
395 Decks, 3,488 Comments, 884 Reputation

ah. I see. :)

Posted 30 September 2017 at 03:02 in reply to #606973 on Copy copy copy


I never said it wasn't good. just a little different than I expected I suppose. I rather like it. :)

Posted 29 September 2017 at 17:33 in reply to #606973 on Copy copy copy


I don't get it. What does this deck do?

Posted 27 September 2017 at 19:51 as a comment on #3 Wipe Deck


it works with aggravated assault. tap 5 mana, and it untaps all your creatures. your lands happen to be creatures because of natural emergence, so they untap. including the land with splinter twin on it, allowing you to copy it again.

and yeah, twin isn't needed per se, but it makes the win a little easier once it is out.

Posted 26 September 2017 at 19:09 in reply to #606876 on aggravated emergence


ghost quarter is certainly a good call. will add it. also swapped heroic intervention for splinter twin.

Posted 26 September 2017 at 18:36 in reply to #606876 on aggravated emergence


interesting, but copies don't actually get cast, so they don't work with firebrand archer, nor do they increase storm count. I suppose you could dual-cast on your grapeshot for value...?

Posted 26 September 2017 at 18:22 as a comment on Copy copy copy


Of course. And it does look good for that as well. Looks pretty solid.

Posted 23 September 2017 at 04:28 in reply to #606732 on Scrapyard


so... Eggs deck?

Posted 22 September 2017 at 16:35 as a comment on Scrapyard


thanks. it is designed to be very simple and easy to understand, while still providing enough power to be usable. and yeah it is definitely a budget deck. :)

Posted 22 September 2017 at 16:07 in reply to #606696 on Mono White Newbie


Hmmm.... Not sure how well those would work here. Bloodghast would be nice I suppose but can't block, which is what I would really need here. it is also two mana which doesn't fit purely on the requirements of this particular deck format. Perhaps something like gravecrawler might fit better here at least thematically if not functionally.

Dakmor salvage is more interesting as it can be discarded to raven's crime multiple times. But I also don't particularly like milling myself either. And three cards per turn can hurt me pretty bad when I can't match that by milling my opponents at least four cards per turn. I might be able to still function but I wouldn't be able to mill them out. Also I have no cards (other than raven's crime I suppose) that are useful in the graveyard. So dumping things into the graveyard in the way doesn't particularity benefit me in any way. Perhaps you could explain how you see the benefits, so I could improve my deck building.

Now I could certainly see both of those suggestions going very well in a slightly different lantern control build. Which actually intrigues me a little. So thank you for the suggestions. :)

As for sea's claim vs evil presence... It is purely based on west my opponent plays. If they play black turn I swap out for claim, if they play blue then presence is obviously better. Regardless, I agree most decks are going to run blue rather than black so I have presence in the main board, not the side. :)

Posted 22 September 2017 at 14:58 in reply to #606706 on 1 mana Lantern control


always like to see a new deck builder asking for advice. :) hope I can help you out.

what I would do is cut down to 60 cards and run cards you think are redundant for consistency. for example: saddleback lagac and briarhorn both boost a creature when they enter the battlefield. or gift of strength and vines of the recluse. if you have multiples of the important cards run those instead, again for consistency.

look for cards that build on each other, like big expensive creatures work well in a deck with small mana ramping creatures.

I would also cut your lands to between 20-24, so you are not drawing them late game, when you don't want them.
also, pride sovereign is a cool card, but it needs white to really be great I think.

here is a deck you could look at to see an example of what I mean:

Posted 20 September 2017 at 23:17 as a comment on Blue/Green Rookie Deck


while I do agree that it is usually better to mill multiple people at once instead of just one, I don't care for milling myself and relying on my opponents already having less cards than me when using something like Fascination.

the only exceptions I would say are: I am using a designated mill deck and I know my opponents will have less cards in their library than I do, have a way to return the cards I mill from myself (elixir of immortality etc), or have a graveyard based deck where I benefit from milling myself (dredge etc).

that being said Pithing needle (and sorcerous spyglass when Ixalan drops) could certainly be an issue if they named rift elemental. so artifact hate and/or counter cards would be good. perhaps smelt, oxidize. nature's claim or natural state.

Posted 20 September 2017 at 22:29 in reply to #606553 on suspended training


Yeah, feel free to use whatever fits your local meta. I don't know exactly what is good sideboard tech for you, based on what your group plays. I usually play pretty casual so I don't run a sideboard for most decks.

Posted 20 September 2017 at 19:12 in reply to #606633 on suspended training


comet storm is nice as it is instant speed, perhaps pyromatics might be interesting here as well, as it won't fizzle to a single counter spell.

Posted 19 September 2017 at 16:05 in reply to #606554 on suspended training


meme-tastic. :)
perhaps porcelain legionnaire?

Posted 18 September 2017 at 19:00 as a comment on LEEEERRRRROYYYY JEEEENNKINS!!!


ok, so it looks like I already had a few decks that fit your challenge. see what you think.




Posted 18 September 2017 at 16:48 as a comment on Penny Magic: Black Storm


yeah, it is a little hard to make a lot of decks work under $10. so anything even remotely consistent could be considered noteworthy.

Posted 18 September 2017 at 16:05 in reply to #606478 on Penny Magic: Black Storm


well honestly I can already mill out turn three with BSZ, as it can force your opponent to draw as well. the problem with Fascination is that ALL players draw or mill at once, so I would end up milling myself out at the same time.

truth be told I could use RSZ as a finisher, but I like roiling horror a little better simply because of the nature of the deck and as an ability it is harder to counter.

I am certainly weak to removal, so more protection there would be good, which is why I have Overwhelming Denial. I can usually afford the extra mana for it and it also can't be countered. I could run something to give hexproof instead, or indestructible, or something to bounce, but I think sideboard would be a better option for cards like that because they are kind of dead if my opponent isn't running removal. might run apostle's blessing instead.

all that being said, thanks for the like and the comments. :)

Posted 18 September 2017 at 15:54 in reply to #606553 on suspended training


No idea. I hope it goes back down. I want to build this deck. That being said, it is really the only expensive card in the deck. Which is nice. Everything else is pretty budget friendly.

Posted 18 September 2017 at 01:32 in reply to #606525 on suspended training


@ Drakeraenes
thanks for the explanation. I had not seen the comment yet.

thank you for your interest in my deck. please let me know how it performs.

as for tips... I would say that roiling horror and BSZ are better win conditions than Benalish Commander. other than that... not sure what advice I could give. hope you enjoy the deck. :)

Posted 17 September 2017 at 20:40 in reply to #606525 on suspended training


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