Gaea's Cradle is a great card but you only have 8 creatures with less than 3 CMC, so it isn't really that effective early game like it should be. So might I suggest you replace Priest of Titania with Vine Trellis and Overrun with Overgrown Battlement. With Vigor and most of these creatures having Trample already, Overrun isn't necessary. Besides, with the slow mana accel you had going on, you'd be stuck with either playing Overrun or a creature that turn instead of both.
Keening Stone vs. Millstone (you decide)
doesn't seem bad. a fair amount of variety, lots of tricks. You might want to add Hull Breach or Naturalize (Hull Breach is much better). Arena would be fun for this deck
Very nice work. Defenders ftw! Lightmine Field was a nice touch. Ajani Goldmage or Serra Avatar could be a nice addition (not needed though)
Impromptu Raid I think is a bad choice for this deck. Almost 1/2 of the creatures are for mana accel, and throwing down IR almost makes them useless (why ramp if you have a card in the deck that will play them earlier). You also would have a good chance of spending 3 mana to pull up a 1/1 that you'd have to sack. I think if you really want to use IR, replace them with more power hitters. What I think you should do is trade IR with a big guy like Thorn Elemental or Vigor. Unless I played this deck myself a bit, I wouldn't know if IR is that effective or not.
Might I suggest (instead of Harrow) Overgrown Battlement? You get that additional "mana" a turn sooner, a nice defender, no land to sack, and it gets better when you play another.
way to advertise....
I really like that idea. And it will help with getting the color mana I need.
Pyromancer Ascension might be better than Panoptic Mirror (up to you). Furnace of Wrath would be sweet if you want to add that. I think it might be important to add Pillage/Disenchant in the sideboard (or main deck if you don't play with a SB), just because players like to throw down cards that may shield their creatures or themselves, and that would hurt you completely if they did.
Just curious, why do you have Marsh Flats? Shouldn't that be a Plains/Forest find?
Well the impression was they are so big, that in just 2-3 attacks I'd win, so really I'd need only one of those 3 to get thrown down and I wouldn't have to search my library for another, but I see your point. I'll mix it up a bit more with other creatures (and I know I don't need to draw them, it was just to reduce the amount of my deck that I'd mill). Gaea's Blessing is a great suggestion. I was actually thinking about adding Blazing Archon, seemed effective.
Krosan Beast isn't worth it. Parallel Evolution or Echoing Truth maybe? Also, Nantuko Shrine isn't that great for this deck. Like sure, it gives you squirrels, but the problem is you have 6 spells (sorcery/instant), and the rest are permanents. Your graveyard isn't going to be full of that many cards unless you expect your most important cards (Deranged Hermit, Nut Collector, and Squirrel Mob) to be there often, which I doubt. It's not that it's a bad card, but how likely you'll be filling up your graveyard with cards is small. The meat of your losses will be tokens.
Counterspell > Cancel
"Constantly taps"? I don't see many cards that force your opponent to tap. Goldmeadow Harrier Ivory Charm Benalish Trapper Blinding Mage Lead Astray Master Decoy Squall Drifter Whipcorder Nomad Decoy Scepter of Dominance Ballynock Trapper Alaborn Cavalier Flanking Troops Seasoned Marshall etc.. These are some fair tap cards that are what you want to look into. Also, Lxodon Gatekeeper = AWESOME.
Whispersilk Cloak? Dance of Shadows? Cover of Darkness? Any of these would work well with Prowl. I don't know if you need Concentrate. Dream Salvage would work with Oona's Blackguard.
You're running a white/black deck, so for mana accel, you have few options. Dark Ritual, Cabal Ritual, Tithe, Gift of Estates, and Endless Horizons are decent.
Mirror Gallery maybe?
Put Archive Trap on the sideboard. Good card, but not always used. Is Echo Mage worth it? Can be useful, but you have to build him up, and that takes a few turns, and you should be hurting your opponent during that time Lord of Secrets is a bit too slow in my opinion. Takes way to long to play him. A 5/5 is nice with a mill ability, but too expensive if you want to kill your opponent. If you cut down those, you can cut down a few lands to even off at 60. oh, and at the time this was posted, total card count = 69 (lol) I like the work you've done.
Oh, and why do you have Disenchant?
Story Circle maybe? I'd replace Jalum Tome for Mesa Enchantress, or if you add green, Argothian Enchantress. Also, if you splash in some green you can get Sterling Grove to protect your enchantments as well as search for one if you need a certain color.
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