The deck seems to be able to attack and hurt in many different ways, but it doesn't look like it goes all the way. None of the cards really support one another. If the deck works for you, it works. But if you notice that it isn't finishing your opponent quick enough, or just not finishing your opponent, I'd suggest looking deeper at one of the many strategies you have going on here, and expanding on that.
Moonhold you don't need, but for right now it's fine. I think you need some more early game cards. Maybe throw in some 1-2 mana walls. I know you have the Bannerets and Daredevils, but by the looks of it, they don't fully cut it. If you draw enough of them each game, then fine. But maybe something to help defend while you build up your mana pool and such would help.
Parallel Evolution, Coat of Arms, Epic Struggle. Might interest you
Sorry, it's Squall Drifter**
Not enough tap cards man. Here's a list of decent tappers: Icy Manipulator Amber Prison Blinding Beam Trip Noose Blinding Mage Goldmeadow Harrier Scepter of Dominance Goldmeadow Lookout (masses Goldmeadow Harriers) Rathi Trapper Harrier Griffin Master Decoy Miveous Wisps Squall Dfiter Terashi's Cry Whipcorder Word of Binding Ivory Charm Lead Astray Yosei the Morning Star
I also have a Vampire Deck. It's mono black. I gotta agree with the other people, you need some earlier game cards. Check out my Vampire deck. I'm not trying to get people to look at it, but it uses some nice early game cards for a vampire deck. (Not all of them are vampires, but the deck wins most of its games.) Just something to give you an idea with what people are suggesting.
If you are using Seismic Assault as your win condition, then get 2 more of them, and get rid of most of the blue spells. You can do a nice cycle with trade Routes, Crucible of Worlds, and Seismic Assault. Discard for damage, then play it from your graveyard, then return it to your hand, and repeat. Of course you are limited to the amount of times you can do that a turn but it will work. I like the idea though.
This is actually really good! Most people go all 5 colors, but this is well done. Straightforward offensive play. I would suggest though toning down on the lands. Try 12 Mountains, 10 Swamps. You don't need swamps that much, unless you need to use the regenerate ability a lot. But if you do that, you have more room for 2 more Terminates and some more Blade Slivers, Magma Sliver (most important one I would say in this deck), and Battering Slivers. You don't need Firsts of the Demigod either. Not much of a help in this deck.
Might I suggest a different approach? Keep Rolling Stones, but add Doran, The Siege Tower. Now creatures fight with toughness, not power. Then, make the deck a 60 card deck, and add in cheap walls that have high toughness. Mob Mentality doesn't help you at all. It's for creatures that aren't walls.
It seems pretty fast. Only weakness is remove spells. Like: Counterspell Shock/Lightning Bolt Terror Also, Arcbound Slith is a good card if you find a way to get it to attack directly. Maybe Whispersilk Cloak?
Where are the Thallids?! You want to make it an effective saproling deck, most of your creatures should be Thallids man. Parallel Evolution, Epic Struggle, Coat of Arms, Doubling Season, and Thallids = Saproling deck. I see Saproling production cards ,but they aren't fast enough. Selesnya Guildmage's abilities are too expensive. 4 mana for a sap? Look up Thallid. Doubling Season not only will double the Spore counters on them, but the saps they make (you know that already). It will move much faster. Also, drop the white lol.
Not bad. There are some better elves out there: Elvish Soultiller Elvish Vanguard Wellwisher Heedless One
10 more cards? Also, I don't know if Inferno is a great idea for this deck. Add Kavu Monarchs, 1 more Flametongue, more Rooting Kavus, ditch 2 mountains and 2 forests for 3 more Shivan Oasis, Kavu Mauler (A MUST), Horned Kavu (a nice 3/4), maybe Raging Kavu, and Kavu Lair is a nice draw card. These are some ideas. Just try and go for 60 cards. I know Kavus like to set the controller back a bit with returning things to your hand, or having weird abilities, but that's what they do :D
You might want Gaea's Balance instead of Harrow. Otherwise it doesn't look too bad. I have always wanted to make a Honden deck, but I never knew how well it might work.
The deck needs some work. One of your issues is your lands. Your deck can't play any lands except Ancient Ziggurat and Archaeological Dig on turn 1. Even after that, every time you want to play a land, you have to return 1. You may not realize this but if you played one of the ravinica edition lands on turn 1, you have to return itself. Put different lands like Coastal Tower, Urborg Volcano, Salt Water Marsh, Blood Crypt, or City of Brass in. (Those are some examples. Shards of Alara have a lot of 3 mana lands and obelisks). If those are out of reach, just get basic lands. The signets and Mana Cylix will take care of any color you need. The creatures don't stack like the way you might think they do. Reading your description gave me the impression that you think the more multicolored creatures you have out, means they get more +1/+1 buffs. They don't. It says as long as you have another multicolored creature, this creature gets +1/+1. Not, this creature gets +1/+1 for every other multicolord creature you control. The signets are good. The creatures aren't bad, but they don't work the way you think.
The only problem I see is Aether Vial isn't needed, and I'm not sure about Coat of Arms. If this deck goes against another deck that uses 1 creature type, these little guys are going to have trouble. Bitterblossom seems to be your most important card in this deck, but I don't know if it flows so well with the rest. I would just play the deck a few times if you haven't already, and see if the deck's weakness is the creatures when it comes to being blocked. It doesn't feel like they will be able to kill many creatures until late game. You have all these 1/1's, but you need mroe than 1 Bitterblossom out and a Coat of Arms to actually bring the hurt.
oh, and the deck is kinda junky
I don't see how it's 0 Mana... lolz. I tried to make a 0 mana deck but all 0 mana cards are support cards.
Lolz. I know you're not making this deck for real, but what you have going on is confusing bro. Tip: When editing, press the X to remove the card from the list. Tip: If a card isn't a basic land, you can only have 4 of the same card. (You have 8 Ancient Ziggurats, limit is 4). The deck itself is "ok". Lots of flaws. Too slow. A deck that plays 2/2's on turn one will rip your face off.
I agree with charvitar. lands are unbalanced. Also, I'd suggest getting rid of Wolf Skull Shaman. There aren't enough elves/shamans in that deck to be effective. Howl of the Night Pack would be nice. Wolf Pack is nice too.
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