
395 Decks, 3,488 Comments, 884 Reputation

Fork is pretty sweet... Oh and it looks like you have 8 mortars in the deck right now...

Posted 29 April 2014 at 11:03 in reply to #459587 on Jace, The Wallet Sculptor


Although can you play it from the mirror for the overload cost, since it is casting it for free?

Posted 29 April 2014 at 10:59 in reply to #459541 on Tinkering with banned cards


Washingtonians unite!!!

Posted 29 April 2014 at 10:55 in reply to #459549 on Jace, The Wallet Sculptor


I did. It looks crazy fun to play with. What do you normally put into the mirrors? Skullcrack?

Posted 29 April 2014 at 10:52 in reply to #459541 on Tinkering with banned cards


Lol... Can't believe I forgot show and tell!!! Gotta add that to the sideboard until I find a way to skip it in here. Maybe swap it for the crimson wisps?

Posted 29 April 2014 at 10:44 in reply to #459541 on Tinkering with banned cards


I think that this is great. But here are a few things I think could be useful, if you have the money for them. Force spike could be swapped for either flusterstorm or daze. Daze I'd good because you can play it got free. Of course you could also be a REAL scum and run FoW. BUT that probably isn't the kind of feedback you were looking for... Hmm... I think that mindbreak trap would go very well here. And yeah, this deck could certainly make people rage. Particularly if you can pull off Jace's Ultimate. :). Too funny.

Out of curiosity, do you own the deck?

Posted 29 April 2014 at 10:40 in reply to #459549 on Jace, The Wallet Sculptor


Oh yeah. Shenanigans abound in this deck. My brother asked why certain cards were banned. (tinker in particular.)
So I came up with this to show him why. :)
Admittedly it was pretty fun to design this.

And yeah the 57 grand price tag is KIND OF a put off. But... Turn one Blightsteel with trample and haste... Yeah...

I think that it would be fun to play with a deck like this once, just to say that I did. You know?

Posted 29 April 2014 at 10:21 in reply to #459541 on Tinkering with banned cards


can you link it? because I don't see it in your decks. :)

Posted 29 April 2014 at 09:51 in reply to #459499 on Izzet my turn?


sure. :) I can look at it.

Posted 29 April 2014 at 09:36 in reply to #459499 on Izzet my turn?


training grounds?

Posted 29 April 2014 at 08:52 in reply to #459499 on Izzet my turn?


oh, another creature that benefits from the instants and sorcs: Nivmagus elemental. not sure that I really like this card too much, but... maybe?

also, with blistercoil, it always takes effect, even if it doesn't resolve. It just has to be cast.

Posted 29 April 2014 at 08:42 in reply to #459499 on Izzet my turn?


for a card that gets a benefit from casting sorcs and instants, you could run blistercoil weird.

Posted 29 April 2014 at 08:25 in reply to #459499 on Izzet my turn?


huh... well that is strange since it says on most infect cards the exact details of what infect is... which DOES put -1/-1 counters on creatures it damages. Perhaps he is thinking of creatures with poison. and deathtouch.... yeah, any amount of damage dealt by a creature with deathtouch is enough to kill any creature that blocks/is blocked by it.

Posted 29 April 2014 at 05:34 in reply to #459408 on Odric's Crusade


Crap... I meant a landless deck. I will post a link to it, see what you guys think. It isn't mine though.


Posted 27 April 2014 at 22:39 in reply to #458739 on Army of Two


Perhaps Vines of Vasteood?

Posted 27 April 2014 at 21:58 in reply to #458653 on Diseases can't be blocked!


Ok, I think that corrupted resolve might be better than dissolve in here, even though it doesn't have the scry, but it is cheaper to cast. Just my thoughts. :)

Posted 27 April 2014 at 21:55 in reply to #456810 on Diseases can't be blocked!


Actually, I have seen a landed deck on here. Really interesting one too. But for the most part... Yeah... Gotta have lands to do pretty much anything. As for suggestions... I have no clue. I need to look closer at the deck. I understand the concept here, but what are the main... "armies" in here?

Posted 27 April 2014 at 21:50 in reply to #458739 on Army of Two


Scent of ginger won't do any good here. You have to reveal trees cards. And lands are colorless. :(

Posted 27 April 2014 at 16:16 in reply to #458317 on A New Deck Type is Born


that is true. so it doesn't suck as bad as it could. :) the galaxy is pretty sweet. :)

Posted 27 April 2014 at 02:43 in reply to #458491 on defender deck


yeah, it sucks trying to upload a deck with a phone.

Posted 26 April 2014 at 23:20 in reply to #458491 on defender deck


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