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unless I am mistaken, the art lands are here for tinker.

Posted 05 April 2014 at 23:28 in reply to #453200 on diMyrr: Artof Mylling


I would suggest trying to fit in Cosi's ravager, or at least side board it. stone seeder is an awesome fit for thawing glaciers as well. well done. :)

or for other possibilities perhaps steppe lynx.

dang. after looking at this you have inspired me to build a similar deck.

Posted 05 April 2014 at 22:39 as a comment on Casual Thawing Glaciers


wow... maniac+paradise mantle+puresight merrow... that is some good fun there. :) what an embarrassing way to lose the game. lol.

Posted 05 April 2014 at 22:10 as a comment on Forced Win


I love myrs. they are awesome. :) Myr mill is something that I hadn't even thought about though. :) this is really good with the inf. mana myr combo.

I have a myr deck that uses this combo as well. :)

only thing that I can see here is protection. you need a way to protect your galvanizers, because once they are out they become prime targets for removal. and seeing as how they are both creatures AND artifacts... they are doubly vulnerable to it. so either some counter spells, like psychic strike (to go with the mill theme) or retrieval spells like psychic spiral (again with the mill theme) or something out of theme that might work better. turn aside or maybe footbottom feast?

Posted 05 April 2014 at 22:04 as a comment on diMyrr: Artof Mylling


white and black is also pretty easy to build, seeing as how they compliment each other so well.

Posted 04 April 2014 at 21:59 in reply to #450323 on How to: Build MtG deck


yeah. can't imagine that too many people would want to play against this very much. I don't actually have a deck like this, but I love coming up with interesting or strange ways to use cards. in this case: splinter twin and captain of the mists. :)

Posted 04 April 2014 at 07:06 in reply to #452699 on splinter captain


I try. :) I ran that combo when RTR was the newest block, and it was pretty dang effective.

Posted 04 April 2014 at 06:51 in reply to #452639 on Charging Badgina


this looks like a fun deck. :) cheap creatures and buff spells. :) since you are running madcap skills, you should check out alpha authority as well. put both on a single creature and it gets hexproof and unblockable. :)

Posted 04 April 2014 at 03:14 as a comment on Charging Badgina


since you have aura thief in here you should throw in enchanted evening as well. it is a pretty crazy combo. :) and I can say that perplexing chimera is pretty sweet too.

Posted 03 April 2014 at 04:22 as a comment on Mine. Not yours.


thanks again. :) and like I said, if you have any advice on anything at all, it would be appreciated. :) and I will try and help you out with your decks if you ever want it as well. :)

Posted 02 April 2014 at 09:19 in reply to #451905 on raining goblins


ok, so slim down on lands, check. drop 4 mountains. the enchantments... I can get rid of goblin assault certainly, now that Krenko is in here. however I have to say that multiples of raid bombardment and furnace celebration stack effects, making it useful to have more than one out at a time. perhaps furnace less so, but still. I will drop them both down.

thanks for the advice. I think this looks way smoother now. and feel free to keep giving advice if you have any. :)

Posted 02 April 2014 at 08:41 in reply to #451905 on raining goblins


while it does work well with sac abilities it doesn't give any benefit for bringing it back or having it die. although it is nice just for sac fodder for morbid. I will sideboard it and see if I like how it plays with the rest of the deck. :)

Posted 02 April 2014 at 04:23 in reply to #452124 on graveyard fun (help wanted)


dang. I can't believe that I missed out on Krenko. *faceplams* thanks. :) another problem that I have here is size. I need to slim the deck down without reducing the damage potential too much. :(

Posted 01 April 2014 at 20:20 in reply to #451905 on raining goblins


looks good. I will try to think of more things to help you out. :)

I have a few decks that could use some critiquing as well. perhaps you might be able to check them out if it wouldn't be too much trouble. :)

Posted 01 April 2014 at 09:28 in reply to #451900 on I win with 1 life.


hm... that is indeed a tricky question.
in that case how much does the mother of runes actually help out here? I see it's potential against removal and perhaps if you have multiples it has potential as an extra blocker (though I don't know why you would need any more than the Darksteel Myr for that) seeing as how it can make anything invincible to damage.
the only other semi optional card that I see in here is the indestructability. Maybe I missed it is a previous post, but what is it here to protect that you can't retrieve already?

and I really would suggest running Feldon's cane instead of the foundry since it is free vs 1 to use, unless you plan on putting another player's graveyard into their library...?

oh and now that I think of it perhaps wheel of sun and moon, unless you would rather have the ability to retrieve directly from the graveyard instead of drawing cards again. slower I guess but pretty much impossible to mill yourself out.

Posted 01 April 2014 at 08:52 in reply to #451894 on I win with 1 life.


ok, just a thought, but Ali from Cairo would go well in here. and rather than having the foundry, you should run elixir of immortality, since it can be used multiple times. although perhaps the life gain aspect is a turn off for this particular deck, in which case... feldon's cane might be better? Hm... :( anyways, just my thoughts on this.

Posted 01 April 2014 at 07:58 as a comment on I win with 1 life.


totally forget about blistergrub and festering goblin. thanks. :) the titans are all pretty good, so I will look at it again, because I can't remember what it does on entry. as for synergy with the high priest... I will look at those as well, but I was trying to go for stuff that is pretty cheap mana wise. the vampire and eldrazi are both at least 5 mana. and I can't rmember what the others are but I will certainly look at them.

thanks for the input. :) feel free to give more suggestions if you have any. :)

Posted 01 April 2014 at 07:54 in reply to #451873 on graveyard fun (help wanted)


I wish that I had the cards for this deck. That would be amazing. :) ok, I do have the soul's attendant and the pridemate. :) but none of the big ugly cards. :) and yes, I would be happy to take a look at your decks. :)

Posted 29 January 2014 at 01:21 in reply to #432150 on Deck #50! time deck 2.0


I have the altar in here because I can use it more than a single time per turn. :) and yeah, I will check out your deck.

Posted 27 January 2014 at 23:35 in reply to #400721 on splinter captain


This is interesting. it reminds me vaguely of my Hydra deck. you should check it out. :)
I like the way that you use Onmoth for mana ramp, to get your higher cmc creatures out. :)

Posted 23 January 2014 at 21:15 as a comment on Rampant Growth


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