
395 Decks, 3,488 Comments, 884 Reputation

raging river is awesome. effectively reducing the number of creatures able to block you by half is very useful.

Posted 08 April 2014 at 20:54 as a comment on Weirdest Cards in Magic!!!!!!


no, it isn't that it is too slow for me. :) I normally run combo decks that take some setup anyways. I was just curious if the goal was really to do the damage with lots of little creatures instead of drawing into something bigger. :( I am going to try and find something in standard that is better than tormented hero, for B or U to play. If I can't... then I can't. but, like I said before: this deck DOES look pretty fun to play with already. :)

perhaps blistercoil weird. it gets +1/+1 until end of turn, for every instant or sorcery that you play., and untaps.
or perhaps deathrite shaman. which you could only use half of, but it still would be useful, since you don't have to attack with it, AND it fits with all of the removal you have. or perhaps slitherhead. since if it dies then you can boost something else.
perhaps even judge's familiar would be more useful, as it going along with the removal/counter spell theme that you have.

I don't know. those are cards that I think would be good in here. I personally just don't like unleash, since it doesn't allow me to block. and having a creature with an ability that you can't make use of seems counter-intuitive, that's all. :)

Posted 08 April 2014 at 19:47 in reply to #453814 on Suicide Seers


yeah, I get that. but I think that his low cmc cards that don't draw either aren't really very good, or aren't being used in the right context. Rakdos cackler is less useful seeing as how it can't block if it is 2/2, and the tormented hero has no triggers at all, and so it is just a vanilla 2/1 for B. Aren't there better 1 cmc black or blue creatures for standard?

I guess the removal and hand disruption keeps really big threats off of the field, and allows you to swing with more little creatures, and having more of the draw engine cards out means that you lose more life but gain more when they attack... hm... :( I don't know. I normally really like smaller cheaper creatures, but there seems to very little here in the way of actual damage dealing ability.

Posted 07 April 2014 at 22:13 in reply to #453814 on Suicide Seers


This seems very interesting, but the draw seems almost pointless. You have no major cards to draw into really. The whip is good for gaining your life back after using the seers, but you have no way of dealing much actual damage. Tormented hero is cool, but you have no way to activate it. It seems like there could probably be better cards at that CMC.

don't take this the wrong way. I love the draw concept, and I am sure it works extremely well. It actually looks really fun to play with other than the lack of good damage dealers.

Posted 07 April 2014 at 21:42 as a comment on Suicide Seers


Emrakul is also an excellent anti-mill card as well.

Posted 07 April 2014 at 20:41 in reply to #453688 on Casual Thawing Glaciers


Oh and melira is good for cards like ichor rats or phyrexian vat mother, or phyrexian hydra. Do it makes those creatures more useful.

Posted 07 April 2014 at 01:05 in reply to #453500 on Green/Black Infect Deck.


You can add another counter to the blocked creature, and any other permenants and/or players already have counters on them.

It isn't limited to -1/-1 counters as either, it can be any kind of counter, as long as that permanent/player already has that kind of counter on it.

Posted 06 April 2014 at 23:54 in reply to #453500 on Green/Black Infect Deck.


Agreed. Dismember is invaluable for spot removal.

Posted 06 April 2014 at 21:30 in reply to #453500 on Green/Black Infect Deck.


I like the basic setup you have here, and mutagenic growth is a nasty card with infect. Festering wound is am interesting card Herr, and it feel a bit out of place at first. But there are a few cars that would be fantastic with it. Phyresis, or glistening oil both combo well with it.

another mechanic that goes well with infect is proliferate, there is an instant called grim affliction that puts a -1/-1 counter on target creature, and then proliferates. It is very useful.
the other thing that I would at least side board is Melira. Sylvok outcast. It prevents -1/-1 counters and poison counters from being used against you.

proliferate lets you choose any number of permanents and or players with counters on them, and hen add another counter of a kind that is already there.

Posted 06 April 2014 at 21:21 as a comment on Green/Black Infect Deck.


I would be happy to look at it. :)

Posted 06 April 2014 at 21:09 in reply to #453301 on How to: Build MtG deck


sweet, thanks. the blood artist was a good suggestion. :)

Posted 06 April 2014 at 20:17 in reply to #453429 on How to: Build MtG deck


Dang. I completely forgot about blood artist. I will swap deathgreeter for it. And yeah, perhaps dissolve for cancel, for the scry. Great suggestions. Thanks.

Posted 06 April 2014 at 19:38 in reply to #453433 on graveyard fun (help wanted)


Ok, this time I actually would like some help. I am trying to refine a deck that I put up here fairly recently, called graveyard fun. If anyone could take a look at it and help me make it faster, I would really appreciate it. Thanks in advance for any help given. :)

oh, and just for a good laugh, check out my Self Destructive Behavior deck too. :)

again, thanks for any input on how to improve. :)

Posted 06 April 2014 at 18:45 as a comment on How to: Build MtG deck


yup. that is very true. :) like I said, an excellent explanation for people who are still learning, or relearning things. well done.

Posted 06 April 2014 at 10:04 in reply to #453294 on How to: Build MtG deck


Sure, poison takes effect after you have dealt damage. you still lose life, and then get a poison counter. infect deals damage in the form of poison counters. so contagious nim attacks, and you get 2 poison counters, but no life loss.

however, infect also has another part to it. it deals damage to creatures in the form of -1/-1 counters, so it essentially has Wither as well. (in my opinion it is the most overpowered keyword ability ever.)

does that help at all?

Edit: sorry for the multi-post. stupid phone.

Posted 06 April 2014 at 09:18 in reply to #453301 on How to: Build MtG deck


On another note, stacking poison and infect works rather well. Since poison is triggered by doing the damage, and infect simply does damage in the form of poison counters, the are not redundant. Example. Putting snake cult intuition (which gives poison 3) on contagious nim, 2/2 means that it will deal 5 poison counters total.

Posted 06 April 2014 at 09:10 in reply to #453301 on How to: Build MtG deck


Lol. I know that. :). I was asking him which of those two situations he meant, because I wasn't sure which it was. But your explanation of the stack was very well put. :). I like that there are still people on here that really want to help people learn the game better. It makes me glad to know that I am part of an awesome community. You sir, are great. ??

Posted 06 April 2014 at 08:59 in reply to #453294 on How to: Build MtG deck


Ok, so... If the creature is a 2/5, and has stab wound, then gets lightning bolted and giant growthed, does the creature live or die? Is that the question? Or if is a 2/2 and gets stab wound, and then giant growth? Which one of those?

Posted 06 April 2014 at 07:15 in reply to #453294 on How to: Build MtG deck


ah, I see. that makes more sense.

Posted 05 April 2014 at 23:50 in reply to #453200 on diMyrr: Artof Mylling


Thanks. :) I think that your version is better overall though. way easier to set up. :)

Posted 05 April 2014 at 23:37 in reply to #453227 on thawing death


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