
395 Decks, 3,488 Comments, 884 Reputation

yeah, making midnight guard cheaper is nice, but shouldn't it be cheaper? if you have enough mana to cast Warchief, you already have enough to cast midnight guard... so if the deck builder wants that then Ballyrush Banneret is a far better choice.

as for the infinite tokens, yeah you don't really need to make them any bigger, but giving them vigilance is still useful.
and if you would be worried about instants you could run something like mana tithe, lapse of certainty.
Or perhaps Defense Grid, or even Grand Abolisher (better I think) would fit better here because they simply prevent your opponents from playing spells on your turn. so any kind of fog effect cards are completely dead, as are any interactions they might want to have at the end of your turn anyways. :D

Posted 24 August 2017 at 03:24 in reply to #604684 on Infinite Elf Deck


interesting. love your team decks.

I wonder if Curse of the Nightly Hunt would be good here? might be an interesting solution in case your opponents don't want to attack, while possibly giving your partner a chance at a free swing.

oh yeah. love Serene master and the flavor from Reborn Hero.

Posted 24 August 2017 at 03:02 as a comment on We are Legion


I would say that instead of warchief, you might add in something like Intangible Virtue. gives all your tokens +1/+1 and vigilance.

or perhaps a Ballyrush Banneret or Bosk Banneret? Ballyrush doesn't pump your creatures like Warchief but it DOES make them cost less. and it is only two mana instead of 5. which is a huge difference in playability for that effect.

Posted 24 August 2017 at 00:16 as a comment on Infinite Elf Deck


ok, so that makes a little more sense. that being said,, skeletal grimace also doesn't protect from -/- like tragic slip.

while it's true that Ornithopter doesn't do anything on its own, throwing hyena umbra on it turn 1, and then infernal scarring turn two makes it rather annoying as a 3/2 flying first strike that has to be killed twice, then draws me two cards. on turn two. so I figured something like that could fit an aggressive strategy nicely. I will play around with it and see if I like it or not. (or if I swap for dark favor, which I do like and use in another deck) then it gets to be a 4/4 first strike flying instead. so... pseudo Serra Angel that they must kill twice. on turn two.

a for Gul Draz Vampire... I just want it to be a good card so badly... but I will probably end up swapping it for another card. perhaps one of these:

Hopeful Eidolon? can be played as a creature, but also as an aura. hmmm... or the silliest common of all time...

Icatian Moneychanger!!! 1/2 for W deals 3 damage to me when it comes into play, gets 3 counters. each upkeep adds a counter. sacrifice it to gain life equal to the number of counters on it.

Thraben Inspector

Tormented Soul

yeah, probably go with one of those.

Posted 23 August 2017 at 16:37 in reply to #604596 on W/B aggro pauper


very nice.

Posted 22 August 2017 at 17:56 as a comment on Sage of the Gilder Turn.


are you new to magic?
perhaps you are unfamiliar with some of the basic rules that magic follows. I would be happy to help you if you would like.

Posted 22 August 2017 at 17:05 as a comment on power creatures


well mana producers each count as half a land. so...

Posted 22 August 2017 at 15:02 in reply to #604436 on The Ultimate Deckbuild Challen


originally I wanted to go with edge of the divinity, but I decided that I didn't care for how it pidgeonholed me into playing specific creatures, like nip gwyllion and mourning thrull. (NOTE nothing wrong with those creatures, just wanted to use something else.)

I wanted vault skirge because of phyrexian mana., allowing it to be played on turn one rather than turn two and can swing for a possible 3-4 on turn two.
and Ornithopter is free.

I have heard many people criticize Guul Draz Vampire, but I just don't see why... it is a 1/1 that only gets better as the game goes on, getting +2/+1 and evasion in the form of intimidate.

Now skeletal grimace was another enchantment I was considering. decided to keep hyena umbra in it's place. but I would certainly consider putting it in here.
Dark favor was also considered, and I could be convinced to add it, however... not sure what I would take out for it.

Posted 22 August 2017 at 15:01 in reply to #604596 on W/B aggro pauper


ah. that makes sense. right on.

Posted 22 August 2017 at 14:24 in reply to #604553 on $25 Cruel Lore


entirely possible.

Posted 22 August 2017 at 14:20 in reply to #604573 on Untap-Funtap


was goofing around on youtube yesterday and found this guide on how many lands to put in your deck. thought it was interesting. it certainly is going to help me in my deck building.


Posted 22 August 2017 at 14:20 in reply to #604436 on The Ultimate Deckbuild Challen


note that he also is missing a few cards at only 56...

Posted 21 August 2017 at 18:21 in reply to #604573 on Untap-Funtap


I think that mana leak is straight better than revolutionary rebuff.

and I am not sure what sedraxis specter does for you here...

other than that this looks interesting.

Posted 21 August 2017 at 03:49 as a comment on $25 Cruel Lore


Well... Interesting I suppose...
I would say swap out silence for Orim's chant. Unless you are trying to keep this modern legal.
And perhaps find a way to add in hour of reckoning? Because it destroys all non token creatures, and had convoke. Flexible and only wipes your opponent's half of the board.

Posted 20 August 2017 at 16:09 as a comment on Fuck Damage, Get Wins


Yeah, that is true,Primalcrux is a bit on the mana heavy side. Not a bad casual card though. Ooze is a fantastic graveyard hate card, and can be a decent beat stick after a little while. Anda like life gain usually isn't too bad as a side effect either.

Posted 20 August 2017 at 15:58 in reply to #604507 on Green Deck Wins


so... ad nauseeam for enduring ideal...? this deck is a little odd...

Posted 19 August 2017 at 21:48 in reply to #604518 on Enduring Nauseam


interesting. I think that Primalcrux might go well in here.
also interesting to not see Scavenging Ooze. seems like it would also fit well.

Posted 19 August 2017 at 16:41 as a comment on Green Deck Wins


thanks. built it for Drakeraenes deck challenge.

Posted 19 August 2017 at 16:37 in reply to #604495 on gilded saps!


I hadn't even thought of that. good call.

Posted 19 August 2017 at 16:36 in reply to #604504 on Selesnya evening


@ johnnycombo
interesting, but perhaps a mite slower than I might like for this. also... not sure what I would take out for it. perhaps Benalish commander? but really don't know how I would feel about taking out a win condition.

yeah, not sure I would feel good removing a mana enabler for this at 3 mana. if it were two or one... that might be a different story.

Posted 19 August 2017 at 02:07 in reply to #604484 on suspended training


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