
395 Decks, 3,488 Comments, 884 Reputation

Love the use of the algae and urbog here. Looks like a lot of fun to play with. But not against. :P

Posted 15 August 2017 at 13:26 as a comment on Spreading Destruction


Hmm... Meh?
Just a straight forward R/G deck huh? I would say that madcap skills and alpha authority would go well in here.
Is there something I am missing?

Posted 15 August 2017 at 13:20 as a comment on The Red-Green Show


Kira would be hilarious here.

Posted 15 August 2017 at 01:49 as a comment on Won't Win, Will Lose Friends.


lol... this is rather funny. someone dug up one of my old 1 cmc decks. are people on the vault building a lot of them now?

that being said, this looks pretty good.

taste for mayhem is an interesting choice here, as I imagine your hand will probably empty fairly soon, so I think it works well here.

Posted 14 August 2017 at 23:50 as a comment on I Am The One


Yes, it is still 1 cmc, but it doesn't do anything for only a single mana.

There was a set of rules that we went by when building 1 cmc decks, which was a thing here on the vault for a short period of time. I THINK... We decided that X spells that did nothing when played for just 1 mana were not allowed in our format. That being said they do technically fit the requirements and could certainly be used if somebody wanted to build a deck like that.

Posted 13 August 2017 at 16:45 in reply to #313603 on there can be only 1 (CMC that is.)


Well, I do have a little protection from removal with Vines of Vastwood and Counterspell. But you are right that I need a more reliable threat.

I should probably run manamorphose, but what wood you suggest swapping for it?

Posted 13 August 2017 at 06:50 in reply to #604232 on Arbor Sprawl pauper


Thanks. Those are excellent suggestions. I really need to redo this deck because it is old, and there are certainly not cards that are viable in a format like this.

Posted 13 August 2017 at 02:05 in reply to #604227 on there can be only 1 (CMC that is.)


Yeah, I probably need to update this. There are almost certainly some better options now than when I designed this deck. Thanks for the like. That being said, since you like this you should look at a "deck" that I have called wandering one drops. It is a list of nothing but one drop decks like this. Some are mine, most are not. All are pretty interesting. :)


Posted 12 August 2017 at 14:22 in reply to #604225 on there can be only 1 (CMC that is.)


Well, this was supposed to be played in a format that only allowed 1 drops, which chalice isn't. But if that happened then yeah. You would have to scoop against chalice for 1.

Posted 12 August 2017 at 14:18 in reply to #604227 on there can be only 1 (CMC that is.)


Very cool. I put together a similar deck series. :) though mine are mono colored. Love the idea of having a deck that is simpler enough that anyone can pick it up and play with it with minimal instruction on how to actually play the game.

Posted 12 August 2017 at 07:24 as a comment on W/R Beginner: Batallion


Fascinating. I wonder what pulled this old deck up into the hot page? Props, by the way. I never could get extort to work well when it was standard, and this is an excellent use of it.

I recall when exquisite blood came out. I was one of the first to build a deck around it. It wasn't standard, but it worked pretty well.

Posted 12 August 2017 at 07:15 as a comment on Infinite Extort


thought about tormod's crypt, fountain of youth, or shield sphere for this?
or hilariously... gut shot? or maybe even noxious revival.

Posted 12 August 2017 at 05:24 as a comment on Autocounter


that's true but... they can't be played for a single mana. :( and I am not running green here. that being said I do like the idea of have those in a WG landfall deck.

Posted 12 August 2017 at 05:05 in reply to #313603 on there can be only 1 (CMC that is.)


also, something like Argivian find or remember the fallen might be pretty good in here.

Posted 11 August 2017 at 21:49 as a comment on Modern budget Combo


yeah. hangerback or endless one will die right away, but they do enter, thus triggering Altar.

Posted 11 August 2017 at 21:36 in reply to #604204 on Modern budget Combo


yes, this works.

Posted 11 August 2017 at 21:25 as a comment on Modern budget Combo


he does, but FM doesn't say each time you sacrifice a clue to draw a card, it simply says when you sacrifice a clue.

Posted 11 August 2017 at 20:50 in reply to #604200 on investigation


interesting, but I am not sure he is looking to actually sacrifice the clues to draw cards a lot.

I could be wrong though.

Posted 11 August 2017 at 20:20 in reply to #604200 on investigation


this is interesting. I am going to see if I can build something similar.

Posted 11 August 2017 at 19:58 as a comment on investigation


my thoughts on Without Weakness were that I could use it to save Spellskite when redirecting artifact hate from coil.

Posted 11 August 2017 at 16:49 in reply to #604186 on Bazaar coil


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