Ok the commas threw me off... I didn't understand how this deck was going to cost 40 thousand... For a burn deck, sure it'll get the job done
Yea Brooding Saurian doesn't seem flowing with the deck. Maybe adding Primal Growth, Overgrowth, or some other mana accel would help. You want to play these guys fast, and their abilities will cost you at the same time.
I like the idea. Very nice! My only concern is how often do you get Venomous Fang, and who do you equip Venom to? Your creatures aren't offensive (I consider the tapping abilities to be a passive approach) so it seems out of place. And Aether Vial? Why have 4? Why have them? You may like this combo: Sylvan Basilisk + Lure.
this is HeiroOJezuz btw
It's not bad. You have many options available to you for winning, but I think speed is what the deck lacks. Vampires don't come cheap, and a lot of cards are above 4 mana in this deck. See if you can get a hold of cards like Cabal Ritual, Dark Ritual, Cabal Coffers, and Magus of the Coffers. Keep the deck at 60 cards, 22 lands. I'd replace Murderous Spoils, Sadistic Sacrament, and Skeletal Vampire. They aren't bad cards, but they don't flow with the deck. To make a deck work effeciently, you want cards that work together and have a purpose. Murderous Spoils is too expensive and the Equipment part is too specific to have happen often. Sadistic Sacrament doesn't do anything but annoy your opponent, which isn't bad but this deck doesn't benefit for exile those cards (and it's 10 mana). Skeletal Vampire is good to use to feed other creatures like Vampire Aristocrat, but you don't have those kinds of cards. Just add a few more lands, some mana accel, and keep the number at 60. I'd make a few other changes but the fact that the deck has multiple win options is important. P.S. Just say that your deck is Finished (the option in the upper right side of the screen). It's the only way it will show up on the main screen as a new deck.
I don't see it as very controlling. Defensive, maybe, but not controlling. Counterspell? Capsize? Boomerang? Those are controlling. I have a blue/red control deck, and I love it. Works well in 2v1. If you want to take a look, here's the link: http://mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=21786 I'd say you need more "controlling" cards if you want this deck to live up to its name.
You don't need Coat of Arms. Sigil Captain + Tundra Wolves + Raging Goblins you should take out. It's not that strong of a combo in this deck to have. The rest I'd say isn't bad. You got strong rhinos that will get nice buffs and can stand on their own. Maybe Rampant Growths and Dual Lands to speed up the process since rhinos take a few turns to dish out.
How does megrim help? Some decks probably will play fast enough to not have to discard their hand
You need Reckless One and Siege-Gang Commanders. Also, if you roll a Mystic Compass in there, your goblins' mountainwalk will be more effective. Goblin War Strike is good as well. You don't need the Shocks, Lightning Bolts, Seal of Fires, or Goblin Bomb. Goblins are meant to be played fast. Keeping those will slow you down, and, if you add Mystic Compass, they can't block you anyways and then there is no need to burn their creatures.
So what do you plan on doing before turn 4? And when turn 4 comes, how many of those cards do you plan on playing a turn? I know what your working at, just get some smaller cards to take some hits for you. Otherwise, you're dead before you actual play something besides a land.
you got some nice angels but they are late game cards. You need smaller cards that will let you block for awhile so Luminarch Ascension will work and things to throw in the graveyard to have threshold. Cryptic Gateway might be nice to have if you put in small angels (if there are some). Angels are awesome, you just need to find some combos that will let you play em fast.
try and fit the Doubling Season in your deck (4 if you can). Plus, Parallel Evolution is a nice token doubler. Also, there's a cheaper costing Thallid than Sporesower Thallid. It isn't a 4/4 but at least you can get the saps out faster. I forget its name but its green.
your not allowed to have a sideboard for the challenge. just though i'd give you a heads up
btw, ask these kind of questions in the forum or on a website like yahoo answers.
Cheap cards.... Well Cardkingdom is most known, but they are extremely expensive in comparison to other websites I use: www.smedlock.com www.magicinferno.com Magic Inferno is a new website, and the prices are REALLY low. Smedlock has been around a long time and they are not as cheap but have more in stock. Both give freee shipping if you purchase over a certain price.
so you don't plan on winning?
Nice combos.
Ditto. My first deck was a green deck that had random beasts, wurms, elves, and instants/sorceries. Now, it's this deck: http://www.mtgvault.com/ViewDeck.aspx?DeckID=21739
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