to deal him 7, take out his last blocker, and kill him with hobgobs! It's foolproof
It's called Balefire Burn, it's monored, but the same idea as this, just more mountainy! did u see Gary's comment? things are looking good!
game gold! I'm gonna post up my R or R/w deck wutev you wanna call u so u can have a look!
with those slots, you can throw two in for land, I like 24, it seems solid, never been screwed with it! But u might like 22 instead... idk, that gives you 16 slots, with those, throw in another double cleave if you like it, another hearthfire hobgobby, and if you can find them a figure of D. and Nobilis. that'll leave you with 12 slots, with those, throw in 4 flame javelins for that colossus killer, 4 oblivion rings to get rid of oversoul of dusk and such, and 4 rise of the hobgoblins for late..
impact on the turn that they're played! i've never been a big fan of double cleave, but some people seem to really like it! What i would drop: 4 battlegate mimic 4 beligerant hatchling 3 hobgoblin dragoon 3 swell of courage 4 fire at will That gives you 18 card slots, great room for improvement!
but it's just so not worth it for 3! Also, drop swell of courage, you don't need the pumpage because with balefire, nobilis and such, you're going to be fine with the safety of creatures! fire at will is great in Limited games, but it doesn't really seem worth it does it? What would u rather kill? a chameleon colossus for RRR, or 3 kithkin tokens for RRR? My point is drop the fire at will for flame javelin! I don't like the mimics, they can let you down too easily, they just don't make enough
mmmmmmmmmk... I like how the deck looks, it's much nicer than before! I see a few problems so lets get this started: I'm not a huge fan of hatchlings, i think they can backfire WAYYYY to easily... say you play it for 4 mana, and your opponent tarfires it for 1 mana... YOU LOSE!!! they really are only good in limited, also, you should probably throw in some more removal because this deck has very little of it. Hobgoblin dragoon i still say is an awful card, great if it costed 1 mana lass...
Please comment my decks: Neo Block Rock Angelfire Tempest Angelfire Control Thanks!
with those 8 slots, you can put in 2 more balefires, 2 more rise of the hobbygobbys, and 4 nobilis of war! Nobilis is cheap and great! think about it! it gives everything +2 +0 and is a 5/4 flyer! Then that gives you a solid 60 card deck, but consider taking out all the complicated lands, and just run mountains, because all your cards can be played with red mana! Plus: you may want to run flame javelin because of all the 4 toughness creatures out there! You could drop tarfires for 'em Good Luck!
a 2/1...boring! a 4/2 with dub stryk? Still boring, try taking out the planeswalkers, as they too are not very good, spitemares, moonhold, hatchling, mimic. This gives u 14 card slots, so lets cut the deck down to 60, leaving you with 11 slots, then add 3 more lands (trust me, you don't want to get mana screwed, and with no card draw or accelerators, you must run 24) Leaving you with 8 slots
mmmmk, im a fan of running 24 lands, regardless of your curve. so i'd put in 3 more, Spitemare is nice, but it's nothing fantastic, with cards like shriekmaw and neg 1 counters, I've never been a fan of hatchlings, as a matter of fact, i hate them. They're only great in limited, and in limited trust me, they ARE great, but not constructed. You're not really running control, as a matter of fact, yur not controling at all, so take out moonhold, it BALOOOOOOOOOOOOWS!!! Also, that mimic didly is bad
vivid lands are nothing special, as they are a turn too slow, and im running three colors, so my shock lands and filters are perfect. The curve really isn't that high, mostly because i'm running 24 lands, which is perfectly fine, along with 6 signets? thats crazy good, i'll be able to pop out a six drop by turn 4... the curve is quite perfect: 4 1s 13 2s 7 3s 6 4s 5 6s 3 Xs (which will probably end up being a 7 or 8) I guess that makes the curve 3.5, but the signets make it alright
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