Lose absolutely, i hate faeries, but they are really really good!
I'm keeping it L/S block constructed until the FNM switches
Yah, i did have balefire, but it turned out to not be very helpful
o ok, check out my extended legal Angelfire decks
what format is this legal for?
canopy is useless, colossus is side material, i ended up playing 3 kithkin decks last time i was there, 1 b/g, like 7 mono red, and 1 monoblack control, i know what i'm doin, raking canopy is quite nice against faeries, but its nothing great
Liege is Great, against all decks, it pumps out 3/3s every frekin turn! Colossus is sided because if i'm facing a black deck i'll take out shriekmaw for colossus, if i'm facing kithkin, i'll take out shriekmaw for 4 hallowed burials, if i'm facing faeries, i'll take out 4 shriekmaws for 4 colossus and 3 bitterblossoms for 3 cloud threshers... i've got it covered!
Doran hardly weakens my dudes, but it makes the harbingers 3/3s, but that's not the point of him, it's the fact he's a 3-drop 5/5, and i like my other creatures, i just won't use them all together at once. Essence warden's wayy too vulnerable, and it ain't that good, plus it screws with my curve
and i play block because my FNM is currently doing block, but september i'll start posting up standard
what card is that...
heart mender is wonderful, and i have 3 creatures with persist... The cavaliers are good, but only dominant against white and/or black decks, so i'd rather have the finks. As for crib swap, unmake is better because it doesn't give them a new creature, and i'm in all white anyway. But if i run against a big-creature heavy deck i'll maindeck the swaps
This is awesome, good teamwork Ryan!
Sweet, i can't believe he saw it!
yo dude, take out all of your non-swamps, you casn play all your cards with just black mana
it's been good... peace!
this idea is great! i hope it works!
I like it, only problem is, you won't be able to target your clones body doubles, and vesuvan guys to become new creatures, because they lose the shapeshifter creature type, though i do like the deck, it looks pretty sick, but you probably are gonna want to take out sigil dudes and wizards to get some cooler stuff like bounce and card draw, after all, it is a blue deck! Check out my deck GARY LOOK HERE
Hey everyone! Check out the decks: Who wants to talk AaAaNnNnDdDd MTG vault needs more whoever sees this deck put up an identical one with the same deck description and maybe we can get something going!
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