
395 Decks, 3,488 Comments, 884 Reputation

sure, I will give you a link. :)
My lock deck. :)

sorry it took so long to get back to you. haven't been on here in a few days.

Posted 24 April 2014 at 05:22 in reply to #456842 on MUD Stax


ok, I know that this would throw a wrench into things but... ethersworn canonist would fit theme so well.

I designed a deck that makes it harder for opponents to play spells as well, although it is based on a very different concept than this one. This looks pretty effective. :) how fast is it?

Posted 20 April 2014 at 00:23 as a comment on MUD Stax


Lol... I think that just about everyone has something to offer. :) You did a fantastic job with this introduction for the game. It makes it way easy for new people to learn the game.

Posted 19 April 2014 at 00:38 in reply to #456432 on How to: Build MtG deck


ok, that is kind of what I thought, because contamination has a replacement effect.

Posted 18 April 2014 at 21:54 in reply to #456432 on How to: Build MtG deck


I think so, but I wanted to make sure.

Posted 18 April 2014 at 02:36 in reply to #456432 on How to: Build MtG deck


Well, chromatic lantern is an artifact, and contamination is an enchantment. Chromatic says lands may tap for any color of mana. Whereas contamination says if you would trap a land for mana, it adds B to your mana pool instead of its normal color and amount.

Posted 18 April 2014 at 02:20 in reply to #456432 on How to: Build MtG deck


So contamination would take effect not chromatic lantern?

Posted 17 April 2014 at 22:32 in reply to #456432 on How to: Build MtG deck


Oops I mean contamination not corruption.

Posted 17 April 2014 at 22:09 in reply to #456432 on How to: Build MtG deck


ok, one other thing that I see here: as cool as Traumatize looks/sounds, it is not all that great of a card. if you think about it, the mana that it takes to play it, and how many turns it takes to get that mana out, it becomes less useful each time you play a card. you could have half of their deck gone by turn 4-5 or so, and your traumatize only gets you 10-15 cards... maybe. (not to mention all of the cards that they are drawing as well.) I think that it would be more effective to run something like glimpse the unthinkable or mind sculpt instead.

and for my own curiosity is despise really all that effective here either? it seems to me just to be here to get rid of creatures, because you can get rid of anything else with duress. I know it is a bit more mana wise, but I think that distress is better, or of course, thoughtsieze. but that is just my opinion.

Posted 17 April 2014 at 21:01 as a comment on All your deck belong to me


ok, so if I have corruption out, and a chromatic lantern, which effect takes precedence?

Posted 17 April 2014 at 20:51 as a comment on How to: Build MtG deck


hm... perhaps to go along with the mill, you could swap perplex with psychic strike. same mana cost, but mills for 2 cards, and no opt out for your opponent. although it doesn't have the transmute... :(

Posted 17 April 2014 at 06:05 as a comment on All your deck belong to me


well, since you are running a deck that hurts you a bit, you might try flensermite, 1/1 for 1B with infect and Life link. or perhaps essence warden?

Posted 14 April 2014 at 05:58 in reply to #455427 on Green/Black Infect Deck.


no, don't drop the mamba, it is fantastic. although if you are looking for another small creature with infect: Ichorclaw Myr is also fantastic.

in all honesty I would say actually to drop Mycosynth Fiend. I know that it is a decent card, but it doesn't have infect, and therefor is actually going to hinder you a great deal. I would replace it with some kind of removal, or something like Core Prowler, or Ichorclaw Myr, or (as said above) plague myr. 2 of those 3 will drop your overall mana curve, and I think would be very useful. Or like I said already, some removal spells would do well at protecting you from big nasties.

Posted 13 April 2014 at 19:43 in reply to #455268 on Green/Black Infect Deck.


This is the little brother who built the deck.

Are you saying that I should take all the blood barons out or keep one?
I'll keep one wheel of sun and moon and put the rest in the sideboard.
I have dash hopes in there because I needed more counter spell cards in there and that one seemed to be the one that fit the best.
I'll probably move the elixirs of immortality to the main deck and was planning on doing so.
Are you sure that I should put a Whitesun's passage in the deck?
It's supposed to be a white and black deck so I didn't want to put any forests in the deck that much.
i wasn't trying to focus on mana ramp but I guess that it may seem like I was.
I'll definitely put the lone missionary in there. I guess I just didn't think about that.
Armadillo cloak & unflinching courage are the same thing.
I'll think about all that you said, thanks for the feedback. :)

and please continue to give feedback. every little bit helps.

Posted 11 April 2014 at 06:51 in reply to #454684 on More life More life MORE LIFE!


Sure, I will certainly do that. And feel free to check out any of mine as well. :)

Posted 09 April 2014 at 06:36 in reply to #454120 on Izzet my turn?


ok, so it is an interesting approach to mana ramp, but again, how do you protect the Titan when you get it out?

Posted 09 April 2014 at 03:56 in reply to #454189 on Bloom Titan


so what does it do? I see lots of land searching, and lots of different kinds of lands, but you really only have a single damage dealing creature, and no way to protect it. I am going to assume that I am an idiot, and I am missing something. O.o?

Posted 09 April 2014 at 02:56 as a comment on Bloom Titan


hm... ok, I see. so you rely on the burn to take care of creatures big enough to kill the chimera. That makes sense then. but it sill seems to be lacking something, but I am not sure what. overall though it looks fun to play with. :)

Posted 09 April 2014 at 02:50 in reply to #454120 on Izzet my turn?


yeah, I guess. but weird is fun sometimes. and strange cards are usually the ones that your opponents don't expect, and therefore don't have an answer to. :)

Posted 09 April 2014 at 00:56 in reply to #454092 on Weirdest Cards in Magic!!!!!!


goblin electromancer makes this deck very powerful, particicularly if you have 2 of them out. reduces all of you instants to 1 and 2 mana spells. very good use here. and you said that Hypersonic was a placeholder for Keranos, which I assume is in the next set. what does it do?

hm... since your chimera is supposed to be the damage dealer here, I would suggest throwing in some evasion spells to keep him from being blocked and killed because of his low defense. perhaps Teleportal would fit well here? and with the electromancers out, you could play it for overload, at no additional cost. :)

Posted 08 April 2014 at 22:12 as a comment on Izzet my turn?


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